list your favorites discuss them you know the drill

mine in no particular order are
fable 2 much bigger than the first one had a crap spell system but better overall
fable the first fable had a better spell system and sometimes more interesting choices
saints row 2 the gta clone thats better
oblivion the ultimate open ended game except for morrowind
morrowind not as polished as oblivion but overall a better game nonetheless
fallout 3 oblivion post nuclear war with guns awesoem
zelda(all of them) a classic
tales of symphonia awesome with a completely unpredictable story
baten kaitos ditto though not quite as good
overlord the game of being evil

out of all of these i think morrowind is still my favorite though

two brand new threads happy dv just kidding

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Jen sometime this weekend I'm going to start featuring your gaming questions on the main page because I see that you are making concerted efforts to make this section more active. There are over 2200 people here there have to be more gamers than this. Thanks for sticking with this section in even though it has some cobwebs its going to be popular soon enough, just hang in there. Am I happy well yes because you are actually talking about a topic you love and you should be able to do that on this site... this site isnt just about ballbusting its about connecting with peeps and enjoying your experience on the site. :)

My favorites from what I can remember were from Tekken and Soul Caliber. But then again I'm not a gamer and I dont' really know all the games out there. I was a HUGE Eddie Gordo geek then they took him out on Tekken 4 and I was pissed and stoppedd playing the game.. but i think he's back? Anyway I will have to think more about this.
Fav games? The ones that I will absolutely take on any challenges on are:

Fifa (any of them, bring it on Chelsea is my club for life)
Tekken series (I am a bully with Paul and I will wreck shop with almost anyone else)
Soul Calibur Series ( come find me with Raphael or Maxi, its over)
The Tenchu series (It's with Ninjas, what more do you want)
The Dead or Alive series (again, it has ninjas)
The Call of Duty Series ( I like the stories and how they have multiple storylines going on at the same time)
Yoshi's Island (To me it was the best out of all the Mario games)
Street Fighter Series (of course, if you like fighting games, Street Fighter has to be on that list)

These are the ones that will always be the best to me. The Fifa games are my games and I welcome any challengers.

Here are mine:

Final Fantasy X (When this game came out it was by far the best game in graphics at the time! i loved it and still do.)

Kingdom Hearts Series (After I finally played this series, I couldn't believe how amazing it was! I can't wait for the next HD set.)

Baten Kaitos (One of my all time favorite games and probably the least known game in RPG history.)

Tales of Symphonia (Absolutely loved the story for this game.)

Tomb Raider (The newest one! The graphic and story is amazing! I have played the game straight through twice in a row now because it was so good.)

Devil May Cry DMC (This game had the best controls for this style of gameplay! I beat the game on every single difficulty including the absolute hardest one. It got ridiculous, but the controls made it actually do-able. I've never played another game of this type with such good controls. The easy way of mixing quick dodging with attacks made this an amazing game.)

Split-Second (Best racing game I have ever played aside from maybe Mario-Kart Double dash.)

Borderlands (I hate shooting games, but this series is just amazing. I can't wait for the prequal.)

I have to say even though I absolutely love the new Tomb Raider game and fell in love with that Lara Croft, Final Fantasy X is still my favorite game of all time. :)



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