A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Cindy awoke once again in the middle of the night. It had been several months since her flame pain stunt, and she still could hardly believe that her strong handsome husband could have been reduced to such screaming vulnerability due to an aspect of himself that was so charmingly ridiculous.
Ever since the "event" she had restrained herself from creating any more incidents. While it had absolutely been the hottest thing she had ever witnessed (in more ways than one), she knew he didn't deserve it. Obviously it was all fun and games for her, but she guessed he didn't find pain very much fun. She knew she didn't. But that's what was so great about it, she didn't have to feel any pain, it was all him.
Still, she had refrained for so long.
But after so many months, she was beginning to grow restless. After what she'd done, others too had begun to get ideas; fellow dragon Vissa, of all dragons, apparently incited some sort of incident with a gun to her husband. She still couldn't believe sweet gentle Vissa had actually done that! Cindy looked at Leviath, he'd had enough of a break, right? She thought so. At least for her. She wouldn't have to worry about feeling it, so she didn't have to worry about if it was long enough for him, as long as it was for her.
Leviath was asleep once again in that strange position of his, on his back, leg's spread. She chuckled to herself, didn't he realize sleeping like that left where he was most sensitive open to such vulnerability?
Cindy crept over to him. She took out a vial that she had bought earlier that day, all in preparation for this. While last time she had used fire, she wanted to try something a little different this time, hopefully it would cause quite a different reaction, but one just as amusing.
She undid the lid on the vial and gulped the contents down. Perfect. Getting in position right next to Leviath's back legs, she prepared herself for what she was about to do.
Poor Leviath, has no idea of what he's about to go through again. Sigh. Oh well.
She took a deep breath... and blew.
The vial worked, I had turned her fire breath into the coldest ice breath the world had ever known, and in a split second, the entire area in the opening of Leviath's back legs was a freezing block of solid ice.
Leviath's eyes shot open as he woke up with a gasp. COLD! He gasped, tried to take another breath, but the air escaped him, driven out of him sharply. He gasped again and again, each one taking his breath away, he couldn't breathe! The weakest part of him was frozen solid, so cold it penetrated like millions of sharp little needles deep into every nerve of his weak male weakness.
He gasped, he wheezed, he roared, he did all at once, but the pain was so bad, it had taken away his ability to concentrate. His talons shot down to grab himself, but all he felt was a solid block of ice, so cold his talons instantly felt like they'd fall off from sudden all consuming frostbite! (Of course that wasn't possible with dragon scales, but it certainly felt like it). Even if his talons could make contact, he would only be holding a solid block of ice, no way to warm his real self.
"HELP!" He gasped, "HELP!"
Cindy suppressed a chuckle, once again it had worked, as if it was some sort of mystical button that could magically send him writhing whenever she felt it a good time. Instantly Leviath looked at her, the realization of what had happened hitting him. "YOU!" He cried, "NO! NOT AGAIN!"
Cindy couldn't hold it anymore, she burst out laughing hysterically! "I'm sorry!" She cried, "It's just too funny!" Yes, she'd sent him into pain like this before, but knowing that something like this had happened was nothing like actually knowing it was happening to one right across from you at this exact moment.
"MY WEAKEST SPOT!" Leviath gasped with horrid accusation, "MY WEAKEST SPOT IS FROZEN!"
He gasped and writhed and wheezed, he was completely freaking out, his inability to control his breathing left him no energy left to find control of his body, his weakness was so cold it felt like it wanted to shatter into a million pieces. "HELP ME! BURN THE ICE AWAY!" It's safe to assume he wouldn't want another flame incident like the one he had a few months ago, but with such cold, all he could think about was warmth, so he was probably willing to risk it.
"Okay," said Cindy, she got back into position, and blew onto the ice. Unfortunately, the serum was still in effect, and what was already cold shot to ten times more frozen. Leviath screamed, throwing his head back into the floor. "YOU SADIST!" He gasped between wheezes, the cold causing him to shiver all over. He hated this right now!
"I know," Cindy replied fluttering her eyes. "You know, you could try lighting it yourself."
Leviath gasped, he could hardly breathe. Then he firmed his determination. Yes, he could, if he could get enough of a breath to do it. If he had enough warmth inside him. He gasped, trying to get air in, struggling not to have it driven out. Breathe...
And then he let it out, a short hot breath that was more of a stuttering gasp, right at the icy area of himself.
Leviath screamed as the loudest crack that could ever be heard shattered through the ice, feeling like it was shattering him with it. But though crack lines appeared through the ice, the ice was so cold, it remained a solid block, so cold that the cracks in the ice filled in themselves after only a moment. He literally had no breath of his own left after this, he was TRAPPED! His weakest spot trapped within an icy prison of mortal agony to which the rest of his body could not reach. He was literally freezing his... well, never mind, you know- off.
Cindy sat back, "Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait for it to melt on its own I suppose."
"NO!" Cried Leviath, "I CAN'T TAKE IT!"
Cindy chuckled again, "Don't be silly you've lasted long periods of time in situations you couldn't take before; you'll be okay. Now take your time, I'm just going to sit over here and watch. Have fun."
