Hey KITG! So Violet and I have decided to upload again, or at least try to. I'll be blunt though, I'm aware this is the internet and every video uploaded is a risk, but it doesn't mean we won't do the best we can to keep videos here. If we get upset about it, I believe we have every right to be, as it is very upsetting, but we can always hope for the best. 

That being said, I'd like to kindly ask that our videos don't get reposted or even redistributed to other sites. Also, not many people are aware of this but, if you have a public playlist on YouTube and you like the video, or add it to a playlist that isn't private, the video becomes public. This action can lead to people outside of KITG seeing our content, resulting in piracy, or worse, flagged by some random idiot who doesn't even understand this fetish. So we ask you to be mindful of this. We have taken the liberty of disabling the "like" bar on YouTube, as well as comments, but welcome them on KITG :) 

I know there are a TON of you out there who respect the wishes of us amateur bb artists who are willing to put our faces on the web for your viewing pleasure. But I also understand that there are assholes who tend to ruin it for everyone. Again, this is more of a test, so we will see how long it lasts for. I don't wanna start charging people to see our stuff, but we will still set up a Patreon for those who wish to support us on their free will.

Thanks to everyone who not only supports us, but this site and the members within it. We love you guys! :)

-Violet & Joe

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The whole playlist thing on YouTube is how we've been assuming most people have seen our content without being here on KITG, but I never considered disabling likes and comments.. interesting idea.

Either way best of luck to you guys and super glad you've decided to post content again! c:

I've actually had that theory in mind for awhile but I suck at wording things and tend to overexplain lmao. But yes! I think by disabling likes and comments, they won't accidentally end up in a playlist. They only can now if someone makes a specific public folder they had to go out of their way to put it in *dies* But thank you for the support! Your videos are amazing, and I hope to see more from you guys too :D I gotta go leave a bunch of likes and comments for you as well soon :)

Let's hope it works, or at least helps alleviate the number of rando's creepin' on content that was never meant to be distributed lol. 

Thanks for the kind words, means a lot coming from the likes of you haha. Can't wait to see your guys' new content.

Glad to see you're back in the Fray Joe and Violet,

Still the best Ball busters on the Interwebs,

and really hope people respect what you do from now on and won't share/post on other sites

Very glad to hear you two will be back in action! I really hope you'll have a better experience this time round.

I'm encouraged, but I'm still wary as hell for you guys... I can take a look into more secure methods of uploading videos if you like?  (I also told Eric the same thing a while ago, but then my new job ate me alive).

It would be complicated but you could host the file yourself. Then when one of us wants it you give them a download token and each file has a built in specific stamp if you will. If you see the file elsewhere you can look at the stamp and trace it back to who downloaded it from you originally. Probably too much work but it's an idea. Or you could host it on your site and disable downloading. I mean people could still get it with screen capture software but it might cut down on abusers.

That's a good point.  (Tim, can you edit out the last sentence of your comment?  I just don't want to give people ideas.  Tell him in a direct message if you prefer?  It's why i didn't mention it).

Thank you for enlightening us about the importance of disabling comments and the "like" bar on YouTube, Joe!

KITG truly appreciates the exclusive videos from you & Violet! We love you two and thank you both for sharing :)

Now, without further ado.... let's post your latest little masterpiece ;)

warning for you two i see a video up may be public i don't want your stuff flagged or taken down your're content is very precious and i enjoy it alot but i just wanted to warn you two that should be ware of just letting you guys know major fan. Hope you guys keep on making exclusive content. 

Maybe I'm just slow lol but I can't seem to edit my comment. Is it because I'm on mobile

Nah, it's a time delay thing-  I think it's about 15 or 30 minute limit.  No worries!



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