LADIES Survey, Top 5, Which male celebrity’s Balls would you most like to bust?

I loved AShl’s Survey, which female celebrity do you want to kick your balls?

(Thx AShl)

Decided that the ladies deserved their own survey.

So Ladies Top 5, Which male celebrity’s Balls would you most like to bust?

These are mine:

Number 5 : Johnny Depp, come on he is easily the sexiest man alive, of course he makes the list.

Number 4: Brad Pitt, well cause he’s Brad Pitt. 

Number 3: Shaun Morgan  (Seether)  Cause the man is about as messed up and out there as I am

Number 2: Chad Kroeger (Nickelback) Because he is so arrogant and Cock sure, he needs to be put in his place... Ahhh so much fun. And of course  he is sexy as hell and if you listen to some of his songs, well I wouldn't mind betting he would be up for some kinky stuff.

Number 1: Tiger Woods, because he needs to be taught a lesson, nothing I hate more than a man who cheats. 

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Yeah, no shit on number 1, he should be walking around with only one ball, with out a   d o u b t.  And number 3, shaun's latest song "Sublime". like what the hell, he's all of a sudden happy cuz he's getting laid, wtf dude, your seether, and messed up, really??  Get back to what you do best...seething.


I think I need to kick him in the nuts to remind him ;D

Kick him for me too...;D


Chad Kroeger always spreads his legs in those stupid music videos, maybe we girls can team up to give multiple kicks



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