A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Continuing with the same two people from my first story. As always, glad to get any feedback so I know what is and (more importantly) what isn't working. I know these are getting long, so I hope that's not a problem. I reviewed to see how/where I could compress it but without too much luck. Ah well. Enjoy!
*Ding ding ding ding*
"Shuddup car. I didn't ask you," I say to it as I take the key out of the ignition and get out of the car. I take my karate bag out of the backseat and head on inside.
Once in, I find my friend and roommate Lauren in the kitchen causing a disaster. I walk past the dining room area of our little basement apartment and she she's gotten to work trying to create another pizza. There is flour everywhere; I see it all over the counter, some spilled on the floor, some on her apron and even a light mist hanging in the air over the counter. The place is quite warm which would indicate the oven is already on. There is also a small pan of sauce simmering on the stove which she is in the middle of stirring.
"Are you winning, or is it?"
"I'm not sure yet," she replies while stirring the sauce. "You got back quicker then usual. Didn't even bother to change I see."
"Nah, I wanted to get back for front row seats," I say as I drop my karate bag by the couch and pull a chair up to the counter. "Looks like I missed the main event though."
She holds up the wooden spoon she was stirring with and says with a playful smirk, "You better be nice. I'll bet this spoon is still wide enough to get both nuts, ya know."
I smile back at her. "Go ahead. As you mentioned, I still have my karate stuff on, which means I've got a cup."
"Oh. That's a shame," she says as she fakes a frown.
She starts stirring a little more and looks at me a little hesitantly.
"I've gotta ask. Do they really help alot?"
"What? A cup? Certainly. Not totally, but enough to make it worth it."
"I'm guessing you've been hit with it on?" she asks as she turns the stove off and sets the spoon in the sink.
"Yeah, plenty."
"Ever badly?"
"Not much. It's an unlikely combination of force and angle that would make a hit enough to drop me while wearing it. It has happened a couple of times though."
She starts to pour the sauce onto the pizza dough and spread it around evenly. The flour cloud has settled I also notice.
"What does it feel like?" she asks as she goes to the fridge and takes out a container of meatball slices and package of cheese.
I watch as she starts spreading the cheese all over the sauce.
"Well, you certainly feel the impact. Usually that's about all though. They can get knocked a bit if the hit is from underneath though, and that'll most certainly be felt."
She finishes with the cheese and opens up the container of meatballs. Before she even takes one out I quickly snatch one and pop it into my mouth.
"Hey!" she yelps. "Don't make me come around and test your cup for you," she threatens as she covers the container.
As I smile at her I simply say "If you want..."
"Wait, what?" she stutters out. "Hah. Really?"
"Sure why not?"
"Well, okay. I just need to get these on then can put the pizza in the oven," she says a little to happily.
I sit and watch her place all the meatball slices on the pizza in a nice little spiral. She takes the empty container and drops it in the sink. She picks up a pot holder, takes the pizza and slides it on the stone in the oven. Once the oven is closed again she hands me a sponge.
"Here. Help me clean the counter and we can get to it quicker."
"Get to it? You make it sound like sex."
"Oh lord," she says while laughing.
I stand up to get better reach and start wiping down the counter for her. She put the sauce pot in the sink and rinses it out. As her back is to me I see she has on a red tanktop and blue bra underneath it.
"Hey, Lauren?"
"I wasn't sure it was you, sorry."
"Not me?"
"Well, you're wearing a bra. It confused me."
At this she turns to fully look at me and gives me a stern look while saying "You really want me to test the limits of that cup don't you?"
I simply smile innocently at her and she turns back around and starts to untie the apron around her neck. I toss the towel by her and into the sink as she finishes moving one last dish into the sink. She comes to the other side of the counter and stands just infront of me. She's wearing a nice pair of jeans which look quite fitting as it's not leaving much of her figure to the imagination. I smile to myself when I think that after swimming last month I don't need to imagine anymore! I take a quick look to her feet to see if she has shoes. She does, but they look fairly light weight. That might help a bit if she tries to kick.
"So, you're really going to let me try this?" she asks a little hesitantly again.
"Yeah. But lets move over there," I suggest pointing to the carpet. "That way if you do end up dropping me I'll have something soft to lay on."
She laughs and agrees. I motion her toward the carpeted area of the floor so she's in front of me. I take the moment to check out her ass in the jeans. Sure I live with her, but I might as well take any chance I get! Once on the carpet she turns to face me again.
