I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Suzy, for you, which feels more important for your personal satisfaction after a good bust?

Is it being able to physically and sexually control a guy with a kick (or knee or punch) to his balls that drops him to the ground helpless, or

Making him feel emasculated and put in his place?

Or are both important to you?

And does the answer change depending on who you are busting?

wow, both are such arousing thoughts, it's definitely both in all situations.

That is awesome.  :)

I was wondering if the desire to emasculate and put a guy in his place would also apply to your bb buddies since they are friends, and you're purposely going a little easy on them, but clearly it does.  That is sexy.

I guess anyway you do it, BB is going to emasculate the guy, fun or not for fun.

You are right.  Any good bust to the balls is going to make the guy feel at least a little bit emasculated (and sometimes a lot).

I guess what varies is how that emasculation feels for both the guy and girl.  If it's a friendly bust then it's kind of fun and funny.  If it's a hard bust to a deserving jerk, then the intent is to really put him in his place.  The kick humbles his ego as much as it hurts his testicles and both things are desired outcomes.

Probably why public bb really appeals to me.

@ Johnny BB Goode

I completely agree Suzy, kicks are MUCH more feminine and therefore MUCH more sexy in high heels. I had a buddy that really liked to dress up in sexy clothes for work and nearly all occasions. She always looked very sexy and feminine this way. She also preferred to do her ball kicking this way, despite the awkwardness of kicking in them. Even if her kicks were half as hard in heels she knew that eventually she would achieve her goal of my complete inability to take any more. In the end, it made our sessions more sexy and last much longer.
Well as I hear from everyone here, it doesn't take much and like your friend, i love the feminine image as i do it in heels.

You've mentioned that when you kick and knee your BB buddies, you don't use your full strength anyway, so any slight softening of the pain that might happen when wearing heels (compared to barefoot) is probably something that works for you  since you're not trying to maximize the pain.

So if you feel sexy wearing heels when you bust... I say more power to you!  I am sure you look and are sexy in your heels, yet fully capable of kicking balls good and hard and sending guys happily but helplessly down to their knees.  That is awesome.  :)

Side note: it's always a little intimidating (but in a good way) for us guys when a woman is talking about kicking a guy in the balls and says, "It doesn't take much."  That you know how easy it is...

I think I'm getting better with my heels and i think the sessions are helping me with that.

I love that the practice is improving your skill.  That is so great.

And as a guy, it's also a little intimidating that you are getting even better at kicking testicles, especially with your heels on.  

My balls hurt just thinking about it!  :)

But what you're doing is so awesome.  I love your style.

With heels on, are you getting better with accuracy, or power, or both when you kick?

Really just everything...accuracy, balance and power and actually more confidence also. 

That is fantastic, especially about your confidence.

In a purely physical sense, I think many (most?) women are capable of being good at busting balls.  Women's legs are strong, and as you've said, all girls know that testicles are a really good target.

So it's more about being confident, knowing you can do it effectively.  You have.  And from those experiences you learned you are more than capable of dropping a guy when you want to. 

Even in heels!  That's confidence, and it's great, and also very sexy.  

The confidence women get from busting is one of the best things about what we do, I think.



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