Have Guys You've Busted Developed an Emotional Attraction to You?

Ladies, have you ever busted a guy only to have him develop a crush on you within days of it happening?

My opinion is that, as guys, we get a flood of vulnerability from the experience of having our balls used against us and we often wind up becoming attracted to the girl who did it because we don't know how to process the emotion.

Am I alone in this thought or has it proven true with guys you've busted in the past?

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I can say that yes I think sometimes guys do it unwillingly.  Back in HS or college after I busted a guy at a party, over the next few days they would hang around me.  Not creepily of course, but they developed this weird attachment to me.  Which was odd considering some of them I hurt in front of others and made them look like assholes.  Maybe that's why?  They respected me and wanted me to be with them?  Not sure, but def think it happens :)

This does seem to happen many times. i always have found it interesting and a bit counter intuitive that guys, especially ones that were busted extremely hard develop such and attachment to me. I am pretty sure that the guys that this has occured with were not into ballbusting. I expected them to be upset with me but that is hardly the case. It definitely something worth exploring as to why this happens. Perhaps the best way to a man's heart is actually through his balls lol.

I think this is true for some guys, I've noticed one of the guys I've ball tapped seems to like to hang around me more ever since. It might be totally wrong, but i have noticed that at least.

maybe that explains my 1st and 3rd husband, my ball busting prowess.

I don't know from personal experience, but I could easily see this being true.  Everyone wants what they can't have... take that throw in some sexual vulnerability and boom instant crush maybe? 

I'm guessing the guys on the site probably have better insight on this "Emotional Attraction" since they're the ones experiencing it. I have been told by guys from various bb sites that they have an attraction (bb crush) on girls that have threatened them, that have hit them or have threatened or hit someone else. I can only guess, i am not 100% totally sure, but there are a few guys that have seemed a bit more interested in me after a threat or hit there. I still think the guys here could shed better light on this subject then i ever can.

Well, in terms of consensual busts, it's not hard to fathom why someone would develop an attraction to someone who's engaging them in sex play. As for non-consensual busts, aren't those often given *because* the recipient is displaying an existing attraction inappropriately?

Yes and I prefer to be emotionally involved with people that I engage in sexual play with.

Ball busting is SUPER intense and can be quite intimate.

I think boys will form a crush on any girl who touches them down there, or even alludes to it, whether it's painful or pleasurable. That's just how boys are : )

I think you are so right, it part of the fun though. It's like I'm sure they are mad but then they also feel strangely attracted to it, must be such a mind fuck for them lol

Katie, you've got it exactly right.  We men are frustrated by the fact that women can take advantage by kicking our balls, and often embarrassed and even humiliated when you do this to us, yet we love seeing you strong and in control.  We're conflicted about it, mad about it, and love it at the same time.

If it happens, it's likely due to misattribution of arousal.  http://youarenotsosmart.com/2011/07/07/misattribution-of-arousal/



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