"So, do I just go for it?"
"Yeah, try what ev..." I start to say before she drops down slightly and slams her fist forward into my cup. The end of her strike is punctuated by a *clunk* and a loud yelp!
"Ouch!" she cries out. "Fucker! That actually hurt my hand."
I can't even comment due to laughter. With all her eagerness to try to get better of me, her plan ends up backfiring. She's even laughing at this point while shaking her hand for a moment.
"That didn't even hurt you, did it?"
"Not at all," I say with a touch of amusement in my voice. "Remember I said it was about angle? Well a straight strike to the front of the cup isn't going to get much reaction at all. It's hits to the bottom of it that I'm gonna feel."
"Oh, like this?" she asks.
Before I have a moment to answer, her foot swings up and hits the cup just about right underneath there my balls are resting. I feel the cup move up into them as well as that odd vibration of the cup spreading the force of the kick along its edges and into my body. The kick wasn't hard enough to even buckle me and I simply let out a short groan.
"How was that one?" Lauren asks with no hint of malice but genuine curiosity.
"Certainly felt it slightly. Not too much, but enough to know I took a kick."
"Are kicks what you usually take in karate?"
"Mostly. Occasionally a knee and rarely a punch or hand strike." I respond to her.
"How does it do against knees?" she asks as she glances down at it briefly.
"Well, they usually aren't as hard but it doesn't protect so well against them since by nature they're getting you from underneath."
She takes a step right up to me and sets a hand on my right shoulder. I know exactly what's coming but I try not to let me body prepare for it. I feel her put some weight on my shoulder and start to see her knee come up between my legs. An instant later there is a muffled *thud* and I let out another light groan.
"And that?" she asks as she looks back up toward me but with out taking a step away.
"You went pretty light didn't you?"
"Yeah. I didn't know how much it would get through."
"Not much. You need a little more power to feel them."
I take a moment to look down to see if I can catch her preparing for another. I don't notice any movement but I do realize that since I'm slightly taller then she is and we're so close to each other, I have a nice little view right down her tanktop. She is wearing a bra so I'm not getting an ideal view, but I can see the tops very well and through her cleavage I can see the little ribbon where the bra cups are attached.
"So what do I get to look at then?" she asks me as I realize she's looking at me check out her tits. I'm not worried she'll be upset. Again, she was the one who suggested we go skinnydipping last month.
"What do you want to look at?"
"A ball?" As she says this I feel more pressure on my shoulder and before I get a chance to look down again, her knee slams into the bottom of my cup. This time it's no mere tap and the hit really knocks the cup into them. A dull ache starts to spread in them and I groan and start to buckle. I don't bend far and am now slightly leaning against her.
"How was that for power?" she asks with a coy smile on her face.
"Better," I gasp out. The initial shock of the hit is already subsiding leaving just an echo of an ache in them. She stays close, letting me lean on her and after perhaps ten seconds the ache is gone and I'm back standing upright.
She takes a step back and I see is looking back down towards the cup.
"So, just why does it hurt that much?"
"That's where the balls are. It covers them and prevents a direct hit, but there isn't exactly much space at the bottom so some of the force will still get transferred to them."
"So the part that's the most sensitive has the least room? Odd design. How uncomfortable is it for ya?"
"It's really not too bad. Most of the time I forget I'm wearing it. I guess it's really only when stretching that it's annoying."
"Does it move around much?"
"No, not really," I answer her. "It's usually tight enough which is very important."
"Important?" she asks.
"Yeah. You don't want it coming loose, otherwise thing's may be exposed. Or worse, if it shifts too much it could come back to rest on one of the balls itself."
At this she makes a grimace. A few seconds later she takes a slight step towards me and I see her hand coming forward. At first I think she's going to smack the cup but I see that her hand is moving too slowly for that. While I couldn't directly feel her hand on the cup, I could feel the pressure as she grabbed it. It was if she was testing it out for its shape and feel. She grabbed the front, ran her hand along the side and down where it curved under my balls.
"You're right. It doesn't feel like there is much room down here for your boys. No wonder it hurts like that."
