many girls kicked her bro at least once but sometimes they bouth find it intersting and then fights become more like bb high school i had friend who was busted by his hot sis often.once i was at his home,we were standing and talking when she came.when she was near him she suddenly kicked him extremly hard with top of sneaker aiming for balls but hit him few cm lower in was so hard he seat on flor and i think i sow tear in his eye,if she didn t miss...

she just said  i will not forget with such cold dangerous voice like domina and she was 17 years old cute girl.once i heard she punched her bf so badly she cut his lip,blood was evrywhere and she just laughed.

next week he came to school limping on one leg.he told us he hurt his leg but no details and ashemed.when we was alone i asked him jelena(his sister) catch u finally.he just nod and didn t want to talk about that any more.

for people who are not in bb it s rather uncomfortably to talk about this especially bro-sis thing.few girls told me how they kicked bro but they all rather talk about busting other guys.

any stories????

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My brother has this fetish bc of me lol

Are you just kidding? Or is that true..? :O

Big, if true

Not my sister, but my cousin. For years when we were younger we would wrestle in the basement and I would come away limping pretty bad.

My older sister kicked me few times in the groin. She is 6 years older then me so was a good bit stronger then me when I was younger. So it was not me leaving myself open as do with other women. I didn’t enjoy it at all as it my sister! I would of loved it if it was one of her friends or just some other girl. 

There is a video on YouTube of an older brother and his little sister kicking him in the groin from Tik Tok I find it uncomfortable watching as I know he is getting turned by them kicks. 

I know who you're talking about - and it is weird. Especially since he looks to be 10 years older than her, and there's so many videos of them. Idk if he gets off on it, but they're posted in fetish compilations when the audience is certainly supposed to.

And when I say he looks 10 years her senior - he looks about 20.

I remember when i was younger one of the girls in the neighborhood was rough housing with her brother and he started chasing her . Then she suddenly stopped and  back kicked  him while he was in pursuit and fractured his penis which is pretty weird considering that means he most likely had an erection..  Those were some weird kids

I've been kicked by friend's sisters a couple times before. I don't have a sister myself, but a female cousin-via-marriage busted my balls quite a bit.

An aunt of mine once accidentally busted her own son, not hard, and they both laughed about it, so it was all fine. Another aunt has made a few ballbusty comments, too.

Please share more about the ballbusty comments that your aunt has made.

 in fact, tell us about your cousin-in-law incidents, too.

Me and my cousin would basically playfight when we were younger and I made a big deal out of the odd ball-hit, which didn't really hurt but it was sexy to see her reactions. She must have fou d it fun because she continued to aim for my nuts when we hung out.

Wew playing catch with some kind of soft toy and when I looked away she threw it and it hit me in the groin, and I made a scene even though it didn't really hurt. She laughed and said something like "You shouldn't have looked away." Another time she was lying on a bed on her side and I just stood in front of her and she punched me in the balls, for absolutely no reason. I felt that one a bit and she giggled. It was usually the odd knee or kick, but those were more memorable because of her reactions.

One aunt, that I'm related to, accidentally lent on her son's groin when she sat down next to him. He was lying down at the time and he went "Ow! Mum, you squashed my ball! My actual ball" and she apologised with a big grin on her face and said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to squash your actual ball."

Another aunt, that I'm not related to, has made the odd comment involving balls. She once referred to a small brown bead on a friendship bracelet as a "baby monkey testicle" while she tried it around my wrist.

My dad once told me and my little sister that one time when we were in the bath together I was standing in front of my sister and she was slapping my junk and we'd giggle as it bounced around. Neither of us remembered it and I would have been really young so I don't think it is a likely trigger for my busting fetish.

I've had fantasies about being racked by sister, but I never imagine my real one for them

I kicked my brother a lot of times but I could not pop anyone. So sad about it. I want to smash those one day.



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