A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Gretchen looked over at Grey and sighed dreamily. Like the other griffin girls, she dreamed of taking a flight with the guy of her dreams, and for her, that guy was Grey. He was sure of himself, kind, and very, very handsome. She was going to ask him out when he was done with his conversation with the other students, before he returned to his dorm.
But unlike her fellow griffins, it wasn't just a flight she was imagining. Though she found him appealing the way he was, she couldn't help but feel certain appeal to the image that kept crossing her mind of him falling victim to a certain unfortunate circumstance. And though she couldn't help but feel a little guilty about it, she had already settled on a certain "prank" to ensure that circumstance would happen. Besides, the shopkeeper had assured her it was absolutely safe. She just couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the hottest guy fall victim to the hottest scenario. She felt herself blushing just at the thought of it, she could hardly contain herself. It was so definitely going to happen. What a wonderful thing males were, she thought to herself.
She tried to get her crush in check before she approached him, and no sooner had the others gone that she hurried up to him. "Hi," she said blushing, "not sure if you remember me, but I'm Gretchen, in your class of Weather 121. I was wondering, do you want to go on a flight with me." Oh, he was right there, so close to her, looking straight at her with those thoughtful eyes, she loved his presence so much.
But just then, thunder rumbled in the distance. Grey looked at her kindly, but shook his head. "I'm sorry, but that thunder sounds pretty close, best not to chance it." He paused, "How about tomorrow?"
This was where her part in the prank came into action. "Oh, no worries, I got lightning repellent." She pulled out a spray bottle and showed it to him.
"Really?" he said, grabbing the bottle and looking at it closely, "I didn't know they made these."
"Well, they do," said Gretchen, grabbing the bottle, and spraying it all over herself. She made sure to slow down as she passed it down her underbody to make sure he realized how important is was to get it everywhere, even if applying it to... specific areas was kind of awkward to do in front of your crush. Grey tried not to watch, but he surely knew what was happening. It made her like him even more. Hopefully it made him feel the same way about her as she felt about him thinking of the flight they were about to embark on (or what he was about to embark on that he wasn't even yet aware). Once she was done, she tossed it back to him, "So what do you say? Still want to wait until tomorrow?"
Grey shrugged, and sprayed the lightning repellent on himself too. He hesitated as he reached his own underbelly, but then applied it the rest of the way anyway, as discretely as he could with her politely looking away.
They were ready to go.
Only, Gretchen left out one really important factor. Yes, it was really lightning repellent, and it really worked. Mostly. But for some mysterious reason nobody could understand, there was one particular part of the body it did not work on. In fact it did the opposite there, it actually attracted lightning.
And it only happened with males.
As they flew over Griffin University and into the atmosphere, they could see the clouds gathering in the distance over the nearby mountains. No need to worry, they had lightning repellent.
Well, at least Gretchen had no need to worry.
Gretchen reflected upon the conversation she'd had with the store keeper when she'd discovered the terrible design flaw in the lightning repellent. At first she'd been aghast by the thought of it, no matter how attractive a scenario like that had sounded. "And they haven't discontinued it?"
The storekeeper shrugged, "Well it may attract the lightning, it still puts on a protective coating the wards off any long term injury. Still quite a jolt, probably feels not much better, but it's only pain, not real damage."
"But what's the point of it?" Gretchen asked.
"Well, it still works on females just fine." Then she bent over and whispered, "Besides, some of the girls here find it the perfect prank to pull on the cute guys in their lives."
Well, that sold her. She knew she might live to regret it, but her mind was now set, and there was no stopping herself. The idea was just too appealing to back out now.
Now, as they approached the storm, Grey checked his body uncertainly. "You sure this lightning repellent really works?" he asked again.
"Certain," Gretchen assured him. At least for me it does, she added to herself.
So with that, they flew into the storm. Grey looked at Gretchen, he didn't know her well, but she was pretty hot. She seemed somewhat shy in classes, but there was an inner light in her that he was always curious about, and always made her very attractive to him. He just hoped this flight with her would prove as promising in helping to get to know her better as he'd hoped.
At first things went fairly well. The rain pattered down on them, but lightning was still out of reach, but then-
Lightning struck a nearby peak, an avalanche of rock started tumbling down.
"Gretchen?" Grey asked again, "The lightning's pretty close. You sure this is a good idea?"
But Gretchen remained suspiciously silent, just gave him a flattering grin.
Suddenly, Grey started to feel a sensation of static, hairs standing on end. "Uh Gretchen, I feel static, are you supposed to feel static if you're lightning proof?"
But then he realized the static wasn't affecting his whole entire body, just...
...One specific...