She keeps moving her hand around it, almost as if she was exploring the cup. I was starting to get hard which I knew was not comfortable at all while wearing a cup. My mind starts racing with things to distract myself: To-do lists at work for tomorrow, do I have one month or two before my car needs an oil change, trying to figure how many rewards points I'll get on my card next month. I wasn't sure how effective that would be, but luckily for me it worked enough. I didn't get hard amazingly enough. By now her hand had wandered back to the bottom of the cup.
A moment later I realize what she's about to do but have no time to react. I feel her fingers reach into the edges of the cup near my balls. I feel the cup start to pull away from my body. I can tell she's pulled it clear of my balls as they feel loose and not contained anymore. My first thought was that she was simply curious about the cup more and wanted to check it out a bit.
A sudden pain shoots through my balls and my stomach. I now realize she was pulling the cup forward in order to let it snap back into them. As she pulled it, they lowered without the support and the back of the cup snapped directly onto them.
"Uggggghhhhhhh...." I groan as I once again buckle over. The pain isn't sharp like a kick but a dull ache due to them already being knocked from her knee. I can hear her start giggling as I rest one hand on a knee.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I had to try that out."
I reach my hand between my legs to try to straighten out the cup. I can feel it resting right on my left nut and since it's already a touch sore the pressure hurts much more then it usually would. I carefully grab the sides of the cup and lift it off my nut. I take my other hand and half cup my nuts to make sure they're going to go back in it okay and lower it over them again. Even though I'm not hard, the cup feels tighter then before due to them being sore.
"Hey, you're still standing though. That's a good sign isn't it?"
"I suppose. But they certainly are a sore now though."
At this I stand up and we're back facing eachother.
"Are you going to let me try one other thing?"
One other thing? I'm not sure I like the sou..."
Before I can finish she swings her foot up squarely between my legs. I don't even have time to react and before I realize what's happening, the top of her foot smashes into the bottom of my cup. The cup gets forced upward and right into my balls. I let out a loud gasp and buckle immediately. The pain takes a moment but soon starts to sink into my balls and rise into my stomach. Since my balls are already sore the hit gets to them far more then it normally would. They ache just a little too much and I drop to my knees and rest my head on the floor. Somewhere in the background I can hear Lauren.
"Ha! Told ya I wanted to see a ball. Now you're in a ball."
It takes a minute but the pain subsides and I'm able to get back to my feet.
"So, that was with a cup. How about without the cup?"
"Without the cup?" I reply a little surprised.
"Yeah. Same strength kick to see your real reaction now."
"Last month you kicked me hard with no cup. I KNOW you remember that!"
"Hah!" she laughs. "Well, how about a true comparison. I saw you take a cup hit. If you let me do the same strength kick, I'll let you kick me and we'll really compare," she suggests.
"You're going to let me kick you?" I question.
"Sure. You're nice enough to be letting me do all this. So, wacha say?"
"All right," I agree.
"Great! You should go first though since I was just doing it. That way in case they're still sore you'll have another moment to recover," she offers.
She stands in front of me but seems a bit hesitant. "Wait. Jeans? Gimme a sec."
At this she leans over and kicks off her shoes. I'm not quite sure why she wants to be barefoot when I'm the one kicking her first but then she starts to unbutton her pants and slide them off.
"Uh, what are you...?" I start to ask.
"Oh, relax. You saw more when we went skinnydipping last month." she comments as she notices me watching her. After a moment she has them off and is now standing in front of me in a pair of light blue bikini cut panties that match her bra color. As she's doing this I kick off my own shoes so we're now both in socks. "Okay, go for it."
She stands there with her legs spread a bit and her arms folded behind her back. A pretty standard position for someone trying to make sure they don't flinch! Before she can move or say anything else I let my kick fly. I connect dead square between her legs and make contact with the lower instep of my foot. She makes a quick yelp/groan and buckles forward. She stays like that for a moment and then actually drops down to one knee then a second. I smile thinking to myself that I both know exactly what she feels and yet at the same time, know it's gotta be fairly different for her then what it'll be like for me.
"Holy shit, that's a bit wore then I was expecting." she comments while down on her knees. "So many people joke that it doesn't hurt women. Yeah right!."
After another couple moments shes back on her feet though looking no worse for wear.
