I've always wanted to fill what I thought was a big void in the BB community and post some videos here for KITG members to enjoy as a payback for everything I've enjoyed on here. Over the years I've noticed tons of 'mixed wrestling' videos but they are all very fake looking (either fake hits or the guy isn't tying). In real life martial arts, males spar females all the time in a competitive way and it's no big deal. It's not an unfair matchup because neither party is going full force and both have protective gear so size plays little role. It's about a friendly comparison of technique, speed and skill; who can land more accurate shots quicker to vital targets. I've always thought if you allowed males and females to spar like this but allowed forceful groin shots (with no cup allowed), you'd have something really fun to watch. The guy would still have to focus on blocking all other strikes, land his own strikes and do this all while leaving the most vulnerable part of his body unprotected and fair game for strikes. If a guy goes down, it would be real, unexpected and authentic.

Here's where I need some help though.

First, who would be interested in seeing this? If I'm alone, I won't bother. If there is some real interest though, I'd love to start looking into actually making these vids.

Second, I see a lot of people on here lucky enough to have BB buddies who make videos. I've had BB partners before, mostly girlfriends/dates, but nobody that would have ever been willing to make videos. I have martial arts experience, I can train someone who doesn't and teach them the basics but I don't know where I would find anyone willing to make videos of this nature. Since I know people here do have experience with making videos, what are my options? Mistresses? Models? I'd be willing to pay if needed but I don't even know where to start.

I'll welcome whatever input you all can offer me.

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I'll give a better answer when it's not super late at night, but short version?

I pretty much totally agree with you on the vast majority of counts.  I'll have a think about the second, get back to you.

I would be interested in seeing martial arts sparring matches with groin hits allowed. A variety of different setups for matches  would give different flavors for people to watch. Could be M/M, F/F, or mixed matches, cupped or uncupped for the male or female, the same or different styles facing off, there are a lot of possibilities with this. You have my interest with this.

You should  check out Veve Lane she is very skilled and lives in NewYork.

Eddie, I definitely agree that it could get bad for the guy LOL. It's sparring though, so I mean the girl would have to pull her strikes somewhat (even the groin ones) and because of the nature of it (I'd be moving and trying to block) you probably wouldn't see many clean strikes. It would be super exciting when one does get through though, and I'm sure at points the girl may slip and go harder than "sparring" force so I'm sure you'd see some dropping.

I've actually sparred with one girl in the past like this and when it came to trying to drop me with strikes it was almost impossible for her to get a clean hit, but she also had zero experience with sparring and wasn't the most athletic. I will say that when we allowed grabbing though she had me on the floor a few times.

Chris, I'll check her out! I also found a mixed wrestling dungeon local to me that I'm looking into but when it comes to paid girls it gets very pricey. I don't mind paying a girl to participate but at $300 an hour I think it would end up a one time thing for me lol

anybody else have any ideas on where to look? Hope this doesn't count as soliciting, but if any girls here are ever in the NY area and want to participate in this feel free to DM me. I'm willing to work on payment, rules and things like that to make these videos work.

Wrestling and martial arts with groin shots is absolutely my favorite kind. Bar none. Even better if the dude is pretty much wearing spandex or really tight shorts and the girl is wearing a sports bra and really really really tight and short yoga shorts or spandex shorts or even a thong.

I didn't understand. Is this a friendly sparring where women are allowed to use attacks in a man's groin? Or a real fight with kicks in the groin? I just don't approve of violent fights between a man and a woman. Yes, there are some women that can kick your ass, but the weight category and the difference in strength remain. I also don't really like it when a woman can take real damage. I love women. X)

I like mixed matches even without BB. It'd be awesome to find something that's not staged, has BB, and both him and her are actually trying to win.
I agree to an extent that there is a void here. One of my favorite videos to watch was the “give up mister” video. I don’t know what the terms of the fighting were, but the woman ends up grabbing the guys balls, forcing him to tap out. He isn’t trying to beat her up, but she is trying to defeat him. I agree with MMRPP that I don’t want to see a video where a woman gets seriously hurt though.



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