There was a link on the site yesterday titled "Katherine Heigl hates balls" or something like that. I was wondering what the men and women on the site actually think about balls (testicles), do you find them nasty and disgusting? Do you find them sexy? Or you don't care? This questions just isn't for the women, I'd like to hear what guys have to say if they have an opinion. Personally, I find them sexy.

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I find balls a bit ugly, but i think that they are very funny when you see them bouncing!!

My own balls i find them more important then they look like for several reasons, without them i wouldn't feel like a men anymore and possible very depressed (but take it for what it is that's how i think about them now i'm 34 not 70)

My opinion changed in to many things after what i have learned and experienced :-) .

they (balls) look simple yet complicated if you explore them., come in many size, can swell,lot of fun and pain related to them. They  help lot of people by been one of most effective self defense target and contribute to some fetish.

Wow, so nice to hear how many women hear love balls, lol. This makes me feel better, mainly because being a straight male, I like the look of my own package, but I find it hard to think that many women would instantly just enjoy seeing it, lol. But then again, I think it goes with women not really wanting men to just show their junk anyway. I don't find balls gross, I just don't think too much about other men's junks is all, lol.

Well I for one DO totally enjoy it when you boys expose your junk for us... and yes YES, the BALLS included!!! (grins)  I just wish you'd all do it for us WAY more often.  I mean, we girls KNOW how you all enjoy it when we flash for you... so why wouldn't you boys think WE wouldn't enjoy the revers as well???  Sheeeshhhh..

And hey, you know what, during the summers and swimming and shorts weather, etc... it's always been my experience that your BALLS are what tends to "dangle out" way more often than the pricks do.  Yep!  And I always DEFINITELY enjoy those sights!

Hey Naughty Joannie, glad to hear your input on this.

Haha you do make a good point, but I feel like the only time I'd expose myself, is if I knew the girl was into me, or we were already dating. I can't imagine walking to a group of girls at the beach and just whipping it out, lol (though hey, some of you may like that? lol).

And yeah, it's true, some men should not wear short, baggy shorts, lol. In the heat, the balls sag and relax to cool off, hence hanging lower, which means if you're wearing something short and baggy, you're gonna get some exposed balls going on, haha. And for the "grabbers" out there, hot weather plus baggy shorts = an easy grab, lol.

But anyway, thanks for your input, and I'm glad there are some girls out there who really love the sight of a man's package, and especially the balls! (never neglect the balls, haha).

I never ever do neglect the balls - I have always preferred a man's balls to his cock which for some of my girlfriends they just don't understand. Not keen when I see naked balls hanging down to a man's knees, but a tight pair of balls is always a delight and an enjoyment.

Not always interested in busting them as some balls just look too lovely to hurt and I think are here to be enjoyed and I never mind a man flashing his equipment, but you guys do not do it enough.

I have always preferred a man's balls to his cock which for some of my girlfriends they just don't understand.

It's so great to meet someone else who feels this way! None of my friends understand it at all. 

Not always interested in busting them as some balls just look too lovely to hurt

This too, sometimes (depending on the balls) I feel like treating them differently. Usually the sexier I find the balls more I want to suck them, but occasionally those same balls really warrant a good punch.

Ya and isn't that a huge bummer!!!  I suppose it's also the "legal thing" for them???  For us girls this isn't nearly the concern, as simply EVERYONE seems to enjoy when we girls get our jollies flashing our goodies... at least that's what I've personally always found.  I do wish the boys could be way more daring nevertheless.

And as for the preference for balls... well I would say I enjoy BOTH the nuts and he pricks... but I do think a lot of girls tend to neglect those nuts.  I've always wondered if this might not be from how we're all raised as little girls about how boy's balls are supposed to be SOOooooo "taboo"?  Like, "don't hit little boys between their legs dear", etc, etc??? (giggles) But you know the more taboo you make something the more it just becomes something you just HAVE to investigate!!!  Right?  And it turns out totally PUNCHING those balls is so SO deliciously satisfying... in a very naughty and excitingly erotic way!!!  I say, GO for the balls... than get yourself off on his dick? (grins)

But you know the more taboo you make something the more it just becomes something you just HAVE to investigate!!!  

And it turns out totally PUNCHING those balls is so SO deliciously satisfying... in a very naughty and excitingly erotic way!!!  I say, GO for the balls... than get yourself off on his dick? 

Precisely! I've always thought that too. First time I saw balls I was so intrigued that it led to an obsession. And isn't that the only way to do it? ;)

"I say, GO for the balls... than get yourself off on his dick? (grins)"

Not sure if you actually meant "than" but I like to think you meant "then". :D hahaha.

With many different types of balls, and people's body types it's a hard question to answer in a truly definitive way. On one hand balls that sag too much and are quite wrinkled (think old lady's purse/tea bags the toilet) generally are unappealing. On the other hand balls that have the right amount of give and are smooth/slightly wrinkled tend to look much better. I guess a fair statement (for me at least) wrinkly purse balls are ugly but well kept balls do look pretty sexy, could just be a bit of narcissism on my part though. Bonus points to balls that are manscaped.



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