"Okay, your turn now." she says. There's a touch of amusement in her voice and I wonder if thats now also due to her understand a little more of just what it feels like. I take of my karate pants and cup and am standing in just my boxerbreifs. I slide my legs apart so that there's enough room for her foot to strike without hitting the inside of my thighs. Like her, I put my hands behind my back and try not to tighten my stomach, despite knowing what's coming. She gives me a bit of a knowing smile which I find to be a turn on. Before I can actually get aroused however, she unloads her own kick.
I shouldn't be surprised given that boxerbreifs certainly give away the target but her foot was dead accurate. Luckily it felt about the same force as before, unluckily for me, this time was directly on my pair. I had no chance of standing. I dropped right to the floor, one hand instantly cupping my aching sac. I stay like that, motionless for perhaps a good minute. That burning pain ache in my stomach and the searing in my balls keeps me from doing anything else. After that minute I'm feeling okay enough to shift and sit down. Knees still pulled up to my chin but legs apart to give the sore boys some room. I look up to see Lauren kneeling infront of me watching intently.
"Really got em, didn't I?"
"Dead on. I'm glad you didn't kick all out." I stay seated as I'm still not feeling good enough to try and stand yet. It takes another couple of minutes for the pain to finally start fading. I stand up slowly and she gets up with me.
"I guess that means from now on you'll always get to go first."
I look at her but my head is still swimming with the pain and her comment doesn't register for what it really means.
We still had some time before the pizza was ready so I went in to take a shower. I kept thinking about the feel (even if quick) of her foot slamming into them and the look in her eye as she did it. By the time I was out I see Lauren setting the pizza stone on the oven burners to cool off a little. She already has it sliced and some plates out. We each take a couple slices and go around to the other side of the counter and sit down, slightly facing eachother.
"Feeling better now?" she asks.
"Yeah, I am. Thanks. Ya know, I did have something to ask you though."
"Ask me? Hmmm. Yes, I'll marry you."
"Marry me? What! No," I exclaim as we both start laughing. "Besides," I continue, "We haven't screwed yet. How do I know you're any good?"
"Any good!" she says sarcastically. "Are you saying I'm a bad lay?"
"I didn't say that. No. Stop!"
At this we both start laughing again. Once we settle down a bit I am able to go on.
"I wanted to ask about formalizing this room mate thing. At first you were just helping me out but it's been two months now. We certainly get along well enough and seem to have no problems sharing the place."
"No, we certainly don't. It's been fun having you around too. Nice to have a good friend to hang out with regularly."
She pauses at this to take another bite and I do the same.
"I can move some stuff around in the bedroom so you can store more of your things in there."
"What? You don't like me having the living room all to my own?"
"It would be nice to have it back to normal. Too bad there isn't a second bedroom for you though."
"Yeah, but the couch has been fine."
"Much better then that air mattress you'd been using for a while. That was a pain moving and re inflating that all the time."
"Very true," I reply to her.
"Well how about after dinner you give me a hand cleaning up some stuff and we can find you homes for all your stuff?" she asks me.
"Sounds like a good plan to me."
Once we finish and clean up the kitchen we move into her bedroom for a cleaning party. There isn't much I can do at first since it's all her stuff and I have no idea how she wants it organized. It starts off slowly but picks up as we move along. There isn't much extra room to be had though. A lot is her simple combining the contents of two drawers into one so that I can have a little space to store some of my less used things. Eventually we are able to get me an empty chest of drawers that I can keep some clothes in. I go back to my pile in the living room and bring in most of my things. I decide to keep one set of clothes in the living room incase I'm up and about before she is but otherwise I start filling up the space. Other things that I wont be using until winter I keep in boxes but put in her closet.
Next we move into the kitchen. This goes much quicker as it was simply stacking plates and bowls together so I could add the few things that I had into the same cupboards. A few things that were duplicates I was able to store in the cabinets on the floor and under the sink.
Adter perhaps an hour and a half we were just about done. We had created enough extra space to get almost all of my things out of the living room. It was pretty impressive as the apartment was really only meant for just one person. There is only one bedroom and one bathroom. The kitchen was slightly on the small side, but oddly big enough that two people could work in it at the same time. The living room was off the kitchen and had the door to her bedroom one one wall. The one bathroom could be access either from the bedroom or from farther down near the outside door in the main entryroom.
It was nice to finally have someplace to live in again, as opposed to somewhere I was just staying in the meantime. Not that things are going to be that much different, but it feels better. Well, I shouldn't say there's no difference at all. I'm living with a gal who I've discovered is happy to do a little busting...!
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