Obviously Leviath wasn't having fun. But Cindy was.
"NO! MAKE IT STOP! MY WEAK SPOT!" Leviath roared desperately for relief.
"I know," said Cindy, "That's why your so hot. Or this time, should I say cool? You're cool." She made a clicking sound as she imitated putting on sunglasses.
Sure Leviath had done pain like this before, but he could bear the thought of it happening to him right now. Or ever again. HE NEEDED IT TO END!
If only Leviath's past self that just endured his flame pain had known what his future self would eventually go through, back then he had thought it was over, that not being able to endure existing in his own body was a thing of the past and he could at least enjoy existing as himself from then on out. But little did he know this would have eventually became of him, that if he had known then what would eventually become of his poor body, he would have realized how every moment he moved away from that horrible flame pain, he was really heading a moment closer to this freeze pain; that every moment he could once again learn to be content existing as himself, the clock was ticking closer to the moment where he'd once again be in so much pain he'd wish he never existed. Every peaceful moment he had ever had with Cindy, and it all led to him suffering and writhing here; the entirety of his life not worth a second of this pain; that even in his moments of peace, he was still encased in this shell of soon-to-be agony that he called his only body!
"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" Leviath cried through wheezing gasps of pitifulness.
"Easy, because I'm not you." Cindy replied frankly.
Ironic how the most fun things were the things that never happened to you, that if you actually knew what it felt like, it wouldn't be fun anymore, and only by the act of not experiencing, but knowing someone else was experiencing instead was it so fun.
Now obviously, Cindy did feel sort of bad, this was her husband after all, but she'd come to realize after last time with the flames that there were just some things that were Leviath's alone to experience, things she could be glad she didn't have to experience herself. So she might as well have fun with it.
Besides, he would recover from it eventually, right? It didn't matter how much it hurt him and made him writhe and made him scream and made him so desperate to escape his body in the moment, during that time Cindy would feel nothing (except for the hotness and amusement of it all) so no matter how much he suffered, at least for her, his entire length of suffering would feel like nothing at all, like with last time, he might not be able to endure it, but she could bear it indefinitely, so that's all that mattered. To her.
"Don't worry," she told him, "I can bear it for the both of us."
Leviath roared, he could NOT bear it for a thousand dragons, if not more. It did not matter how much Cindy could bear it, great for her, Leviath could not endure one more second of his existence!
And then Leviath realized one major problem: "I NEED TO PEE!" He screamed.
Cindy burst into hysteric laughter. "That is not going to work!" She cried.
Of course she was right! Every muscle covered by the ice was frozen to the core solid. Even if it wouldn't be brought to a stop by the ice, his body couldn't operate even enough to get it there, he felt it all building up inside him with no way to get out!
Fortunately, Cindy was unbridled by such problems. "You know what I think I'm going to do?" She said, "I think I'm going to pee." So she went over to their dragon toilet box, squatted, and went. Oh the sound. She stood there, savoring every moment of it, the feeling of pure bodily relief that she knew his poor male self was being so heartlessly denied.
Now, on a better day, Leviath might have found this attractive, but now, it just made everything encased in ice all the worse. Leviath cried out horribly. It was times like these that Cindy felt true admiration of her female self, so different than him, never having to deal with such agonies. She admired too his male self, as long as she didn't have to deal with the problems he was now facing now. Males and females were truly odd things, and fortunately for Cindy, dragons were no different. He was probably envying her femaleness right now. She liked making him envy her femaleness. There was a lot to be proud of, she was quite hot. Maybe not as hot as him, but his hotness was best left to her amusement rather than something to experience herself.
So, Cindy just let Leviath remain there, writhing and freezing, the ice was taking an eternity to even begin to thaw. Leviath was shivering all over, gasping, "Please. Please." He cried.
Cindy once again began to feel a little bad, perhaps she could make it a little better for him. Of course not his true weak spot, she wanted to ensure that that continued to suffer terribly in utter frozen agony for now, but perhaps she could help with the rest of his body to keep the chill from spreading.
"Here," she took out one of their reheatable blankets, which she had set to flame just before this had started in case an incident like this should happen, it should be good enough to use now. "Wrap this around yourself."
Leviath took the toasty warm blanket and wrapped it around himself as tight as it could go. It was nice for the rest of his body, and the shivering began to subside somewhat, but though he tucked it through his back legs as hard as he could, the true freezing was buried so far under an impenetrable block of ice, that not even the slightest touch of warmth could get through, ice still so could, that even a blanket as warm as this had almost no effect on melting its way through. And he also HAD TO GO!
Cindy sat back and watched him writhe and wail awhile, just chill, in a much more fortunate way than him. This was nice, it truly was. Such handsome manliness merging so perfectly with tragic vulnerability.
