A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
[This is a collaborative effort with Hannah Hayes - a far better writer than I - and, thanks to Hannah's prodding, this story has taken me (and several of my recurring characters) into uncharted waters. Thank you Hannah.]
The vibrating cell phone, like a buzzsaw against the wooden coffee table, nearly caused Rebecca to jump right out of her chair. With her heart racing, she leaned over and checked the screen. To her surprise it, the name that appeared was Roxana. She set aside the book she was reading and picked up the phone.
“Hi Rox!”
“Hi Rebecca,” came the voice on the other end. “I’m not interrupting, am I?”
“Not at all,” Rebecca said, the smile on her face coming through in her tone. “I was just reading a book. How are you doing?”
“I’m good. You?”
“I’m good, too. Ryan’s out running some errands so I thought I’d catch up on this book I’ve been reading. Speaking of boyfriends, how’s Adam?”
“Well,” Roxana laughed, a laugh that came out sounding more awkward than she’d intended. “Actually, that’s why I’m calling.”
Hearing the uncertainty in her friend’s voice, Rebecca blurted, “Oh no, you two didn’t break up did you?”
This time, Roxana’s laugh was far heartier. “Geez, no, Bec. Nothing like that. We’re great, actually,” she said.
“Oh good,” Rebecca said, relief flooding her voice. “So what is it then?”
“It’s, well, how should I put this?” Roxana answered slowly, trying to frame the situation. “Recently, Adam’s seemed to develop a kind of sixth sense. Like he somehow knows every time I’m about to bust his balls.”
“Huh,” Rebecca muttered, sounding annoyed.
“Yeah,” Roxana agreed, “it is irritating. He keeps blocking every shot. I feel like I must be telegraphing my intentions but I could swear I’m not! Have you ever experienced anything like this with Ryan?” There was a long pause before Rebecca answered.
“Actually, I have,” Rebecca replied. “Probably around a year into our relationship, Ryan started catching on to my moves and got halfway decent at blocking my blows or at the very least, mitigating their effects.”
“Wow,” Roxana said, clearly surprised. “So what did you do?”
Rebecca laughed, long and hard. “One morning, I woke up before him and as I was lying there, I started thinking about how he’d been thwarting me lately. I decided to punch him in the balls while he was sleeping.” Rebecca heard the gasp-giggle on the other end and chuckled herself. “Yeah, he woke up pretty fast. He grabbed himself and looked at me with total confusion. I explained to him that I’d noticed him blocking me and how I didn’t like that. I think he was about utter something smart like, ‘maybe you just need to get better’, but when he saw how serious I was he held his tongue.”
“Smart,” Roxana concurred.
“Then I told him how if he ever blocked me again I would make sure he paid a terrible price. I could tell he didn’t like the sound of that, but the next time I went to bust him, he tried to block me and when he saw my glare, he immediately apologized and hung his head as he slowly spread his legs. ‘Kick ‘em as hard as you want,’ he said, sounding very glum. Naturally, I did and he went down for about twenty minutes.” Rebecca tittered wickedly at the memory. “And it’s never been an issue since,” she finished airily.
“Oh shit, Becca, that’s crazy,” Roxana said, awed. “But I don’t think Adam thinks the same way as Ryan. I’m not sure that tactic would work for us. Got any other ideas?”
Another long pause. “Actually, what are you doing right now? I might have a few tricks up my sleeve I could show you. A few things that might distract him just enough so you can get him good.”
“Really?” Roxana said excitedly. “I’ve got some free time. I could come over.”
“Great!” Rebecca exclaimed. “Ryan’s not due back for a while so come on by.”
Rebecca picked up her book and tried reading as she waited for Roxana, but her mind just wasn’t in it anymore. Instead, she poured herself another cup of coffee and walked to her bedroom. She was about to change out of the baggy sweatshirt she had on but instead decided to pull on a pair of leggings and leave the sweatshirt. After all, she wasn’t trying to impress anyone. Before she could head back to the front room, she realized she should probably put a bra on. Even though she didn’t care if Roxana saw her without one, Rebecca realized things would probably go better for her if her boobs weren’t bouncing all over the place. As she squeezed herself into the sports bra, the buzzer went off. She hustled off to get it, tucking, prodding and adjusting as she went.
