Hey everyone,
   I have a question that is aimed more towards the female members.  Do you prefer busting larger balls or smaller balls? Or does it not make a difference.  Mine are quite large (about the size of two peaches), and many of the women I have been with said that they liked busting mine because of their size.  Although I've also talked to some women who said they prefer busting smaller balls because when you hit them it's always a full contact hit.  Do you have a preference one way or another?  I'd be very interested in hearing your views.


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how about using orchidometer, or some electronic weight measurement item to measure it size..?

This is true Antonio, but what Sarah seems to be pointing out is that all the "outliers" are members of this site or seem to be anyway.

Antonio Pazzi said:
In any statistical survey (which is how I assume they gathered average testicle size) there are going to be outliers. Usually, the way this is dealt with is by calculating the average in such a way that reduces the weight of the outliers. This does not mean, however, that the outliers do not exist. Don't make the mistake of believing that that which is not common is impossible.I'm not denying the fact that having testicles as large as peaches is out of the ordinary. I am saying, however, that you can't say it's impossible based on statistical averages. At any rate, believe what you want to believe, but I don't suggest we prolong this line of discussion because--as L so rightly pointed out--the point of this thread was a survey of the female members' opinions. :)
David uk said:
Yes i agree Pazzi balls can vary in size, but not by that much.Some may have ever so slightly larger balls.Testicles can range from 12 cm³ to 30 cm³...but a peach for example is much, much bigger:
http://blog.oregonlive.com/health_impact/2009/07/peaches.JPG Now if you had two of these living in your trousers you would not be able to walk! the only time balls would grow that big is if you had a Hydrocele or a liver and kidney disorder or if you had a congestive heart disease and then i suggest a visit to doctors a.s.a.p. Some guys may have a slightly larger scrotum as well, which may give the impression of having bigger balls or some have those tight compact scrotums and it is where we get the expression, low hangers! if you have the former, but again the size of the actual testicle would not be that different in both examples, unless the scrotum itself was swollen, but that is known as Varicocele..and again a trip to the doctors should be imminent in such a case.
Ok, saying that all the guys who claim to have huge balls are liars is maybe a tad harsh on my part, but just as some guys claim to have these monster dicks, it is probably more of an exaggeration and a bit of the male bravado that i mentioned before, and a lot of guys do seem to slightly exaggerate when it comes to their genitalia and its size and volume.
But i am not bringing into question any of these guy's personalities by wondering about the truth or non truths concerning the size of their ' yogurt factories' nor wanting to judge them as people, i am sure 99% of them are good, decent people that maybe just have a rather active imagination at times.
And yes i am sure that it makes no difference whatsoever to the kickers, knee-ers, squeezers and punchers of aforementioned testes, but it still does not stop some guys from telling a few tall tales about them every now and then and making the ladies believe that they carry in their pants what you would normally only ever see hanging from a thoroughbred racehorse or an especially muscley bull!

Antonio Pazzi said:
David, I'm not sure that's entirely fair. Balls can vary in size as much as dicks do. I can't speak for the other guys Sarah has talked to, but personally I don't really see any point in lying to someone you're never going to meet about a part of your body they're never going to see. There's nothing mind-blowing about big balls--some people are born with them, some are not--in the end, as I think this thread has shown, to the majority of women it doesn't make much of a difference. Some prefer large balls, others don't. I disagree with your generalization that any guy on here who says he has big balls is automatically lying. If, as Sarah says, there are a tons of guys on here claiming to have huge balls, then I agree that there are grounds for suspicion. As is the case with any interactions that take place on the internet, you can never be totally sure about how honest the people to whom you're speaking are. You just have to get to know the person, learn about his or her character, and make the judgment for yourself. If some guys, as you argue, are lying to Sarah to fulfill some kind of fantasy about themselves, then I agree it is sad. I would have to say, however, that it's a pretty shitty fantasy. For some guys, ball size is very closely tied to their ballbusting experience. Speaking personally, that has always been the case for me and it is how I got into ballbusting in the first place. I can only speculate that the same might be the case for some of the other guys here. If you get 50% or more of the guys on here claiming to have big balls, then yes, once again you should be suspicious. That said, it's not right to make the generalization that they are all liars. You have to get to know them and make the judgment for yourself. As for myself, I can only hope that the people I speak to regularly on here will understand that my character is simply not like that. Obviously, I cannot speak for everyone.

David uk said:
The thing is Sarah, all these guys that are telling you that they have 'huge balls' are in fact LYING! balls are balls! Some may be ever so slightly larger than another pair, but there is not really a big difference from one pair of balls to another. So when you hear about guys having balls the size of tropical fruits or tennis balls or a small child's head! there are just playing with you, or living in their fantasy land, because they think it is what you want to hear, or that it will somehow make them more appealing to you, or by having these mutated baby makers hanging from their legs like some sort of giant plucked turkey, they believe it actually gives them a chance of you wanting to meet them and bust them. But please do not be fooled by this slightly sad although harmless lie and male bravado.
Make believe and fantasy is rather a common place it seems within the ballbusting community.
Sarah said:
Why is it that so many guys have such huge balls? Almost everyone I've chatted with tells me their balls are so big. We must have a well hung membership.
If the balls are hidden away in pants then it dosen't much matter, although the bigger the balls the bigger the target.