For his part, he just had to breathe, it didn't matter that the ice would continue to try to drive the oxygen out of him, he just had to grit through those breaths no matter how hard they were. So every moment he was left unable to comprehend how he could possibly bear to make it to the next moment, but no way to stop himself from bearing that one awful moment into the next. Oh, he had to go so bad, if the cold wasn't bad enough, such a need to go made it hard to concentrate on the survival part of his existence. Fortunately, as a dragon, he didn't necessarily need all the things that gave him the ability to survive, he would continue surviving anyway, even if the pain he felt took away all the things that made his body habitable, a dragon just had to suffer in their uninhabitable body until the point of inhabitability was past, and Leviath was no exception, he was trapped in this horrible agony until the agony was done.
Yes, fun.
But after awhile, Cindy began to yawn. As entertaining as this was to watch, she did need to get back to her beauty rest. There was no way Leviath could be feeling very restful right now, but that was the fun in it, that while she could prioritize her beauty rest, he was struggling to even to be able to bear existing, and simply knowing that such a thing was actually happening right now to him in real time was enough to set her mind in a place of "ah, this is right."
As she positioned herself, ready to lay down, she looked over at him, still strangling himself with the blanket, shivering pitifully. She sighed. "Here, over here you lug," she said, lifting her arm invitingly.
So, as she laid down, Leviath struggled over, and curled up next to her. Not because she wasn't evil, because she totally was, but frankly because she was warm (and admittedly kind of hot)- Well except for her Soul, her Soul was as cold as the ice that encased his weak spot.
Pressed tight against Cindy, Leviath continued to shake, trying helplessly to get the blasted cold to leave. Suddenly, Cindy felt the sharpness of the coldest ice she had ever felt touch her. She cried out and pulled herself away from Leviath. "Hey, keep your cold weakness away from me!" Wow, that was cold, if it felt like that just briefly touching her, imagine what Leviath must be going through, it couldn't be fun. Because as much fun as it was to know how much pain he must be in, there could absolutely be no way that pain was pleasant to experience as oneself. It'd be best to let him experience that pain in his own isolated world of misery, so she could appreciate how awful it must be to be his handsomeness without actually having to be it herself.
"Listen, I don't want you to suffer. Except where it hurts the most." Cindy said, "But the rest of you, I want you to remain comfortable. It's only funny if you suffer in ways I never would."
Yep, totally evil.
So the night wore on, Leviath suffering, whimpering and gasping in ways one could hardly imagine, Cindy holding him, but make sure to keep out of the way of where he was coldest. The ice continued to thaw slowly, painfully slowly, the thawing sending awful needles of pain into Leviath where he was most weakest. Every moment was too much to make it to the next, and no amount of blankets or Cindy snuggling could truly warm what was beyond all warmth.
But finally the block of ice was gone, and it was just Leviath there shivering.
"There, that wasn't that bad was it," Cindy said, "See, it's all over now."
What a stupid thing to say.
Leviath stood up, "I can't believe you did that to me! Again!" No matter that, he had to get to the bathroom. Bad.
Cindy shrugged, "You got to admit, it was hot. Well, I mean for the fact that it was the total opposite of hot."
Leviath stopped, he was already in the bathroom spot going like he never had before. She had him there. It was kind of hot that she found his freeze pain so entertaining. "It HURTS!" He cried finally, continuing his restroom break. "I can't even stand existing!" Oh, he was still so frozen. Going now was so against what his body was ready for right now.
"I know that," Cindy fluttered her eyelashes, "That's why I waited so long to do it again. You needed time to once again appreciate being you before you were made to regret your life again."
Leviath sighed deeply, "Please I can't go through that kind of agony too often."
Cindy chuckled, her cheeks going red, "Right, let's make sure I don't cause you that kind of suffering too often."
Leviath felt that he probably should regret using those keywords "too often", and by the suppressed amused look in Cindy's eyes he had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time he woke up screaming in mortal agony. Leviath began to feel very insecure in his own body knowing it was only a matter of time, it was essentially it's own time bomb until he was once again regretting his own existence. But he looked at Cindy, and he knew, alright, she was a complete sadist, but she also cared for his long-term well-being, he knew that if she agreed to not doing it too often, he wouldn't have to worry too often, she'd only do it when she was sure he'd fully recovered mentally from the last time (and when she was sure he was least expecting it, which Leviath couldn't decide if that was really a good thing). Someday once again he'd be regretting ever existing, but right now, he could rest secure in the moment with Cindy, and know that for the time being, it was over.
Leviath sighed, not having one's week spot encased in ice... so toasty.
And who knows, maybe Leviath has nothing to worry about. Maybe Cindy was done. But how can we be sure? Do we really know yet if it'll be worthwhile being him from here on out, or will he once again regret his life due to some future circumstance we don't yet know? Only time will tell whether Leviath's life from here on out will be too painful to be worth living or not, but... oh the uncertainties of being male.
So, is it worth it being you? As Leviath teaches us, one never knows until that fateful day when pain overtakes their very being, and they drop to the ground in mortal agony wishing they were never born.
But even then, it's alright, it'll pass.
But now, that story told, none of this was even the least of their concerns right now.
For deep inside Cindy's belly, those fire eggs that we hinted at in the first one were already beginning to grow.
And if she knew what she was in for, it'd be she who would already be getting a head start on regretting her life.
Because like it or not, it was her turn.
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