I know this site is mainly about ballbusting and believe me i do enjoy having my balls kicked around like soccer balls, but I've come to enjoy something else even more.

I absolutely love the pain i feel when a girl is crushing my penis under her stiletto heel shoes. I mean stand on it full weight, stomping it into submission, twisting and grinding on it, severely punishing it to the point that it's swollen, bruised and bleeding.

I never thought I'd ask this question on this site but, am i just a sick and twisted individual? Does anyone else here enjoy this?

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To each is own.  What consenting adults do legally on their own time is their own business.  However, that scares the crap out of me.  High heels and boots are HUGE turn on's for me and I enjoy her kicking me with them but blood, cuts, and bruises on my dick are something I wouldn't want anything to do with.  With that said, I see quite a few videos out there with guys putting their junk through a hole in a board and letting chicks do that...

Yeah, I'm down for this as well. Only had it done in heels once, boots a couple of times and barefoot a whole bunch and I agree it's awesome and can be very intense, painful and brutal but that makes it all the more exciting, addictive and awesome.
I never been into penis pain, only the balls.

There's a whole lot of this in the BB/CBT world..
Are you a sick twisted individual from our standards as members of KITG? No.
Go ask that question to anybody on the streets and you'll get another answer entirely...

Way I see it, do you have kyphotic scoliosis and the influenza virus? If not, then you are not sick and twisted literally. Did you kill any more than one person in a sadistic fashion within the last lifetime? If not, then you are not sick and twisted in a figurative sense

Pain to my penis... I would enjoy that with barefeet a lot, or fingernails a bit. With high heels I would be afraid. But I would enjoy having been kicked in the balls with high heels, or with those dangerous shoes (high heels, sandals, ballerines) that are fashionate these days in Slovakia. For example this: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxcOcsjVaFYhuZbSy09ptU3fOM...

or: http://i.cdn.nrholding.net/15947725/200/265/

I´d really like to try that, a kick in my bare balls with this kind of shoe, my dick would suffer too...

I like the videos I have seen of this, especially when the girl is also stomping on his balls. But, I don't know if I'd go as far as wanting actual cuts. Just, from a practical standpoint. This is why I wish I had Wolverine's healing powers!



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