Awkward conversation with parents telling their daughters....

Margret and I were chatting earlier tonight about the conversation between her and her parents after she got in trouble for kicking the neighborhood kid in the balls for no reason other than "to do it."

She says in her profile that her parents "lectured me on the vulnerability of that area on boys" and really it just inspired her to do it more.

Can any of you girls remember specific phrases that you were told by your parents on this subject?  Did mom or dad give the lecture?   Did it seem like an awkward conversation for them?

(I'm sure some of you have the opposite details of being instructed by your parents to kick boys in the balls who bothered you.)

I'd imagine I'm not the only guy who'd like to hear how some parents of ballbuster's (thankfully) had such epic fails convincing their daughters that it was wrong to kick boys in the balls!


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That must have been really awkward for both my parents especially my dad since he could relate to the boys pain and that his precious little Margret did that to someone.
Mine happened when i got expelled from HS my senior year. My parents weren't the academic types so they really didn't care about me being thrown out of school. They were worried about the possibility of having to pay for the damages i may have caused. I remember my father asking me "Did you have to hit him that hard?". As it turns out, the school got in trouble more then i did, they (the school) had a documented history of me hitting boys in the balls and the school did nothing about it for over 3 years until that moment. I graduated from night school about 2 months ahead of my regular class : P

The school staff meeting must have been equally awkward with administration and legal people from school discussing Kate's "documented history of hitting boys in the balls" and each teacher or administration person who'd been involved in previous incidents having to explain why they'd done nothing to protect the crotches of their male students from Kate during the previous 3 years.


LOL, a wonderful question. For about a 9 year period from age 6 to age 15, i probably busted my brother in the balls a good 30 times. When he went off to college that all ended. My parents only knew about two of those busts, one because they actually saw me, i got yelled at and was told to never do that again. The second time i was caught, my brother was on the floor in the fetal position and crying. A big telltale sign that Jessika did it again. I was probably 9 years old, my brother was 12, my parents sat me down and told me that i was being very hurtful to my brother (I already knew that) and that i could cause him a lot of damage and could ruin his possibilities for having children (I didn't, he has 2). I was sitting, listening to this lecture for a good 60 minutes, i made sure i never got caught again and I never did.

How did you make sure you didn't get caught?  Was there some kind of Faustian bargain involved, or something else?

Let me see if i can remember what i was told by my parents on this particular subject. I had a very bad habit of hitting the neighborhood boys in the balls as a young girl (12 to 15) and a few times i got myself in a little trouble because of my bad habits. The most common thing i heard from my parents was "You're grounded for two weeks", at least 5 times i heard those words when i was 12 and 13 years old. I remember my mother giving me a little lecture when i was 13 "These are your friends, why would you want to hurt them so badly like that".
I remember my mum telling me how it can prevent guys having kids etc. but her and my step-dad advising me to us it if in danger, they never seemed bothered if kneed my step-brother because it was usually as part of a fight and him being older he should take responsibility and not start one

I never had a lecture from my parents about how bad it was for me to do something like or to stop doing it, but when i was about 8 or 9 years old my father gave me a brief class on self defense on how to protect myself if I was ever in trouble with a boy. He explained that i should hit them in the groin area hard with my fist, foot or knee.


While in HS, probably the 10th grade, i was running down the hall and ball tapped my bf right in front of a teachers, the teacher was a sweet older lady, she told me that it was very unladylike doing something like that to boys, she looked very disappointed in me. I apologized to her, but not my bf.

Oh boy do I ever... when i was 12 years old, that year I kicked two of my classmates in the groin in the classroom, both times the teacher would pull me to the side and told me that it was very dangerous to do that, it's not a good idea to be doing that to boys because i could really hurt them. She never reported me to the principle or vice principle of the school, but during a Parent/Teachers conference my teacher told my parents about the two incidents i had in the classroom. On the ride home, my parents seemed a little upset, they wanted to know where i learned such bad behavior blah, blah, blah the rant continued the rest of the way home. This pretty much stopped any bb activity for the rest of that year, but i came back swinging in the 8th grade, but i became more aware of my surroundings to make sure I wouldn't get into trouble again.

This is one of the more thought provoking questions ever raised in any BB forum that I've been to. Great answers ladies this is something I have never thought about in this way or articulated in question form so, Jared I want to thank you for adding to the intellectual pool by posting this. It showcases the intellectual tone that I want for the site. At any rate I just wanted to chime in to show my appreciation of the engaging dialog unfolding on this thread. Carry on ;)


- dvhour

While growing up in the Philippines, i was never told i was doing anything wrong from any of the adults in my life. As a matter of fact when i was 7 years old i witnessed my Aunt, she was 28 at the time, knee the gardener in the balls so instead of telling me I'm doing something wrong, they were setting the example.

Why did your Aunt kick him?



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