A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Josef Cooper
Good afternoon Alice3. I am Jozsef from Hunary. Nice to meet you. How are you?
2:16 PM
Alice in Bondageland
Jozsef Cooper
May I ask your age please?
Alice in Bondageland
isn't it on my profile?
2:18 PM
Jozsef Cooper
I didnt find.
Alice in Bondageland
Jozsef Cooper
But forgive me please if I was impolite
Do you like kicks anybody? Or only friends?
2:20 PM
Alice in Bondageland
I am aroused by ball busting. Here to find a boyfriend who is ok with making kinky videos.
But I am not into cybering.
Jozsef Cooper
If a man desire you kicks him, would you do it?
Alice in Bondageland
What kind of question is that???
why would I be here if I don't enjoy it???
I am not a cybersex look for.
Alice in Bondageland
lots of photos/videos of what I enjoy there.
2:22 PM
Jozsef Cooper
I see.
Would you recive me you kicks my balls? In the life.
Alice in Bondageland
That makes no sense gramatically
2:24 PM
Jozsef Cooper
My english is not good.
I am so sorry.
I am a physicist, not a language teacher.
What I know I learnt by myselv.
I wanted to ask: May I visit you face to face you kicks my balls?
2:26 PM
Alice in Bondageland
Only if you can sign a model release and appear in movies with me.
I do not do dominatrix sessions. I am here looking for a boyfriend and video play partners.
Jozsef Cooper
I dont fear you make a video.
You can do it if you want.
Do you want I send a photo to you?
Alice in Bondageland
I am not into cybering.
Do you have a trip to San Francisco planned?
Jozsef Cooper
But I think, you need see me before you decide.
This is a face photo.
I have got VISA to USA.
I was many times in Chichago.
I learnt there to make computer programs for printing maschine.
I know where is SF.
I can travel to there too.
2:32 PM
Jozsef Cooper
Can you accept me please?
Alice in Bondageland
Jozsef Cooper
Fo your real slave in the life.
Alice in Bondageland
I know nothing about you and you know almost nothing about me
I find it creepy that you are offering me lifetime slavery
2:39 PM
Jozsef Cooper
I like to dominated by a lady.
to be*
Alice in Bondageland
Yes, but when you treat ladies like they are interchangeable and meaningless, it doesn't come aacross well
2:41 PM
Jozsef Cooper
Ok. What would you to know about me?
If I beg you try your hardest kicks into my balls, please? Would you like to do it please. And I promise, I visit you.
Alice in Bondageland
I am not into cybering. I do not think we are compatible.
Jozsef Cooper
Why do you write always this cybering?
Alice in Bondageland
it means I am not into talking about ball busting online
I am looking for IN PERSON and real life only
I am not cybering with your words.
Do you want I call you by phone? Or how do I prove I am serious?
2:51 PM
Alice in Bondageland
I don't think you are serious... otherwise you would be looking for local people. I live on the other side of the world.
Jozsef Cooper
You are so wise. :)
You know me very well.
That I worked in UK, in Taiwan, or I was in Sao Paolo.
Forgive me please, because I have got a little higher qualification than you.
And forgive me please, because I am not as asshole as you.
But I dont think, present days so big distance SF.
Be happy with your poor brain.
Bye bitch.
Because you are a prostitued only nothing else.
Seems like he felt he was teased and made fun of, because he couldn't understand what she was saying. That is no excuse for his behaviour, but a probable explanation. I can totally understand the conclusions of Mistress deadly desires.
this was kinda fucked up
Alice seems really sweet
im not the kind of guy that just gets down to sexual stuff in the first message, i like to get to know the lady first so she's comfortable with me
but yeh if was me or anyone of my other awesome kitg brothers this would have gone a much different way
i hope she found her man or is atleast talking to a nice person, its hard [well for me] to find ladies that are open and their lives, and are really sweet to strangers.
I hate this narcissistic asshole, I've never met him nor have I talked to him, but I hate him
I feel bad for females on sites like this sometimes. It's nice to know that that kind of shit is dealt with properly.
Honestly, i mean besides all the guys taking the side of Alice cause they are being suck-ups, she was VERY rude right from the start, she was being sarcastic and she asked for way to much, way too soon. this is not a place to find business partners, at least not in the way she asked. This is, to my understanding, not linked-in for ball-busting producers, so, him asking or offering a photo and a friendly chat before getting otherwise engaged with her is very reasonable.
Now concerning the language barrier, he was severely misunderstood, maybe even on purpose so she could give the very offensive, aggressive and rude answers that she did.
Now on the other hand, he was looking for "cybersex" and that became clear later on the conversation when instead of stopping the chat after being treated like he was he continued in the chance that he could maybe get some more details to jerk off to. The way he acted was really foul.
We should all except that many of the guys visiting this site maybe even most of them are just looking for material to jerk off. lets all stop beating around the bush, will we? it is in the chatters freedom to ignore someone and move on like greeneyedsusan said.
