I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Jock strap session:
Hi Suzy. As you requested, I'll ask some of the things I sent you in a private message here on your interview.
Question 1
When your buddy had his jock strap on, was his dick pointed upward and out of the way of his balls, therefore giving you a better target with nothing hanging in the way? When one of my ex's would bust me with a jock strap on, she liked that she could keep my dick upward and out of the way with the thick elastic band at the top.
Question 2
Did you like the appearance/reaction/movement of his balls all bunched up when you kicked them in the jock strap? Did they kinda bounce and jiggle like jello. OR do you prefer them loose and naked when they bounce all over the place? Which is more exciting to you?
Glad you had fun Suzy. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Question 1) Yes, he had his dick pinned out of the way, he was very very very excited.

Question 2) yes, it was something very different, i was very excited with the new toy. No, the balls seems more firm to me in the JS, i didn't see a jiggle. This is new, i can't make a judgement like that...but i also like how a humid 90 F degree day has an effect on their sac too.

Question 1.
Oh, I can only imagine how excited he was! It must have been very exciting for you to see and very, very, very exciting for you to know how excied he was for you to rack his balls and hurt them!

Question 2
Oh yes, heat and humidity can make quite a visual effect on a pair of big heavy balls. I'm sure it was an impressive and exciting sight for you to see....and then kick!

Yes, it was exciting because it was like playing with a new toy on Hanukkah :) And in the heat and humidity, my bbb look like a nice pair of ripe fruit. When i walk through the produce isle of my store and see the nice, ripe plum tomatoes, i think of them.

Very sexy! I bet you think of them often! ;)

actually yes, i do : )

@ Johnny BB Goode,

With reference to you seeing he was excited; did that at all seem take away from the use of the jock strap? I can recall being in the same situation with my ex that liked the jock strap. Getting overly excited, so to speak, always pushed the jock strap outward and away from my balls, which left then sort of unbound by the jock strap.

Like you two did, we always seemed to move to no jock strap and free hanging. LOL

I'm not sure what you mean by this question, all i know is, I was very excited to do something different.

@ Johnny BB Goode,

Feeling them being a lot more firm...does that feel nice for you? More exciting?

it was very new, so i was very excited to do it.

@ Tenderboy,

That sounds really fun, all of it.  I'm glad you had such a good time.

I know you only go about medium strength and yet you still dropped him three or four times!  That is impressive.  No wonder you're good at seriously dropping other (jerk) guys when you go 9.x/10 on them.  :)

That must be exciting for your BB buddies too, knowing you have those skills.  I can see why they would say they feel vulnerable (partly the jock strap, but also partly because you're just good at busting their balls and you could go a lot harder if you wanted to, but you are just choosing not to).  And yet they're also excited to play with you too, so it's fun for everyone.

Really? i figure the medium hit's add up, that seems to be the case with my guys. About 5 to 10 minutes in, they're taking their first dive down to the floor and sometimes it's in even less time. they come back because of the respect I have foe them and they really seem to like bb too.

About how many kicks (or knees) do you deliver in those 5 minutes before he drops to the floor, on average?

Yes it's obvious that you respect and take care of your friends.  You want their balls to be in pain because it's fun, but you make sure that they are OK.  That is awesome.  :)

I am sure they return your respect, knowing that you are a responsible friend and also knowing your skills.  They have experienced how well you can bust them and they know you could go a lot harder if you wanted to.  That is sexy.

 It starts out with about a minute of squeezing...off and on. Then I go one with the knees and kicks. I start out slow and increase up to the 5 level so he's taking quite a few hits before that first drop.

Oh you're definitely working them over good.  No wonder they go down in about 5 min, even though you are only going medium strength. 

One thing I've noticed is that if you reverse it -- and you kick or knee first and then squeeze... then OMG the squeeze is just unbelievably painful and controlling.  It's empowering for the woman and total gasping paralyzed desperation for the guy.



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