• There is an optional hardcore mode, the character needs to drink water, ammo has weight, healing isn’t instant etc. Normal mode is more similar to Fallout 3 gameplay. SOUNDS INTERESTING
  • The storyline is focused on the New California Republic vs. Caesar’s Legion vs. the New Vegas residents
  • You are not a vault dweller but are given a Pip-Boy by someone who is
  • There are special moves for melee weapons in VATS – specifically a move for a golf club called “Fore” which seems to mean that groin shots are back!! :D
  • The Hoover Dam is in the game and is supplying electricity to the city
  • There is a quest to rescue a ghoul from some super mutants. The ghoul can then become your companion
  • The Geckos are back.
  • There are both dumb and intelligent super mutants, including the return of the elite Nightkin.
  • Some super mutants look similar to the ones in Fallout 3, while others are new. There is a female super mutant with a 1950s hairstyle who apparently is one of their leaders. (Tabitha)
fun fact fallout canon says supermutants are asexual but i guess that may not apply to all of them maybe the virus didnt affect them all the exact same way
  • The NCR Rangers are back
  • The only picture of New Vegas itself is concept art and not a screenshot
  • A character generation shot showing a “vigor machine” instead of the skill book
  • The NCR base is the McCarran Airport, Caesar’s Legion is based in the Vegas Strip, while super mutants are based in a place called Black Mountain. There is also a town called Fremont and another called Primm.
  • Skils have a bigger effect on conversation choices. E.g. someone with a high Explosives skill may be able to have a conversation about explosives where appropriate.
  • There is a Reputation system in addition to Karma.
  • This is a first-person action RPG, with the same engine as Fallout 3
  • It is set in the Mojave wastelands. Vegas didn’t get many nukes.
  • There will be more intact buildings, as well as desert vegetation. Vegas itself is mostly intact!!
  • Both karma and reputation are tracked. There are separate reputations for each of the settlements
  • All dialogue options are shown to all players, regardless of whether you have the stats to succeed or not, though there’s no punishment for failure
  • Bartering is not just lower prices but negotiating for better rewards.
  • Followers can be managed through a context-sensitive menu, with orders like “follow”, “stay” or “attack”.
  • New areas will open up for the player depending on your reputation
  • Not all weapons have mods
  • You only buy mods from stores, once bought you highlight the weapon you want to add it to in your inventory and apply it, they will cost you a lot of money
  • There is a dehydration meter, this dehydration meter will have impact on the player (most likely drop in stats)
  • Being out in the desert in the day, as opposed to night, will have a greater effect on your need for food and water
  • The Brotherhood of Steel is back, but they are not a main part of the storyline
  • SPECIAL now has descriptions – eg CHA 10 = Cult Leader, EN 1 = Basically Dead.
  • Those descriptions for Strength: 10 – Hercules’ Bigger Cousin 9 – Doomsday Pecs 8 – Circus Strongman 7 – Beach Bully 6 – Barrel Chested 5 – Average Joe 4 – Lightweight 3 – Doughy Baby 2 – Beached Jellyfish 1 –
    Wet Noodle
  • Every weapon has a special attack, not just the golf club. It seems that Fore! does not mean groin shots are back for every weapon. :(
  • Guns have different knockback amounts, pistols don’t do much, shotguns blast people away
  • There’s town-specific reputation, and Obsidian has ‘hinted’ that the reputation will impact endings
  • Karma has been overhauled, tracking the factions and ideologies that you agree with
  • You can now choose the main character’s age
  • There will apparently be hundreds of hours of gameplay . . . whoa

so like fallout 3 but better YAY!!!!!

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