With that said i would like to address deeper problems in this community. honestly i stopped coming here to chat a long time ago. Main reason was that the way women behave on this chat. internet poses the treat of not engaging in a personal conversation and not really getting to know the other person. when i chat in here i feel like females think they are doing me a favor by chatting with me. I log in here to meet people and have a real conversation with women (mostly) about it and not to be given single word answers and having the person i chat with log out with not so much as a "goodbye". I have maybe had one conversation i enjoyed in here with a woman. I understand when you are coming from with the female ratio of the site being that low and that in many cases you are treated like a tool to jerk off. But in the interest of exploring our common fetish it would be nice to be given the benefit of a doubt that we are not all the same and that some people are looking into something different than a way to have a better jerk off session and be done with it.
Concerning the administrators attitude, i can only say that the title suggests that you have taken someones side in the debate. you have completely dismissed that there were two sides to this story. I believe that you should not be the one to judge who is right or wrong but try to make this community a better place by understanding the diversity of people that visit. Not sure how you got the conversation on the forum (i mean with whose authorization) but i think this was a private conversation that you did not have the right to post here. I strongly believe that you posted this conversation to suck up to the part of the community that you are somehow better than this guy, that you are some kind of savior and that you should resolve this matters with swift justice. I post a link to the way you treated a member, your attitude wasnt really that far of from alice's attitude.
Chances are that this post will be removed just because i go against you. but it would be a breath of fresh air to be wrong.
concluding this post i would like to make clear that i DO NOT approve the way he spoke and no one should talk this way but there is another side to this strory that many have missed and it is sad to see that most of the people are quick to take her side.
Im sorry if i offended anyone. this was not a post to attack certain groups of the community. This is the way i feel.
kind regards,
Let's not forget that Alice is somewhat notorious on Fetlife. She responds to all BB-related "personals" type posts (including several of mine), even when they are very specifically looking for romantic connection, soliciting the men to work without pay as actors in her movies. To my way of thinking that's just pure exploitation.
Abusive people like her are in fact "interchangeable and meaningless".
I've had a similar experience with Alice in regard to seeking a friendship or relationship. Turned into a "quid pro quo" to participate in videos, even though I was clear that this was something I wasn't looking for.
This makes us look so bad. Its like a 10% of guys here seem to act like this tbh. I knew a guy from hungary that would ALWAYS hit on ALL the girls where I worked too.
Wow, I know this is necroposting but we need to seriously educate the women on here in how to communicate with men.
Ok, obviously not all, but my fuck, this is awful. You can actually see the moment she engineers her own demise, attacking a Hungarian for not having the Queen’s English. Do you have any idea how different the languages are? (My ex is a Hungarian translator). And he’s self taught, and quite clearly autistic, and he’s under the misguided belief that a woman seeking a partner is actually genuinely seeking a partner. Then there are the cultural differences.
This should be taught in schools, this exact case study. This is how women fuck up their relationships with men. Basic communication skills.
I couldn’t imagine a more unpleasant and entitled person and it’s a good thing if they self-select themselves out of the fetish community because they’re only going to be trouble later on.
But it poses the eternal question: how do we manage women who live off the oxygen of male attention and then freak out when they can’t control it? What do you do with such hypocrisy? If you want women to join and yet your talent pool is so corrupted by...... by I don’t even know to be honest......The apocalyptic truisms of Desmond Morris and JG Ballard come to mind: the breakdown of interpersonal relating.
I know the common answer is to encourage them to be immature on the one hand while we all play white knight daddy on the other:
“We’re not like those guys, we’re different, you can trust us, you’re safe with us, why not move a little closer....”
A lot of the female stories and interviews on this site are paeans to immaturity. That’s what serves the site best, it’s a kind of corralling of the immature sadist females. And maybe that is the right approach. It’s a sexual strategy and it seems to work.
I mean, it’s a society wide problem and no one seems to have the answer because the answer has always been female agency. And there’s a general unwillingness to impose standards on women or hold them accountable for their own choices.
It’s also very, very interesting how they play out the dorm/sub dynamic. With the added irony of her playing victim. The lack of self awareness is truly cringeworthy.
I know I’m just talking to myself here but I have actually proposed a solution in an earlier post, I’m also off to a talking circle tonight designed for this purpose. Consider this a blog, and yes, I know that no one reads my blog.
...what the hell? what the actual hell?
You do realize that the guy was repeatedly asking her to kick him, despite being total strangers and on the other side of the world. I can't really blame her for being a bit snarky (keeping in mind that she probably gets messages from guys acting akin to this online all the time.) And lines like this one- "women who live off the oxygen of male attention" I... just don't get how this makes any sense to you.
Also, can we please stop the whole "calling anybody that is rude/offensive or does something you dislike autistic" thing? As somebody who is genuinely autistic, you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Autism != being selfish/disrespectful.
TL;DR Please stop being a entitled male asshole.
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