Hi everyone, i've finally got a account here at long last and have found things are 50-50 on my videos. Some think they are good while others think I have a lot to work on =( please give me some constructive ideas to help me get better, I want everyone to like what me and A.W put out! I

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Totally agreed.  It's supposed to hurt :)

I totally feel you on this. Have you ever thought of doing it with someone else? Also you are good just wish you would punch more and throw in a grab or two lol.

I totally understand. It's really about the transfer of power from a person when they are dropped and the kicker is empowered. It's the same with cuntbusting and ballbusting. If the receiver smiles and takes it, it kinda sucks the fun out. You want them to crumple up in the floor and writhe and moan.


It's super boring when the guy just stands there and "takes it".  And, at least compared to my own experiences, totally unrealistic.  One good kick is enough to put me on the floor. ;)

I'd like to see a video where you punch/squeeze/spank the dude's nuts until he's writhing, blubbering, sobbing, and begging for mercy.  Ideally with plenty of teasing & romance mixed in.  In my opinion a good ballbusting video should be cute.  

One good kick puts you down? love it!

Hell yes, that's what I'm talking about.

I would like to see you kick full force, like no holding back. u need a willing partner for that though. AW IS THE MAN, but he does not take hard kicks well. He got a lot better in the last video though.  u r the hottest girl I have EVER seen do ballbusting. I would like to see close ups of your feet too. see where all that nut damage is coming from. What size do you wear? .. u ever come to Florida? I would do anything you asked for a session with you. u have a twitter or insta? anything? I could look at u all day

I am Jayson, btw. Pktntxq@gmail.com

u r so fine u can do no wrong. just keep on making vids, please

according to a.w's clips, you are one of the best ballbusters i ever saw

Hi Lola.  Since I was the first one to suggest that you kick A.W. harder, I want to make it clear that I didn't mean it in a judgemental way at all.  Each man has his own pain tolerance, just as each woman has her own individual comfort level regarding how hard she likes to kick his balls.  And it's all good.

I want to repeat how awesome I think your and A.W.'s videos are.  You have your own style, it's creative, you're beautiful, and I love watching what you guys do.  I think most people on the site here do.

I love your answer about empowerment, that kicking a guy in the balls is about you doing what you want with him, how you want, taking control.  That sort of female power is very attractive and exciting to men like me (and A.W. too, I will bet) and it's a beautiful thing to experience, even when we are left down on our knees with aching balls as a result.  :)

And because of that I understand why you'd be less interested in a man who can take kick after kick and not go down.  Sadly for me, I think I am like that (I don't go down easily from ballbusting but I still love it) but I completely understand where you are coming from on that one.  I think there are a lot of women here on KITG who enjoy being able to drop a man from a single kick (even if they don't always choose to go that hard every time) because when they bring a man to his knees and he can't even stand back up because of the pain in his testicles, it's about sexual power for her, her strength overpowering his maleness, his vulnerability.  She is not asking, just doing it, and she's confidently reminded that she can do this to a guy whenever she wants to or needs to.  His balls, part of what makes him masculine, are also what makes him vulnerable to her.

I think you and A.W. have found a good rhythm together.  You want to drop him to his knees and express your female power, and he loves receiving it.  You kick him hard enough - for him - to succeed, so the magic happens.  The man is overpowered by a woman skillfully kicking his testicles good and hard, and showing him that she's the boss when she wants to be, and he can't do anything about it.

Maybe if it were a different guy you'd need to kick harder to achieve the same result.  Maybe with some guys (like me?) you'd need to go full-force and kick repeatedly, and it might even be difficult to drop him.  But that's just thinking out loud for fun.  What really matters is that you and A.W. have found the right level of force that works for the two of you.  I feel a little bad that I suggested you go harder because I didn't mean for it to end up sounding like a criticism of A.W.  It's not that at all.  He's one of the best BB video makers around.  I personally like full-force kicks but what you and A.W. do together is great, so please keep doing what you do.  Cheers.

Best answer yet.



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