Hi everybody,
So in a little less than 15 days I should be having the 6th professional session hour of my life and my first in just about a year. Those who may have read content I had posted regarding my session a year ago may recall that I wrote that I experienced pretty severe bruising and discoloration in the aftermath of that one.
I'm planning to session w/ the same pro mistress at the same dungeon in Los Angeles because I am quite satisfied with the establishment and the mistress is great too. I don't want to experience equal injury however, mainly because I am active military and need to walk around rapidly and constantly once I return to work from vacation. I also want to avoid seeing a military doctor again because what you tell them is not covered by the same doctor/patient confidentiality that would cover you if seeing a civilian doctor. If I were to confess to a military doctor that I engage in masochistic sexual scenarios, I could very possibly be thrown out of the military and lose pension and other benefits I have built up besides a regular full time paycheck.
Common sense would say shelve the behavior until the future, but let's face it, as most of us who have experienced brutal busts in the past can attest to, for most of us it's just too much fun to abstain from.
Tonight I had an idea that might cushion the impacts against my balls and hopefully reduce or eliminate swelling, bruising and discoloration. I can put a thick sock over all of my junk and use the excess material of the sock to brace between my balls and tight briefs with boxer briefs or thin shorts over the briefs (I would prefer not to wear thicker material shorts or full pants because doing so downplays sexuality vs being dressed as lightly as a male bathing suit or less.
Has anybody tried this sock trick before? Got any opinions to add to the situation? Any alternative ball padding techniques worth considering.
Like many people who use this site, I do get fully aroused while being busted and subscribe to the belief that wearing a traditional hard or soft cup is a bad idea when arouded because the cup will be displaced by your erection and may cause a kick to actually cut into your anatomy vs having the traditionally non serious blunt force impact that most all of us would prefer to endure. Your balls more likely to recover to be busted another day. What do you members think kitg community? Thanks for reading the entire post, wish there was a way to describe the whole situation in fewer words.
Tommy T.

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If who you are having kick you is truly skilled, you should be able to go without heavy bruising when you request that, while she can still give you some pretty good kicks. I've never really bruised there visibly, and I've taken some pretty hard hits. But, then again, I don't bruise easy in general. I just would think wearing the padding would take away from the experience, and I don't think it will stop the bruising, since I thought the bruising was more from the pressure than the stinging impact. The padding would make the slaps and stinging hits hardly able to feel, and still not protect you from getting smashed to your pelvic bone with a hard kick that solidly plants them into your pubic bone. To me, this would be the exact opposite of what you want. Have her do more slaps, flicks, kicks that don't drive them up, but stil whack them good, you'll have plenty of pain, but not as much bruising I am thinking. 

Hi liquid metal. Thanks for your input, and essentially what you had posted was right in the money zone. I went ahead and wore sock and fake leather glove padding inside my underwear for most of the 1 hour session with two pro dommes who I had sessioned with in past years. Like wearing a cup, the padding did lighten the pain of impacts and allow me to take lots of high power kicks. However it did not prevent bruising and may have restrained the movement of blood flow in my penis. (In the past I would get more heavily aroused during sessions) maybe I'm just getting older, maybe I bruise easier than some other guys even if I can mentally tolerate the punishment. In any case, the bruising definitely went away much quicker than a year ago, and unlike last year, swelling was essentially a non factor. But it should also be noted that I had spoken with the Somme from last year about this and she was making a conscious effort to be less brutal.
I would recommend the sock and glove trick to any guy who prefers to wear underwear or a very thin clothing layer while being busted. But only when trying consciously to avoid trauma. If you have the time available to nurse yourself in bed for 2 weeks if need be, then nothing is more exiting than straight up kicks and other punishment from an athletic buster to a groin that has no real padding protection.

Welcome sir, it's just been my experience that damage isn't likely as long as they aren't trapped and smashed.. 



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