I am working really hard in my spare time to make the site and your experience on the site better. I added a really cool feature so that you all can locate and connect with people from your country. Its especially helpful to people who do not speak English very well. So make sure to tell others on this site to visit this link. Look down below and link to your native country's flag.

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there iis no philippines here
I made it already :)
also i want turkey
I made it already :)
Actually, I've met many ballbusters online from the Philippines, I agree, there should be one for you.
I made it already :)
Make Macao here
theres no irish flag !
I know you've already done quite a bit for USA, but is Raleigh, NC on the list?
can you make chile appear in the list of countries?
south east texas and looking
This is the most user-friendly social site I've ever been on.  There will have to be adjustments made as it grows (and it will) but right now it's perfect.  I'm hooked.



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