My own theory for why I'm into bb is that I grew up with a mum who's a self-defense freak. I ended up incidentally seeing lots of films that she liked when I was a child, and I suppose that they might have formed the basis of my bb fetish. My memory of these films is quite sketchy, and google isn't helpful, so I wonder whether anyone here can help me locate any of these films, which form part of the basis of my bb fetish for me. I'll say what I (mis)remember, and maybe somebody recognises the film and can give me its title and how to find it? All should be from the 60's and 70's...


<li>I think this was a Michael Caine film called The Contract (but this is wrong because it doesn't show up in his list of films, so the title or actor or both are wrong). Assasins break into the house of an elderly Englishman in Spain, and abduct him and his lover, who is rumoured to be 15 years old (but nobody believes it). They try to kill her a few times, but she bb's the hell out of the men each time her life is in danger, and bites the hand of the ringleader hard enough to draw blood. She's quite a religious Catholic, and clutches a cross and prays a few times. In the end, only the ringleader and her remain alive, and as they are crossing the border to France, and he turns his gun to kill her, she rushes him, pushes him to the ground, and knees his groin repeatedly until he is no longer a threat to her. Later he is killed by a SWAT team. What was the film, and how can I see it again?</li>

<li>Blood Simple is similar to this film, but I've watched Blood Simple, and it's definitely not it. Similar storyline though- lady is unfaithful, husband tries to abduct her from her lover's house, but gets kneed in the balls to hard he vomits, and calls a hit-man in order to kill her because he is afraid for his balls to confront her again. When he grabs her from behind, she bb's him with her buttocks hard enough to make him let go, and she runs for the phone. He pickes her up and carries her outside, and her feet are seen dangling in the air (very Brian de Palma), before she breaks his fingers, spins around, and knees his balls so hard he vomits. Maybe this was an earlier cut of Blood Simple or something???</li>

There were some others, but if I find these two, I'm very happy for the moment. 


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Here's a great old film if yoiu haven't seen it. The ballbusting scene in Catch 22 is superb. It shows a frustrated Marine trying it on with a girl, she casually knees him, while he is recovering she combs her hair and gives some small chat. When he recovers he tries it on again, and yes he gets another delicious knee to his balls.



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