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Probably impossible but if there is a way to somehow recruit more females into busting. Its always 99.9% men , would be nice to have more females perspectives and ideas on this subject.
If somehow the members would be more active in discussions and posts, it seems kinda dead in here
I agree with Dave on the deadness of the chat sometimes too. =S

I am hoping for more cb content to be on here. While I like both, there seems to be a lot more bb content on here.
Also, I prefer f/f cb, but I have just one question. Is the f/f cbusting group only for females to join? Or am I wrong? No offense, but the m/f cbusting group has about 95% males. Yeah, that's all for now, lol.
Like to say hello to all members , I'm from Canada and I'm very happy with the site so far :)
I agree with Scott for all the pages currently on this site.  However, I think it would be nice if there was a special section added where the males could let off steam by composing personal ads that no-one but other males will ever read.  That's not to say we should prevent the ladies of the forum from visiting, just that it would be a place to relegate all that annoying over-demand-under-supply whining to a place that was specifically made for it.  Keep the rest of the sight for just chatting among friends but 1 specific forum, with great big red caveats above it, just for posting personal ads and requests.  That way, folks can get it out of their system without violating the spirit of the rest of the site.

Scott Williams said:
Hey bud,
This is an awesome site!
My main concern, as it seems to be the demise of these kind of sites....is too many guys harrassing the few females....or they only come on the site to ask to be kicked....this ISN'T how it's done! Lets be a BB community. Share stories, ideas, fears, not simply flood every potential females inbox with requests! It would be great if some people were actually able to meet with people in their own area, however lets all go about it the right way!
I've chatted with dvhour already, and he seems like he's busting his ass to do just that! Let's eliminate the creeps and maximize the intelligent people and conversations! Ya, we all share an unusual interest, but lets stay professional!


test test test

To all.Please.Somebody know name film for this clip?


This site has a cool mobile phone format except chat doesn't work because of the lack of a flash player. Any idea if this will change with ning.com?
I find that a little annoying as well, more so when it appears someone has just entered the chat room when in fact he or she just signed in to check their inbox or something else. However, you just can't expect users to care to sign off the chat room by themselves every time.  It's probably a design flaw in the ning platform since the more logical way, in my eyes, would be that you'd actually have to sign in the chat in order to chat.

David uk said:
Regarding the chatroom, could i request that when people do leave could they please sign out, so that when when a private message is sent is does not look like it is being ignored. Yes i know ignoring some messages or people has to be done anyway at times, but this would at least make it all a tad clearer on who is and who is not actually in the chatroom at that time...thanks :)

David uk ( i had to change my name as there are sooooo many Davids here now)
Got a small suggestion. You recently changed the title of the site (or so it appears) to Kicked in the Groin | something | something etc. Well those "somethings" seem to have proliferated throughout the site. Its a super small aesthetic issue but I figure its easy to fix. It may even be something you intended which in that case leave it.

One more suggestion and it might be a bit ambitious but if everyone emailed all the females on their Facebook likely with an anonymous email me might find a few closet female busters and get the name out. Just an idea some members might be willing to try (probably really appeal to those looking for partners that might already be hiding amongst their friends lists).

Love the site and not going anywhere regardless of what you do.

Kicked in the Groin | Videos | Photos | Stories | Forum | Chat is EXCELLENT for google and all other search engines. We are currently ranked in the top 200,000 of all websites globally and ranked 50,000 in the USA... we are definitely out there as far as search and websites go... but i will agree with you the aesthetics of the words across the top of the website look horrible... I will see if i can code them to be more pleasing on the eye. 


Jake If you wish to post this in a forum  about the Facebook suggestion by all means be my guest... its an interesting idea, not sure how many guys are willing to post something like that on their personal FB profile but if they do thats cool. At any rate I appreciate your comments and look forward to seeing what progress you make with your FB suggestion. :) 

Jake e said:

Got a small suggestion. You recently changed the title of the site (or so it appears) to Kicked in the Groin | something | something etc. Well those "somethings" seem to have proliferated throughout the site. Its a super small aesthetic issue but I figure its easy to fix. It may even be something you intended which in that case leave it.

One more suggestion and it might be a bit ambitious but if everyone emailed all the females on their Facebook likely with an anonymous email me might find a few closet female busters and get the name out. Just an idea some members might be willing to try (probably really appeal to those looking for partners that might already be hiding amongst their friends lists).

Love the site and not going anywhere regardless of what you do.
how about introducing conferencing into the chat room??



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