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I like bb and cb! But I am dominant so I like if she submits :)

It’s a really hot forplay .

do you like too to get your boobs attacked?

I've never had a guy who wants to punch me in the tits. They are usually too busy stroking or sucking them. My gf is the first person who has really gone for my boobs. She doesn't do it often, so it takes me by surprise when she lands a punch. And wow can she be vicious. There are times when I feel sicker than I do with my clit being hit. Maybe that's because I am not used to it. 

I like to fight her first! And after I won I have sex! I know in this group the most like the fantasy that women are powerful because they can kick us in the nuts but if both fight dirty my experience is that the women lose! What do you think?

I totally agree with what you have said and really love your candor here.  Unless when done for self-defense, I think that in most cases, even when done "for laughs", there is still a large sexual component (regardless if it is out of sexual desire or frustration).  It is just that part of the body.  I would also imagine that as a person grows out of their teen years that part only increases.  I'm not going to even try to get into the psychology.  I have never really taken the time to try to figure it all out.  But if anyone wants to make an attempt it would be interesting to read.  So how have you found people to bust?  Other than the example you provided with your boss, did you just come out and ask?  Were you able to sense it somehow?  Or were you successful at introducing it to your partners that were not already into it?

Like I said, busting and fucking go together for me. So when I start to get closer to a guy, naturally I start with some light busts to see the reaction. Either they are into it or they aren’t, in which case they make tracks fast. I’ve been lucky. Not every guy I fancied was into busting, but there has always been a plentiful supply, enough to keep me satisfied at any rate. Maybe there is something about someone that lets me know, subconsciously, that they’re partial to their nuts being trashed. Or maybe more guys like the idea than admit it. I certainly know a lot of women who are repelled by the whole idea and refuse to satisfy their man’s need.

That is hot. That is such a turn-on that you busted every guy you slept with. How many of them did you bust by surprise?

Almost all of them. The ones who stayed around once they found out that I was going to bust their balls.

hi, when you use busting in foreplay , you said, you wont hit at full power..how much power you put in the ballbusting? knee or any type. how the guy react to the bb hits, thanks for replying many questions..

My husband has many years of experience with me busting him, so I know just how much power I can use without causing him damage. It is just a matter of experience with a guy, working up gradually to learn what gives him, and me of course, maximum pleasure. My aim is to bust him really hard just at the moment when he about to cum. He is at his most aroused and most sensitive, so a punch or knee makes him scream and cum so powerfully it leaves him drained and weak. He says it is the most intense orgasm he ever has when I bust him at that point. And of course I feel the benefit of that when he cums inside me.

That was fucking sexy to read

Hi, Andy. This is my reply to your latest question - the system won't let me reply direct to it for some reason. When it comes to CB I like to give and receive. A mutual exchange of blows or a fight or sometimes one of us may just feel like being on the receiving end. And as for rolling around on the floor, yes of course, there is as much pleasure in the humiliation and the pain. Physical and mental, the pain + humiliation = intense pleasure. 

Glad to hear you find as much pleasure in both giving and receiving, and feeling both physical and mental pain/pleasure as well. Did you mention earlier that you like knees, because it's up close and personal? When anticipated, do you get the same feeling or "rush" both when you're about to knee someone, or when you're about to be kneed?



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