Hello everyone, my name is Melinda. I have been into "Ball-busting" for almost ten years, I didn't know it was an actual fetish, or had a name to it. I am glad I stumbled across this website. I am married and yes I do bust him a lot ;) So if you can't catch me online, please come here. Or you can message me If you like.

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I was just curious, because for so many people it seems that the humiliation is so much of a part of the thrill, and I can't help but wonder if it would cause the "scene" to continue into the rest of their life, causing issues.. 

My wife also has great love and respect for me, and I sometimes think this is why she's reluctant. I mean, you can tell she has a part of her that enjoys it, but she doesn't want to hurt ME, you know? I've seen plenty of relationships where a couple tries stuff, and they end up getting carried away, and messing up things in their life, and separating. Classic case would be swinging, so many I've heard of that end up getting all hurt by it, and leaving. Cuckold, I can't help but think any relationship like that would be doomed eventually. Makes me wonder if my wife ever lets go of the inhibition, that she might lose her respect and love for me. And, I don't want that. It's a kind of scary thing. I mean, you brought it in, and he could have said "no way", and threatened to leave you if you kept it up.. Men risk being viewed as a strange person, wife losing respect, etc.. So far, she's slowly taking to it. But, she just won't punch, or kick me at all.. I can tell she kind of likes the idea (If i am reading her expressions right) but that she reserves that for men she has contempt for, and doesn't want to cross that line? I don't know.. I also don't want a robot who just does this because I tell her to, I want her to enjoy herself.. I ask these questions trying to see how a woman thinks, hoping at least some of it may apply to my situation, without totally generalizing, as I know each woman is different, just like all men are, but have certain mental similarities, along with physical.. 

I definitely see where your concern is. The fact that she doesn't want to hurt you is a good thintrust me, and the fact that she struggles with that means she really loves you. The only advice I can give really is to just be honest with her, don't push her to much, and don't try to manipulate her into doing it. Does she know you enjoy it, does she know why? Remember it has to more or less about her not you, and I am not saying that to be mean. I didn't loose respect for my husband, I actually gaind more respect for him. He gives me the opportunity that the average person doesn't get all the time. To control and dominate without restraint, it's something that you have to respect. In the end it comes down to the looks he gives me, when he stairs up at me, I feel like a goddess in his eyes.

She does know I like it, and I get the feeling she enjoys it as well. I think she understands, because she also likes me to be abit "rough" with her as well, and I at times have also held back when she's wanted me to be rougher, because I don't want to damage her, so it's probably a mutual thing, LOL.. 

Walking that thin line between the overwhelming urge, and caring enough about each other to not let it take over.. 

Strangely enough, we both feel awkward talking about this when not actually being sexual, and at that point conversation is, well, limited, lol.. I know this all sounds goofy, but that's how it is.. I have a hard time just like sitting down with her, and saying I wanna be kicked, etc, she just kinda gets the hint while we are at it, and I kinda get it when she's wanting me to do certain stuff to her as well, and yet, we have a hard time talking about it when we aren't, but we are working on that. Seems crazy, since we've been married more than 10 years, and talk about pretty much everything with each other.. Any time I've asked her to tell me her fantasy about how things would go, she just says I blow her away all the time, and I AM her biggest fantasy, which doesn't help me figure out what she likes more or less when not actually in the act.. 

I've been working up the nerve to show her a video of Katkat kicking her guy Joe (of all the vids out there, I like their style best), or some such, but am reluctant because even though fully clothed, many women take a guy showing them a sexual video as though she's not good enough, or that he wants her to behave like this other woman, or that he's fantasizing about being with this other woman instead, and that usually ends up making her feel bad, unloved, etc, and I totally don't want that, what I wanted to show was the fact that other people do this, it isn't all that odd.. 

Why is it so hard to talk about this stuff? LOL.. 

Ok I am going to put this in the most crudest way that I can think of, so couple with the sex talking problems have something to think about. You are sticking your most personal engorged organ that is attached to you, literally INSIDE another human being, it doesn't get anymore personal then that. So talking about it should be trivial in any case. The things you can learn from one another buy talking about will shok you. As far as her fantasy goes, she probably has one, most woman do, unfortunately if it's a little naughty or not the norm then most of us will take it to the grave. I just don't see the point of not doing these things if your married, my philosophy is you don't live forever, so experience as much as you can.

Hey Melinda!

Reading a few of the more recent answers, it's very clear you only bust your husband in private (which makes sense and sounds fine by me) so of course you make the most of it when you can. Do you ever try and cancel other plans/guests, just to have the house to yourself? (for busting, haha). And does it excite you knowing that there is a high chance you'd have the house to yourself that night? Also curious if your hubby shares the excitement, or whether he's a bit more hesitant. ;) hahaha.

Finally, do you pre-plan in your head, the multiple ways you're going to hurt his testes, or do you sort of spontaneously make it up as you go, and "go with the flow" once the session starts? 

Oh have I lol. I have called off plans when everybody leaves the house. Especially if I know everyone is going to be gone for awhile. I get really exited almost antsy thinking about it, hubby is the same but his also carries a tone of fear. I'm always pre-planing the multiple ways I'm gong to hurt him. I usally have a pretty good idea what I have planed to do to him. dont get me wrong, it doesn't mean I don't spontaneously wreak his world, those are actually some of the more brutal ball baiting I have dished out. I tend to be more methodical sometimes when I am hurting my man.

Haha, I can imagine you booking an entire weekend just to stay home. :P "Sorry we have plans" lol.

Interesting you mix the methodical ways with the spontaneous busts. I think a bit of variety goes a long way. Out of interest, what are some of your favourite methods, that you plan out? I know using the ties is one of them.

Have you ever been so distracted by thinking about this? Like say you're at work, and you'll be busting him that night, but you can't think straight coz you keep thinking how you're going to bust him? Haha. Thanks for the answers. :)

Hey Melinda, just a quick question.

Do you own a pair of shoes similar to your display pic? Or is that something you'd like/a sexy but intimidating image for the forum, hehehe.

Just looking at it makes me think you probably don't have to kick very hard to cause a lot of pain. Made even worse if he's naked, haha.

Dear Andy,

I do own a pair of shoes like that, but they are red with black spikes. Weather I have used them or not is anyone's guess ;) I can say if any ladies do decide to use a pair like these, you better be ok with the thought of blood, because it WILL get Everywhere.

0_0  Blood?  I should have kept that cup avatar, haha.

Hey Melinda, thanks for answering!

And wow yikes, I'm guessing you have used them before? And I always imagined metal studs to bare balls would leave a dint, but I didn't imagine they'd be sharp! I feel like you have a story brewing, but maybe you're saving it for later? Haha. 

By the way, what are some of your favourite pairs of shoes, and why? ie. because they are sexy/look good, they have a wide foot for kicking balls etc. Also if you like, you don't have to send pictures, but maybe just link an image from Google of a similar pair (of shoes I mean, lol).

Thanks for answering, and when ever you're shoe shopping, you bring new meaning to "trying the shoes" haha. :P

The studs are pointy but they aren't super sharp. They WILL draw blood though. The wounds are mostly superficial but blood has a tendency to splatter all over the place. There is definitely a story there, but one I am saving for later. Stories like that can leave people feeling really uncomfortable especially when there is blood involved. As for shoes I have far to many to count.


This are examples of types of shoes I like busting with. The boots are pretty close to what I have, high heels range in colors, though I have more red then any thing. The pink converse is exactly what I have. I got them for born reasons, they are sexy and they hurt. If your going to be pulverizing balls then what's wrong with looking good while your doing it.



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