And then the first bolt struck.
Grey felt his entire body explode with pain as the lighting sailed under his tail and through his legs, contacting right where he felt most sensitive and vulnerable. He screamed as pain worse than anything he could have fathomed shot through his entire body, but most painful of all, his... he couldn't even say.
Grey hardly had time to process his survival from the last shock when the next bolt shot from the sky, right on target alongside the last shock. Grey cried out again as he staggered through the air, unable to stabilize his wings. Another bolt struck, and Grey stumbled down onto a nearby clifftop. He hunched down there, rear end in the air as if he was offering it up to the sky. Of course, that was probably the least thing he wanted, but the sky sure was taking up on the offer, striking him again and again, causing him to cry out horribly. He clawed his way forward, but it was no help, as the lighting followed him every bit of the way.
Gretchen began to realize instantly that maybe she'd made a mistake. She landed on the cliff beside him, and found herself backing up against a nearby tree. She put a paw over her mouth, her face beginning to burn bright red. The emotions she was feeling were so overwhelming she felt like she'd explode, as if she herself had been struck by some kind of emotional lightning. She wanted to scream, she wanted to roar with laughter, some sound wanted to explode from her mouth which she couldn't even describe, and it took all of her willpower to keep it in, it was just too much for her Soul to contain. A long whimper escaped from her mouth, but that was just steam to vent out pressure from a volcano desperately wanting to erupt. Grey was just so attractive in this scenario, and apparently the lighting agreed strongly.
"I'm sorry!" Gretchen finally cried, she couldn't hold it in, she needed to let something out "You were just so handsome and hot, and... I just couldn't contain myself!"
Grey finally understood, he didn't know how, but somehow Gretchen had meant for this to happen. If it hadn't been so painful, he almost would have found it attractive, there is nothing more attractive than a girl who finds it attractive for a guy to get struck where it's most embarrassing, but is too shy and modest to know how to express it well (Yeah, he had oddly specific tastes when it came to his type). But as it stood, each volt of energy that penetrated into his weakness was just too painful for him to process how attractive anything was right now. Well except for the attractiveness all-consuming static energy which his body could not stand.
As Gretchen watched, she couldn't even begin to comprehend what Grey was going through. Of course she knew what pain was, she'd accidently zapped herself with an outlet herself once, but it was surely nothing compared to the pure energy penetrating Grey's weakest self right now, a weakest self which she would never know on a personal level in her own experiences. She'd pictured this event in her mind's eye, but now that it was actually happening, right in front of her right now, it was too much for her emotions to take. She knew she should feel bad for him, but seeing Grey hunched up like that was so ridiculous, so hot, she couldn't even take it seriously. Besides he'd be okay. The repellant may be attracting the lightning, but at least it was also protecting against it. Or at least from any long-term effects of it.
"HAVE MERCY!" Grey cried into the sky. But the sky is just a sky, and it had no feelings, it couldn't understand such concepts of mercy or pain, so it just kept striking at Grey again and again, not comprehending the trauma it was bringing to this unfortunate Soul. It had a job to do, and it was going to do it, a single Griffin wearing defective lightning repellant wasn't really its concern.
"MY...! MY...!" Grey wanted to scream so much about the pain he was experiencing as the unceasing lightning continued to pummel him with bolts, but he knew a strange cute girl was watching, and although she surely knew all about the morbidity of the situation (and the fact, she'd actually set him up for this?), he couldn't dare humiliate himself more by actually putting words to what was happening.
But then another bolt struck, and then another, both at the same time, different angles, but same target, interlocking and exploding with force like never before, and he completely lost all self-control. "MY N**S! MY B***S!" He screamed as loud as he could. "MY *******S! MY T*******S!" He screamed, bursting out all the nicknames that no self-respecting Griffin would ever use to associate with themselves, and Grey was very self-respecting. But it's hard to be self-respecting when the most embarrassing and sensitive aspect of yourself is being struck again and again by a quarter billion volts of lightning every single second.
Some of the nicknames Gretchen was familiar with - of course she knew the classics - but there were some she had never heard before, in fact, so many, she wondered if he had made some of them up on the spot for lack of mental stability. Of course these terms had only ever applied to other Griffins and never her personally, but she knew they'd always just been there in the back of her mind, and she loved the ring many of them and how they made her think about guys. Gretchen felt herself growing redder and redder at each nickname, some of them were so hot she couldn't believe it. She'd have to take mental note of some of them. The fact that she was already so familiar with so many of the terms when none of them had really ever applied to her was too much for her emotions to take. Of course she herself had too much self-respect to ever think about having these terms coming out of her own mouth, even if she never had to worry about them being associated with herself personally, but she knew she'd never forget them, and it was the thought that counted.
