I am curious to hear the stories of people getting busted in middle school - that magical time where you are just discovering the opposite sex, a lot of the girls are bigger and stronger than boys, and where most of us first experienced busting.  Here's my story - please share yours.

Back in middle school, this girl named Becky started a fight with me.  We were lined up to leave for the day, and I'm not sure how we got on the subject, but she informed me that she could "waste" me (i.e. kick my ass).  I laughed in her face a little bit, but she wasn't laughing.  After the bell rang, I was walking down the hall toward my locker.  Becky came up behind me and knocked the books out of my hand. I turned around and there she was. She shoved me back against the lockers, and everyone was like "fight, fight, fight!"  Before I knew it, it was a fight.  Neither of us really knew how to fight, so we just stood toe to toe and traded punches. I hate to admit it, but her punches really hurt; my head was ringing.  I was hoping I was hurting her too, but I couldn't tell.  I decided the best thing to do was wrestle her down to the ground (I was a huge WWF fan at the time).  As we were tussling, she nailed me with a knee in the balls.* Three thoughts flashed through my head in the instant before the pain really set in: a) this is going to hurt so bad; b) the unthinkable is happening, I am going to get beat up by a girl; and c) I need to "Hulk out" (i.e. get mad & teach her a lesson).  Then the pain hit, and I fell to the ground holding my balls.  She got right on top of me and sort of pinned me to the ground in a headlock and kept punching me in the face with her other hand. Everyone was laughing their a**es off at me. I heard someone ask who the boy was that was getting beat up by a girl; then I heard my name and knew my rep was ruined.


*a little about the shot.  I did not see it coming, but I am pretty sure it was a knee because of the close range and how it felt. Also, my legs must have been kind of spread for balance because I did not feel her knee so much as brush either thigh.  Just a sharp, unobstructed shot into my balls. 


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Middle school years, I assume you're referring to ages 11 to 13 (6th to 8th grade). I had two busts myself during those years. Only one occurred at school...I was fooling around on the playing around during recess (seems to be a common busting ground) with one of my friends. My friend tried to drag me over to push me down in the muddy part of the baseball field (home plate area),  but I was able to give him a solid uppercut to his balls to stop him from throwing me into the mud. He fell to his knees as I ran out of reach and then started laughing at him on the ground. Everyone started laughing at him both boys and girls. He looked so red and embarrassed and actually smiled a little too. This was during the 7th grade...we were both 12 years old.

I guess I started just a hair earlier at age 10, but thats true, it seemed more of an age of discovery and what a discovery it was for us all i would say.

My childhood busts happened to me in primary school and high school.  But during middle school I definitely saw a lot of BB.  I used to have to go home at lunch so sadly I missed out on a lot of the fun, but often during lunch hours the boys and girls would play 'keep away' and when I came back for afternoon classes inevitably some guy would be bright red, blushing giddily in pain, and our home room teacher would be eyeing the class with suspicion.


My first HARD hit was in middle school (6th grade). A girl in my class swung an underarm punch directly into my balls from behind with incredible force. It's my most memorable bust in my profile if you want to read more.

I later found out that she hit me because her and her friends were curious what it would be like to hit a boy really hard (at that time the girls were only sac tapping boys, but loved doing it). And lucky me, I just happened to be the first boy in site once they had the idea to really hurt someone’s balls and "see what happened". After she put me down the girls just stood over me laughing.

I hated those girls for doing that to me at the time, but now I look back at it and laugh (and it seems kinda hot how). It's funny to think that 4-5 young girls learned about ballbusting that day by seeing me squirm around on the ground holding my balls in pain. Although it was involuntary, I did my part to teach women’s self-defense, LOL

I would love to see this thread get some more attention. I was not technically busted during middle school, but I was busted many times by different girls in grade school. I'm going to say.... At least seven different girls, and most of them multiple times. It was amazing.

One of the girls kicked me in the balls every single day at recess for, I believe, the entirety of second grade. Oh man I hope she is still busting balls out there. She was a true natural.



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