Hello everyone, my name is Melinda. I have been into "Ball-busting" for almost ten years, I didn't know it was an actual fetish, or had a name to it. I am glad I stumbled across this website. I am married and yes I do bust him a lot ;) So if you can't catch me online, please come here. Or you can message me If you like.

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That is really hot!

Would you ever bust anyone other than your husband
Of course I would, if it was called for. I am all for kicking a man in his nuts if he deserves it, which can be any fe asible reason. The kind of busting that is done to my husband is special, it's intimate, and very personal.
I am always for ball kicking ;) if another man wanted me to kick him, yes I would. It could be hazardous to your balls though lol, I don't hold back. Seriously though, You have to be able to take some real punishment. Some men tend to bite off more then they can chew.
What do you consider to be real punishment?
Kicking you in nuts is real punishment, repeatedly and hard. A man can Only take so many hits in the junk, and I will always push past your limit. You got be willing to let me hurt you, even if it scares you ;)

Hi Melinda, I like the fact that you love doing ballbusting for fun.
Would you suggest to another woman (some friend of you) to try ballbusting as fun?
If a girl who never tried it would ask you some advice, What would you tell her?

I wouldn't just suggest it, I would recommend it. ;) as long she had an open mind it. The best advice I can give is don't be afraid to enjoy hurting him, and remember that ball busting is just as much mental as it is physical, what you say, how you say it, and how you do it. Have fun with it. If she was nervous I'd tell her To start soft and increase it when she is comfortable. It's the thought of harming someone that holds most women back.

Wow! What you say is really interesting.... thank you Melissa....

But I'm very curious, now....

Can you define better what did you mean for: "don't be afraid to enjoy hurting him"....?

Perhaps do you think that it's right that a girl hurts to a male? and so that she should enjoy doing it?

Or maybe you wanted mean that it isn't so easy hurting him, so: "don't care about..."...?

I agree with you that ballbusting is just as much mental as it is phisical.....

Can you show here what to say it and HOW to say it?

I wouldn't say it isn't easy to hurt him , it's extremely easy. I wouldn't say don't care about hurting him either though, I have busted my husband pretty hard, hard enoguh to leave bruises. I do feel concern for him when I go too hard on him, but it doesn't mean I am going to go easy on him the next time.
I'm not sure how to define it better, why would I want to kick a man in he balls repeately if not to hurt him as much as possible? There would be no point. Don't be afraid to hurt him , to make him cry, or whimper and beg. It made me feel sick when I busted my husband out of anger, because I enjoyed it immensely but it made me feel bad for enjoying it. We all have dark sides, we just don't get to act on them, most of it stays in the realm of fantasy. I leaned that it wasn't bad, to feel this way and I am lucky enough to have a man that is willing to endure however much pain for my pleasure. To be allowed to let the dominate cold hearted bitch with no mercy out to play is exhilarating. Is it right to want hurt a man like that ? Personal I think yes, I think all men should experience that kind of pain at least once. Let them know that they aren't invincible, and not as mighty as they tend to think they are.

What to say and how to say it easy, example: my husband is a man and occasionally will check out other woman, which i don't really care, he is man after all. I am still going make him regret it though.When I want to bust him I will bring it up while my hands are squeezing his balls, what he thought of her, if she was attractive, pretty much make him spill the beans so to speak. Then I let him know that his balls are going to be busted and how bad I want to hurt him for it. It's all about what you say. The physical part just reenforces the mental. So before I bust his balls good I will ask if it was worth having his balls broken for. That is just one example. I use the concept of his manhood against him. I can squeeze his balls any time of the day, but why would I just squeeze them, when I can also make him give me a reason for letting him keep his balls. Him coming up with a good reason why his balls are being crushed is highly entertaining. It's about taking away all his power, and the only choice he has are the ones you give him. Making sure the man is aware his manhood is on the line and in danger, turns a simple bust into a terrifying and erotic experience. Sorry I there are typos, I'm on a phone :)

Wow, great interview and profile! You  really embody what is so powerful and sexy about ballbusting.

Any advice as to how to get my wife hooked on bb? She just doesn't seem to get high on the power the way you do. Do you think some girls just don't have it in them?

I don't think you can really make someone get Hooked on it, not unless they want to on some level. I mean has she tried it? Did she like it? Was she nervous or uncomfortable? The only advice I could give is to make her comfortable, and make it more about her and less about you. She has to be getting something out it as well. It's possible some woman don't just have it in them, but I don't believe it. I don't know if most woman get high on the power the way I do lol. That takes a special crazy ;) I drown in it, let it take over my entire body, let it consume me. I get lost in it, and when I hit my peak, I just float their. It makes me tremble, quickens my breath, and makes my heart beat so hard and so fast, I swear I can feel the blood pumping threw me. My husband told me that the look I get in my eyes chills his spine but excites him.



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