So you want to get into ballbusting ...
I wrote this up a while back because a friend asked me how she could get started. Then more people started asking me about it. So here is how I've taught someone how to bust balls.
Step one - get used to the balls. For the first time buster - it's best to start with your hands or your feet while a seated position.
- With your hands you can locate them and slowly add pressure.
- With your feet - you need to make sure you aren't using them for balance at all - so start in a seated position in front of him and slowly move your foot around.
In either situation - without applying too much pressure - move your body around his. Watch his response to your interaction. Slowly apply a little more pressure and see the smile (and fear grow).
The goal is to be comfortable with you in contact with his balls.
Step two - starting to add pressure. Now that you can tell you like it ... and that he's your sub so therefore he obviously likes it ... it's time to let your inner sadist out.
- Using your hands: sit on his chest facing his face with his hands pinned above your legs, reach around behind you and grab hold. Wrap your hands around his balls and tell him to enjoy it. Start massaging them harder and harder to see what he can take.
- Using your feet: sit on the couch and put the other two cushions on the floor leading away from you. Tell him too lie on them with his legs up on the couch beside you and his balls directly in front of you. Using your weaker foot as support, place your dominate foot on his groin - heel on his balls, foot up his cock. Make sure he's adjusted so that his cock is up and not protecting his balls. Slowly start grinding your foot down. More pressure through his balls will give you a better reaction. Use only the strength you can generate from your leg - don't put so much pressure that you are lifting yourself off the couch.
The goal is to get comfortable applying pressure and to figure out how much pressure is comfortable for both of you.
Step three - impact play. Yep - we're at knees and kicks and punches and head butts and elbows and crops and floggers and paddles and ....... already.
- Kicks: have him kneel down and sit on his heels, knees apart. Find a comfortable spot for you to be in front of him without weight on your dominate leg - sitting on a low chair/stool/couch. Aim to have your foot hit where your toes could wrap under so that way you'll contact his balls with a solid part of your foot. Starting with your foot only 6 inches away - kick him. Start from 7 inches. 8, 9, 10 ...
- Knees: Option 1: have him lie down on his back on a bed with his legs apart. Climb on top with one leg outside of his and the other over his balls. Using your arms and leg to support your body. Same as kicks - 6 inches, 7, 8 ....
- Knees: Option 2: have him on all fours, go behind him and kneel. Place your hands on his hips for support. Raise you knee into him balls from behind.
The goal is to get comfortable dropping him. Tell him that you are going to hit him 5 times before he can cover up. Then ten. Then 5 but hit harder this time. 10 at the harder level.
Remember through it all that it's a process. Taking the time to get to know what you are willing to do and what he is willing to take is a good thing because it will lead to hours upon hours of fun. If on your first attempt, you pull out your spiky high heels and kick full force - you probably won't be playing with that person ever again.
And know - there is a possibility of permanent damage. So be smart, have a safe word, and know that I don't accept any liability for you following these steps. You are an adult ... don't be stupid.