A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Get caught up: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
After about five minutes, Jack decided he couldn’t wait much longer. By this time, Tristan was at least sitting up, though he was clearly getting annoyed by Jack’s constant checking to see if he was able to get up yet. While he could understand Tristan viewing him as a nagging ninny, he didn’t care. He had a class to get to and this was slowing him down. “Think you can get up yet?” Jack asked, yet again. Whether he was ready or just simply tired of the question, Jack didn’t know, but this time Tristan held out his hand as he groaned. Jack eased him up, which was no easy feat, doing his best to avoid triggering any more pain than his teammate was already enduring.
“Just drop me off at the restroom,” Tristan muttered as they walked slowly down the hall.
“Oh no,” Jack said with a vigorous shake of his head. “You need to see the nurse. I still can’t get the sound out of my head. Lacey got you good.”
“C’mon man,” Tristan protested, his face reddening at Jack's reminder of what Lacey had done to him. “I’ll be fine. Just need a few, you know?”
But Jack wasn’t having it and when he picked up the pace, Tristan gritted his teeth and followed, afraid he might collapse again without Jack’s support.
“Mrs. Callahan?” Jack asked tentatively as he poked his head into her office for the second time that morning.
“Oh, Jack, hi,” Katy said, looking up from a green file folder on her desk. “Are you checking on Colin? Oh, I guess not,” she added when the door swung open to reveal the massive bulk of Tristan Koppick filling its frame. “Oh Tristan, oh my, you don’t look so good.” He was leaning against Jack’s back, over his right shoulder and Katy could see that he was holding his groin tenderly. She smiled to herself thinking, looks like another break-up and another chance for a girl to get her revenge like only she can.
“He’s not,” Jack said quickly as he eased Tristan onto a chair. He was already ten minutes late and he really couldn’t spare much more time, so he dispensed with any beating around the bush, addressing Mrs. Callahan matter-of-factly. “Lacey Summers kneed him in the groin - ,”
“Oh jeez,” Katy murmured as Lacey’s pretty, but impassive face popped into her mind.
“Three times!” Jack exclaimed, cutting Katy off.
“Yikes,” Katy squeaked, rising quickly from her desk as the image of Lacey’s face dissolved. This sounded much worse than Colin’s situation. “I might need to take a look.” Before attending to Tristan, Katy bent down and scribbled her signature on a pad and then tore off the sheet, handing it to Jack. “You can go now,” she said to him kindly, glad she’d had the foresight to pre-write a stack of late passes.
After Jack slipped out of her office, Katy sat down next to Tristan and could see the boy clearly didn’t want to make eye contact. She crossed her legs and ran a hand down her silky nylons as she did, pretending to smooth them. While her eyes studied her high heels, she asked Tristan, “Does it hurt pretty bad?”
Tristan nodded, looking down at his hands which were still held tightly between his legs.
Katy tried hard not stare, but it was funny to see the big football player all scrunched up holding himself in front of her. It had to be embarrassing for him, she thought, but it was about to get worse. “I think I’d better take a look,” she said finally, looking over to meet his gaze.
With horror in his eyes, Tristan did meet Katy’s gaze, his mouth falling open. “Whu-what?” He stammered.
Patting his arm gently, Katy offered her warmest smile. “It’s okay, Tristan. I’m a nurse. I’ve seen everything. You don’t have to be nervous. Just slip your pants down and let’s see what’s going on.”
Tristan looked at her with disbelief in his golden, hazel eyes, but when Katy kept her eyes steady, he gulped and started undoing his belt.
“Might be easier if you stand up,” Katy suggested, rising herself. And then, seeing how arduous it seemed for Tristan, she offered her hand and helped him upright. When his pants slid down around his ankles, Katy had to fight not to gasp at the sight of his package. He was a big one, for sure, and yet, she was still caught off guard by the sheer size of his penis as it hung down his leg. Most guys would’ve been dying to show off a dick that big but Tristan looked almost humble as he dropped his pants. Then she saw his testicles and the reason for his humility became clear. It must be hard to feel any machismo or pride after a girl half your size makes your balls swell to twice their size, she thought. It was true. Tristan’s scrotum was taut and shiny and was swollen far beyond normal, and seeing them made Katy gulp in concern – though the tingle in her loins which usually indicated arousal or excitement seemed to contradict any concerns she had. Unfortunately, the mixed emotions were so heightened that Katy’s eyes went wide before she had a chance to control them.
“What is it, Mrs. Callahan?” Tristan blurted, the panic heavy in his tone.
Katy dropped to a knee, putting herself at eye level with Tristan’s trauma and composed herself. “You have some pretty serious swelling going on,” she said in her most soothing voice. “But I think you’re going to be okay. This might hurt a little, but I’ll try to be gentle.” She could feel Tristan’s eyes boring into the top of her skull as he braced himself. As tenderly as she could, she took a testicle in each hand and pressed all around each one testing for internal damage. Though they were spongy on the surface, she could feel beneath the gathered fluid that his testes were still one hundred percent intact. It was a strange sensation to have such heavy, swollen balls in her hand, especially a student’s. But she let go quickly, before any unethical ideas had a chance to blossom, when Tristan cried out involuntarily. She must have been pressing too hard, she thought.
Rising to her feet, Katy mumbled an apology and told Tristan to pull up his underwear and take a seat. “I’m going to get some ice and I want you to sit here holding over your underwear.” When he looked at her like it was the last thing he wanted to do, she assured him, “Don’t worry. I have some rounds to make, so it will just be you in here. Just close the door when you’re ready to leave. Oh, and grab a note from the pad over there.” As she scratched out another signature, Katy wondered if it was such a good idea, leaving a boy unattended in her office. She studied him quickly and then decided there was no way he would – could – get up to no good. Not in his condition. Well, she laughed to herself as she went for another bag of ice from the cafeteria, a kick in the balls was always good for that.
The truth was, no man could carry on like normal, as much as he’d like to, after a girl slammed her knee into his jewels. Three times no less! A twinkle glistened in Katy's eye. Good girl, Lacey. Good. Girl.
Marvelous continuation! Thank you
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