So Violet and I talk to a lot of people here on KITG, but there's a secret to who we are more likely to speak to. Aside from some people being genuinely amazing, what I'm looking out for is who is active here on the site. I can easily click someone's profile and see what you've commented on, and I can check our videos for likes. The crazy thing is, people will try to chat up Violet, not introduce themselves, or ask for videos, BUT! Do not comment on a single video, do not post videos,do not hit 'like', do not reply on blogs or stay active with the community. This actually bugs me because KITG survives on donations alone, and there are a fuck ton of freeloaders on here. Honestly, when I click a profile and see all these one line/one word answers in bio's, or no activity for literally  years, it's a little upsetting. ESPECIALLY when someone's first line is "Hi. Videos?" Those people go ignored, with no explanation. Can't be bothered.

So, that being said, don't blame me if I don't respond to you, because it might be for that reason. Other reasons could be the chat glitching, and I don't see your message, or I've left myself logged in and I'm away from my computer. I just think that sad and ironic thing, is the people that this blog is targeting, won't even read this. But hey, what can you do (sighs)

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Hi, Joe. I saw my firs bb video few years ago and it was your video =) . Thanks for your videos. Without you, the community was not so, as it is.

You guys are the best. This community wouldn't be where it is without your amazing contributions! Thank you so much! :D

Hey- I'd like to echo the support expressed by the previous posters, 'though I'm sure you're already aware of that.  Tbh, I'd like to be more involved with the community- but there are some things in my life right now I'm really struggling with, so often I'm not really up to contributing to the site :\  Still look up to you a hell of a lot ^-^

Joe?    Is that one written by you or by Violet?

As explained to countless women on Fetlife:  Shrug, ignore, and talk to the next guy.

Well you know what I think from our chat the other day :D

Hi Joe, I know why I don't comment on videos and this place is the first time I've shared my bb stories and how it makes me feel. It's because I'm so shy about it, don't know why maybe became I grew playing rugby, fixing cars and work as an engineer. I see myself as someone who is confident and strong. But when I'm alone with my wife (who l love to bits) I want her in control. When we out she what's me to mind her, sort of the car, the drinks, the restaurant all that stuff. Which I love doing for her. So been into Bb doesn't fit until we alone. She loves bb but we're kind of shy about it.
Think this explains my lack of comments.

As for people trying to chat up Violet they are just Dicks!

I swear, sometimes the internet can be such a rotten place. I've seen in pretty much every venue, people who do good things for a forum, contribute, and make the place special get chased off by trolls, or people who just want them to give everything to them all the time, as though the whole world were made for their exclusive pleasure and whims. 

I really do wish there was a way to filter that sort out. It's tough because even a well moderated forum can get these types, and it gets hard to permaban a truly determined troll. 

I've often wondered what motivates people to do this stuff.. 

You are great. Thank you guys for sharing what you do. That is awesome. I truly hope the trolls and jerks do not chase you off. I've seen too many here get tired of the constant criticism. AW, was one some people just had to say something, about all of the vids he'd post. Always negative, and so forth. If ya don't like it, don't watch it.. I do'nt get it, he finally left. 

I've seen others too.. Just maddening, since these ones never post anything but comments on other people's content. 



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