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At the end it was really getting to him a lightish he would put him to a knee so I thought he had his pain for a day after I gave him one hard last hit

No it was that game where you day dick slap then we'll slap their dick haha

Hey Chloe.  Do you have a fantasy for hurting some balls?  Do you mind sharing it?

I've always wanted to bust someone in public but in front of everyone like on a stage or something I think it's would be so funny and he would be to embarrassed hah

Oh so you like doing your busts in front a bunch of people so that the guy is embarrassed lol.  I take it most of your busts are public

If you could bust anyone in the world who would it be and how?

I'd go with any of these new SoundCloud rappers you know the ones with stupid coloured hair and tattoos all over their face? I'd do multiple kicks followed by a hard stomp 

Yh that's how most of mine go down, either fall to the floor holding this balls or that crouching thing haha

Hey Chloe! I'm wondering how you'd respond to a certain scenario: suppose a cocky, naive guy asserted that being kicked or kneed in the balls doesn't really hurt - that it's all just a myth to make girls feel better about being weaker. Would you take him up on a bet to prove him wrong, or let him go on in naive bliss? If you took him up on the bet, how would you do it - full force, to really punish him, or just enough to make him realize that it does hurt? Would you prefer to do it alone, so he can live down the shame, or in front of other people, to really rub it in? If the latter, would it be worse to bust him in front of his male friends, or in front of a bunch of girls?

Hey, if I didn't know him I wouldn't but if I did then 100%. I'd go full force obviously he's asked for it so I'm not responsible for any possible injuries haha a good mix of boys and girls I guess why let anyone miss out on seeing it

Haha, great to hear!

Would you try to talk him out, or would you warn him about how much it hurts? Tell him he's making a mistake or whatever? Or would you just roll with it and let him believe he has balls of steel till you prove him wrong?

And what's your ideal scenario for how he'd react? Are you reasonably confident you could drop him to the ground? "Full force" is pretty bold, so I'm just wondering what that means in your case :D

I wouldn't try and talk him out of it it's his fault for being stupid. Ideally he'd drop to the ground in pain, by full force I mean that I'd do it my hardest



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