Awkward conversation with parents telling their daughters....

Margret and I were chatting earlier tonight about the conversation between her and her parents after she got in trouble for kicking the neighborhood kid in the balls for no reason other than "to do it."

She says in her profile that her parents "lectured me on the vulnerability of that area on boys" and really it just inspired her to do it more.

Can any of you girls remember specific phrases that you were told by your parents on this subject?  Did mom or dad give the lecture?   Did it seem like an awkward conversation for them?

(I'm sure some of you have the opposite details of being instructed by your parents to kick boys in the balls who bothered you.)

I'd imagine I'm not the only guy who'd like to hear how some parents of ballbuster's (thankfully) had such epic fails convincing their daughters that it was wrong to kick boys in the balls!


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The very first time i ever hit anyone in the balls was when i was 8 years old, i hit my cousin, but i didn't have a clue what i just did to him. I kicked him to the horror of our parents and grand parents. I had no idea what was going on and why he was crying and writhing so badly. In comes big sis, she explained to me right then and there what i just did and the vulnerability of that area on boys.


The only time my parents took an interest in any of my busts was when i messed up my sisters disgusting boy friend after he groped me. They wanted to know what happened and they wanted to make it perfectly clear that i might have caused serious damage to my sister's boy friend. I was livid, very upset and angry, i told them how i felt, they could see the sincere anger in my eyes and tone of voice and they didn't push the issue any further.

As you know from my profile I used to hit both of my brothers quite a bit in the balls.This was mainly because they used to torment me tremendously. My twin brother never cried, but my younger brother always did, he'd sometimes go running to our mother and father if he was able to. We would both get yelled at, my brother because he kept on bothering me and I'd get yelled at because of the method I used to stop my brother. They would tell me "That's a very serious and you could really do some damage to your brother" or "You might damage your brother to where he can't have children". It wouldn't matter because my younger brother was ruthless, my twin was a pain too so they both still got it no matter how many times i got lectured by my parents. My twin brother learned much quicker then the younger brother, the younger one got it over 20 times easily.
The only awkward conversation Ive had with anyone dealing with this fetish was with my current bf. He's begged and pleaded with me to "Please don't kick me there anymore" in such a pathetic and helpless way.
I have a similar situation, not with my parents, but probably much more awkward. I work in Law Enforcement (Customs) and we train in various lanes and scenarios to resemble real world situations. Ft Dix hires role players from the local civilian workforce, they're called COBs (Civilian on Battlefield). In the span of about a month I kneed two COBs in the balls during these training exercises, they were the bad guys. I didn't knee them very hard, but hard enough for them to double over and crouch away in pain. I guess after the second COB got bumped with my knee he went and told his foreman, the first COB also come forward. It didn't take long, but i found myself "Standing on the Carpet" in front of my director, my Lead Officer (he was on the carpet with me), and also in front of an Army Colonel and Sergent Major. They didn't seem all that angry with me, but i got a stern warning not to hit the COBs in the groin anymore because we didn't want them quitting of calling in sick when the Custom's Agents (My group) were to come train. I told them you have to train as you fight and that brought a smile to the Sergent Major's face. I told them i wouldn't hit the role player like that anymore, It's been three years, i haven't hit a COB even a little, but i have faked knees like i was going to really do it and that doesn't seem to ruffle any of the brass at least not yet.

I never had that heart to heart with my parents or anyone of authority or significant other for that matter. Hey maybe that's why I am the way i am now.


When I was 16 years old I was visiting my Aunt and Uncle in India, my cousin got himself in trouble with a local thug. The thug pushed my cousin down and started stepping on his hand like he wanted to break it, i came to my cousins aid and told the thug to leave my cousin alone. I was ignored, i had the perfect opening and took it, i kicked the thug in the balls very hard. Anyway, if you think this is taboo in the west, it's that much more taboo in small town India. Some local Poobah came to visit my uncle, my uncle then came to me ant told me i would have to go home early because what i did was total disrespect. I was sent home early. My mother and father wanted to know what happened so i got my second lecture because of that incident. Thank god i was in Trinidad because my mother and father agreed that i did the right thing, but it was very uncomfortable for all of us to have this conversation.

I've been given a talking to a couple of times. My mother said "All the boys are going to be a afraid to be near you".


A teacher at school told me "What are we going to do with you?"


worst was my grandmother she just looked at me like i was the devil and said " I couldn't even imagine doing something like that when i was a young lady" "What's wrong with you girls" 

I'm curious, in the awkward conversations, does the way each parent react differ? I've never been in a conversation like that, but I can imagine a few mothers smirking though the conversation...Or the fathers maybe wincing?

A male co-working told me a story over lunch about how his wife was upset with him about such a conversation. 

His 11 year old daughter had gotten the "wait until your father comes home, young lady" talk from mom.  When dad arrived, the 11 year old girl was told by mom to relay to dad the story of why she'd gotten in trouble at school that day.

She began to tell her unaware father about the boy in her class who had backed her into the corner and how to protect herself she had "kicked him where the sun don't shine."  He laughed!

His wife proceeded to chew him out for 10 minutes because in her mind he had ruined the opportunity to communicate to his daughter that she may have used undo force since his daughter already knew that in reality dad thought it was funny that she'd kicked the boy in the balls.

I didn't ask any follow up questions because I didn't want him to think I was overly interested but I would like to know if his laughter was "nervous" laughter or if he really thought it was funny.


Hi Kimmie


in the way you wrote it it seems that its okay for girls to kick balls in the Philippines?

Is it socially very accepted there? Weird ... :-)



kimmie said:

While growing up in the Philippines, i was never told i was doing anything wrong from any of the adults in my life. As a matter of fact when i was 7 years old i witnessed my Aunt, she was 28 at the time, knee the gardener in the balls so instead of telling me I'm doing something wrong, they were setting the example.
No, I'll say the adults (at the Middle School I attended) probably felt more out of place having to talk to me about hitting boys in the balls. You can just tell they were uncomfortable by the words they were using. They didn't say balls, nuts, testicles or even groin, they actually said "that particular area".  They looked like the ones in trouble more then i looked, they would not even look me in the eyes as i got read the riot act. lol, thanks for jogging a funny memory.
My mom SHOWED my sister how to kick and squeeze my balls!!



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