She wondered if Grey knew any nicknames relating to her own self. It'd be cute if he knew a few that not even she knew. He was taking a Biology class, so maybe. Of course, no self-respecting Griffin would ever use them in any self-respecting circumstances, but just the thought that he might know a thing or two about her own most embarrassing self... well, she was already feeling a lot right now, just another thing to add to the overwhelming storm of emotions penetrating her Soul, the violence of it had to be almost as powerful as the storm penetrating Grey's... well, you know. But as opposed to Grey's storm of trauma, the storm within Gretchen was the most amazing thing she could remember.
But as the flashing torrent of electricity continued, there were no more terms Grey could come up with, so he just screamed and screamed and screamed. As he continued to pull away, he tumbled over, rolling onto his back. Suddenly, his vulnerability was all exposed. The lightning struck! Grey tried to clench his legs together, throw his paws over himself, but it was futile, every time he got close to protecting his most sensitive self, another bolt would strike, the after-force of the contact blasting apart any attempt of closing his body off. So he just writhed and screamed, Gretchen watching with fascinated horror as the bolts just kept coming, an unending onslaught of pure agony to her biggest crush.
But finally, the storm started to move on, and the lightning and rain slowed. As the fresh after-storm smell filled the air, the lightning stopped entirely, flashing only in the distance.
Grey lay on his side, cradling himself delicately, moaning pure distress. Oh he hated his life.
Gretchen stepped up to him cautiously, her legs were still shaking from the overwhelming emotions caused by the event she'd just witnessed.
"Grey, are you okay?"
Grey whimpered, and slowly and shakily pulled himself to his feet. Oh, he hurt all over - or at least he wished it was all over, the reality was much worse. "You set me up for that, didn't you? That lightning repellent was somehow defective."
Gretchen looked away, "Sorry... It's just... You're so handsome and you looked so funny and..."
She looked at him, but his eyes, though weary from exhaust, showed no anger. "That's not the reason you asked me on this flight, is it? Is that the only reason you showed an interest in me?"
Gretchen looked at him. "No, I do like you, I really do. You're smart and insightful, and I really want to get to know you better. I just found that lightning repellent, and it only works on girls... and that you could put it on a girl... and she could fly anywhere and be fine... but if you put it on a guy... ZAP! It was... too much a bonus to pass up. It was just too funny... And I liked you... And I'm sor..."
She trailed off as Grey looked at her a long moment, not saying anything, he was still hunched in on himself, still not recovered from what he'd just been through. She knew she'd come to regret this, and here it was.
But then Grey spoke, "I kind of like you too." A beat. "Though I'd never have done anything like that. Not a good way to express your feelings." He winced, still feeling a sharp shock of aftershock static. Ow. She really knew how to bring a guy down to his knees. Hopefully she didn't make a habit out of it. "Please don't do that again. Like ever."
The looked at each other another moment.
"So you still want to fly with me?" Gretchen asked.
Grey looked at the sky, now clearing up, rays of late afternoon sun beginning to shine through again. "As long as you don't give me any more lightning repellent."
So with that, the two of them took back off into the air. As they flew through the mountains, they talked and laughed with each other, and got to know each other. Grey was a little bit sore from all the electricity, but he felt surprisingly energized, the storm must have recharged him or something.
"You know, I've been working on a theory," Grey said.
"What's that?" Gretchen asked.
"I think that there are different types of storms, and they bring different types of lightning. I think if something survives a lightning strike, in some situations the lightning may impact them in some unique way."
"Really?" Gretchen asked, her eyes going wide. Honestly, this was the real reason she liked Grey, she could laugh at how hot he looked folded over, but really, he just thought of things in a different light, and that made him fascinating to be around. "What do you think this lightning was?"
Grey suddenly went silent, his face going red. Gretchen looked at him quizzically, urging him on. Finally, "Romantic Lightning. I think it caused an increase in my romantic feelings for you."
Gretchen looked at him shocked. "Is that why you're taking this so well. Why you still like me after all that?"
Grey blushed, "Maybe. Partly. But I think I always liked you anyways, the storm only increased what was already there. And the fact that you set me up like that..." really, really red, "that's kind of... hot. Don't do it again though, it hurts. Bad."
And so they flew on. When they finally got back to the school, it was official, they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Their friendship would only continue to grow over the years, and eventually they'd grow to be husband and wife and live a long happy life with each other. But that was still long in the future, right now they were still classmates at Griffin University, and they were just at the beginning of their special relationship that was just starting to bloom.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Never wear lightning repellent if you're male. If you're female, feel free to go wild with it.
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