Well love pain (ballbusting as you all know) has definitely made my relationship with my girlfriend even stronger, entertaining, and spiced up. I was just wondering if anyone feels the same? This question wouldn't apply for those who pay for sessions or for it at all in that matter.

So with your busting buddy/significant other do you feel a stronger bond/connection between the two of you?

Do you feel that the relationship wouldn't be as strong without it?

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I've only fully experienced bb as a fetish with very close friends, with whom I already shared a mutual love and trust. I'm not random with my bb, so that love and trust was a pre-requisite for me, because I wanted
to indulge in it and experience it full-on. The bond was definitely stronger, because we're both completely opening ourselves up to the experience and exposing ourselves in the most intimate of ways, sharing our
love of this wonderful fetish with each other. He is trusting me in his mosssst vulnerable state, and to
share that sort of intimacy with someone really is a beauuutiful thing.

But, to have that in a relationship....well, that would be nirvana :)

It is very heartening to get a response from the site owner!, as you know i am knew :) 

well i shall give a synopsis,

I have been with my girlfriend for 3 years, 2 years we have been into busting. Our relationship does not necessarily revolve around busting but i assure you it would NOT be the same without it. I remember the days when i first introduced and tried it with her. Her face was filled with surprise and concern, with a bit of smile; in which i felt was pure bliss. As the days go by she becomes elated to try new ways and kick harder. Nowadays she looks me in the eyes with determination as she lets her foot fly into my unaware balls as we tend to do it blind folded. She absolutely finds it intoxicating to have them in her hand and roll them through her fingers; she said she can do that all day.

She tells me she had no idea that she would love busting as much as she does. she also told me she knows that she get more excited to do it than i do, which is true. 

But all in all busting is so versatile and fits into almost everything we do. the bond between us could not be stronger. sometimes i even get a little scared of her haha. she loves to make threats about them too

I have been married for some time now, and I believe it has brought us closer then ever before. We are already devoted to each other, and love each other greatly. Our trust and love have always been deep. BB in a intimate relationship is nirvana Mallory. BB is one of the most intimate things we can do, and it makes me feel like more closer to him then anything else. He is completely vulnerable, and in an instant 100 percent mine. It's a bond that has become very deep and one we take very seriously. I could never bust anyone like I do my husband, our BB sessions are special. Though people think because he is my husband that I can't really bust him hard or don't want to because I am afraid for him. It actually makes it worse for him, because we are so close on so many levels, and when he places that control in my hand, he isn't playing around. It's all or nothing, I am allowed to do whatever I want, however hard I want. It has lead to some pretty brutal sessions. He will tell me when he can't take any more, but he will never ask me stop, and there have been times I haven't. I have tests the lengths of how far he would let me me go, then I realized there were none, and we grew even closer. I asked him what happens if I don't want to stop? He said you stop when you want to, and he was serious. That will never be lost on me, and it makes me love him even more. I can never bust a man like I do my husband, he is only one I trust to let me hold nothing back.

Very nice input Melinda,

Your marriage is what i hope to turn the relationship that i have now into in the future. I agree, It is very intimate and it is very compelling to hear both your's and Mallory's input to be identical to each other and somewhat of what my girlfriend says now. It is indeed something you do with the one(s) you trust and or love dearly, It really does create a deeper bond, Thanks a lot!

our anniversary is on the 16th so maybe i can do for her what your husband does for you!, maybe? :) 

For me, ballbusting has always been something very intimate.  And having it as the spice in a committed relationship is pure joy.  My wife enjoys busting me, but she isn't the busting type by nature.  She does love how it feels naughty, like she is getting away with something, something that she shouldn't be doing. But every now and again, I can see it in her eyes, or by her demeanor, that she really, really wants to bust me, and hard.  That, right there rocks my world.  She was in one of those moods once, and out of the blue asked me how hard she could bust me, and the only thing I could say was: 'Until your happy." That was a brutal beating that I took, and was glad to have survived.  Words cannot begin to describe how close I felt to her in that moment.  She opened up to me, I placed all my trust and love in her.  She took me far past what I would ask for myself, and to experience it together was just simply awesome.  She came into her own then, she just had this "YES!" attitude while beating my balls to her contentment. I always offer my balls to her and try to never, ever say I have had enough.  She can tell how well I am holding up, and enjoys seeing that fear in my eyes when she is really pushing me past my boundaries.  That sort of control and power she has, coupled with my desire to please her, gets her off.  She really likes the power, the exchange of trust, and closeness of this.

This is worded perfectly, this is how me and my husband are :)

It seems as though i need to expand my pain threshold to give us both the euphoria i want and what i know she wants. Although i let her do it as she pleases, I feel i ask for too many breaks, so next session i will let her do it to her hearts contempt :) I really, really want to be able to handle it all until she decides to stop, instead of me. i will get to that point one day 

ahh this site feels like home 

:) it is home.



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