However, if the balls are exposed so I can get my hands or knee on them then I definitely have a size fetish. I love the feel of big balls rolling around under my knee. Sometimes its difficult to feel tiny balls under the knee.

Of course, the reaction is very important and don't seem to notice a difference between the reaction of big or tiny balls.
Yes, I always like to experiment like that with my knee on new guys I date. Just press my knee into his groin softly and roll his balls around and pressing and releasing, pressing and releasing - it is amazing how many guys like that even when not into busting but they soon get hooked and need more and more - its a threat that gets a lot of guys hot - wonder why?

Christopher said:

I love the feeling of my balls being pressed by a girl's knee, I once had this girlfriend who figure out my fetish without me mentioning it to her and she would press/knee whenever she wanted. I wasn't ready to speak about it yet so she was totally in control over what we did. Knees are my favorite, I was so lucky she experimented with me!


Tanya Topper said:
If the balls are hidden away in pants then it dosen't much matter, although the bigger the balls the bigger the target.

However, if the balls are exposed so I can get my hands or knee on them then I definitely have a size fetish. I love the feel of big balls rolling around under my knee. Sometimes its difficult to feel tiny balls under the knee.

Of course, the reaction is very important and don't seem to notice a difference between the reaction of big or tiny balls.

Amazing scenario you describe.  It is both sensual and threatening at the same time.  It dances right along the pain-pleasure line.

I think it gets alot of guys "hot" because they feel powerless and have no control and thats a weird sort of turn on for some people!

Tanya Topper said:
Yes, I always like to experiment like that with my knee on new guys I date. Just press my knee into his groin softly and roll his balls around and pressing and releasing, pressing and releasing - it is amazing how many guys like that even when not into busting but they soon get hooked and need more and more - its a threat that gets a lot of guys hot - wonder why?

Christopher said:

I love the feeling of my balls being pressed by a girl's knee, I once had this girlfriend who figure out my fetish without me mentioning it to her and she would press/knee whenever she wanted. I wasn't ready to speak about it yet so she was totally in control over what we did. Knees are my favorite, I was so lucky she experimented with me!


Tanya Topper said:
If the balls are hidden away in pants then it dosen't much matter, although the bigger the balls the bigger the target.

However, if the balls are exposed so I can get my hands or knee on them then I definitely have a size fetish. I love the feel of big balls rolling around under my knee. Sometimes its difficult to feel tiny balls under the knee.

Of course, the reaction is very important and don't seem to notice a difference between the reaction of big or tiny balls.
Big balls are better! The size of peaches? Wow! I'd give them a workout you'd never forget! ;)

Heather, I think where Antonio comes from they call cherries, “peaches”.... lmfao

"...Mine are quite large (about the size of two peaches),.." ?? really... try putting two (2) peaches in the crotch of your jeans, then walk around. Our balls are NOT between our legs; PUT TWO (2) PEACHES in your jockstrap! Exaggeration is one thing, but the absurd?

Deuter, I know what size my balls are. If you need to come here and measure them that's fine, but I'm not paying your airfare.

Deuter Ronomy said:
"...Mine are quite large (about the size of two peaches),.." ?? really... try putting two (2) peaches in the crotch of your jeans, then walk around. Our balls are NOT between our legs; PUT TWO (2) PEACHES in your jockstrap! Exaggeration is one thing, but the absurd?

To @Deuter Ronomy, @Pazzi & EVERYONE (meaning all members on the site)

Deuter this has been a great thread thus far and people are giving proactive and entertaining thoughts so lets not spoil this by challenging and inciting an unnecessary argument. Pazzi has made a claim weather you believe or not is not relevant the point is its generated healthy stimulating chat for the site and offered some enlightening insights into some members minds lets appreciate it for what it is.

Pazzi your reply to Deuter is far less confrontational, appropriate and U have a right to defend yourself but lets not escalate it.

This goes for EVERYONE (meaning all members on the site) leave your comments to yourself if you wish to escalate it into an argument. Mallory and I will delete any and all arguments used to defame or belittle people, the world is full of people with colorful personalities and physical features and its not acceptable to go around harming or slandering them (at least not legally) so lets not do it here. THANKs.
Thanks, DV. I could have been more diplomatic in my response, though; I don't want to create any ill-will. If we can keep this thread on topic then I think we'd all enjoy this discussion more. And I agree--there have been a number of entertaining thoughts. :)

dvhour (Site Owner) said:
To @Deuter Ronomy, @Pazzi & EVERYONE (meaning all members on the site)

Deuter this has been a great thread thus far and people are giving proactive and entertaining thoughts so lets not spoil this by challenging and inciting an unnecessary argument. Pazzi has made a claim weather you believe or not is not relevant the point is its generated healthy stimulating chat for the site and offered some enlightening insights into some members minds lets appreciate it for what it is.

Pazzi your reply to Deuter is far less confrontational, appropriate and U have a right to defend yourself but lets not escalate it.

This goes for EVERYONE (meaning all members on the site) leave your comments to yourself if you wish to escalate it into an argument. Mallory and I will delete any and all arguments used to defame or belittle people, the world is full of people with colorful personalities and physical features and its not acceptable to go around harming or slandering them (at least not legally) so lets not do it here. THANKs.



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