I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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1) I'm not sure what made me more confident in ball busting, I assume this could have been something subconscious that just switched on. I have accepted the fact that I have a fetish, but that wasn't hard to do and was actually something that happened quickly. Once you know you have a ball busting fetish, busts will also happen much more often since you look for opportunities. I've also become more confident as a member since joining about 2.5 years ago. In the beginning i was very shy. I even had one of the girls post a forum for me because i was uncomfortable doing it myself. Look at me now i have an interview and I'm answering questions.

2) No, clothing doesn't matter, pants, jeans, shorts and swim trunks, oh and a nude husband once in a while. I haven't hit anyone while in formal attire yet other then business casual. I don't think it's the clothing, i think it's more the mood or the situation that creates the mood.

From your first answer - you mention being more confident in BB now and you've commented that you're more active in this decade then any time before.  Do you think it's different for you now then if you'd found a site like this say 20 years ago (I know, internet was way diff back then, just go with me on this one.. heh)?  Do you think you coulda had more fun with it if you'd gotten into it more then, or do you like having found it now?

To your second answer - you say it's more the situation that creates the mood.  Is there a best situation for a good bust in your mind?  Or something that makes it more fun?


Definitely, i think this site has a lot to do with my being much more confident with bb. I'm not sure if this site was around 20 years ago, i would have looked for it, I did have an initial interest that set me to search this topic in the first place. I don't think my age has anything to do with my quality of fun, I'm sure i would of had as much fun then as i do now.

I don't know which situations make it better, it's tough to actually figure out, I'm usually just happy after the fact.

I read that you often played with both friends and husband. what was it for everybody you, such a game or what? and have you ever did some competition between the males, for your pleasure?

yes, i am very playful with ball busting on my husband and two other friends a few times a year. This has been done on the same day, but not at the same moment. It's never a game, it's always just one hit and it's over, I may like it and find some pleasure, but they seem to not like as much as i do.

I doubt we'll ever engage in a competition like the one you suggested. Maybe I might put myself in competition with myself to see if i can get all 3 in one day, but thats about the extent of games with t he three.

have you ever fantasize to play whit a guy who love balbusting?
what do you think if a man would ask you to be ballbusted just for fun?

Not really fantasize, but i wondered how it would be to have a busting partner, someone i could bust a couple of times a month.

The second question is hard to answer, I'd wonder and be very suspicious if some guy just out of the blue came up to me and asked to be kicked in the nuts for the fun of it. It just seems too easy.

Hey Suzy! I am glad you decided to start an interview.  Its been fun to follow so far.  I have a question....how do you feel between the time you have decided to deliver a kick and the moment you actually deliver the kick?  like do you get a euphoric feeling of anticipatory anxiety knowing you are about to drop a guy?

you mean between the moment i know "I'm hitting him in the balls" to the actual strike on the balls? I have a lot of different feeling and thoughts going through my mind and body.Something like "I'm doing it again", "lets see if i can hit him" , i also wonder how much it hurts, i do get excited and anxious that I'm about to hit him in a private area. This is a very brief moment so you get a lot things going on in the fraction of a second to maybe just a few seconds at most, but it's exhilarating.

A bit of a piggyback on Anthony's question: Do you ever plan out your hits (I don't mean anything elaborate - even as simple as 'oh, i bet i can get him when hes out of the shower...' or whatever) or are they totally spur-of-the-moment?  If you did think of it before hand, what was the hit like?  :)

Most of my busts are a quick thought of the moment and then an action, but there are some that have been planned out longer the just a quick thought and done. None of those were very elaborate and might have been brewing as an idea for no more then 10 minutes to an hour (maybe).

It's always cool when a woman plans them out in advance, even if its not elaborate.  Would you mind sharing some of those experiences with us? 



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