“Come on up. The door’s open,” Rebecca said into the intercom as she opened it a crack. She caught sight of herself in the full-length mirror in their little entry and shook her head. Even through the baggy sweatshirt she could see her breasts swelling and spilling out of her sports bra. Either I need to get a reduction or I need a bigger bra, she thought.
“Hey,” Roxana called, peering around the door before coming in.
“Hey Rox,” Rebecca said, smiling and waving her in. As Roxana entered, Rebecca immediately rued her decision not to put on makeup. Roxana looked fresh as a daisy, her lips done up in a soft pink hue and her eyelids sparkling with gold glitter shadow. Her platinum hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she was wearing yoga pants with a ribbed tank under her half-zipped athletic jacket. While Roxana was no match for Rebecca’s endowment, she couldn’t help marvel at the way Roxana had them pushed up, firm and tight, stretching the fabric of the tank top. “You want some coffee or anything?” Rebecca asked, pulling her eyes from Roxana’s cleavage.
“I’m good,” Roxana said, smiling, as she waved a water bottle and glanced around the room. “Hey – I like what you’ve done in here,” she said.
Rebecca looked around. “Huh, guess it’s been a while since you’ve been here. We got new furniture about six months ago and, wow, am I glad. This stuff’s so much more comfy than the old stuff.”
“But,” Roxana added, looking doubtful, “it doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for any, um, action.”
“Nonsense,” Rebecca said as she pulled the coffee table off to the side. “Give me a hand and we’ll push the sofa back a bit.”
With space sufficiently cleared, the two girls stood looking at each other, unsure of how to begin. Finally, Rebecca broke the awkward silence. “I assume you’ve tried ‘The Flash’?”
Roxana laughed. “You mean show him my boobs? What an original name,” Roxana chided when Rebecca nodded. “I have, but Adam seems to have enough willpower these days to keep at least one eye from staring.”
“Have you tried faking a punch?” Rebecca’s eyes dropped as Roxana nodded in the affirmative. “What about sneaking up on him from behind?”
“Actually, that was the one thing I tried with moderate success. But still, he seems to hear me coming and can angle himself just enough so that I can’t get him as hard as I want to.”
“Hmm,” Rebecca said, putting a finger to her chin as she mulled things over. “Maybe you need to create a whole scenario?”
“What do you mean?” Roxana asked, cocking her head so that her silvery ponytail drifted down the length of her arm.
“Something like this,” Rebecca said, picking up her phone. “Maybe tell him you’d like a sexy picture of him. Something to remind you of him when he’s not around.”
“I don’t know,” Roxana started. But she closed her mouth when Rebecca’s face lit up.
“I’ve got it!” Rebecca cried. “Hear me out. I’ll be you and you be Adam. Seriously,” she added seeing the dubious look in her friend’s eye.
“Um, okay,” Roxana answered.
“Hey Adam,” Rebecca began, batting her eyelashes at Roxana, “I’ve been thinking.” When Roxana returned a confused look, Rebecca whispered, “You’re Adam, remember?”
“Oh,” Roxana mumbled as her brain finally registered what Rebecca was doing. “Right, sorry.”
“So Adam, I was wondering. Sometimes, when you’re away, I really wish I had some sexy pics of you. You know, to remember you by?”
“Really,” Roxana replied in her deepest voice, making Rebecca have to stifle a giggle.
“Yeah, don’t you think that would be nice?” Rebecca cooed, her eyes turning sultry.
“I guess,” Roxana said, shrugging her shoulders.
Rebecca was unimpressed by Roxana's weak response. "C'mon!" Rebecca admonished her, momentarily breaking character, "Don't you think he'd like the idea? I feel like the real Adam would be more enthusiastic."
Roxana had to agree, Adam would indeed readily accept the proposition.
“Oh good. Would you be a sport and let me take a few photos of you in your underwear?”
“What?!” Roxana blurted in her own voice leaving Rebecca to wonder if she was still playing her part or if Roxana was just taken aback.
"What, you wanna do this naked?" Rebecca asked sarcastically, failing to hold back a giggle. Roxana glared back in response.
“C’mon, please?” Rebecca purred, forging ahead, twirling her finger for Roxana to strip.
Roxana continued to stare hard at Rebecca but then figured what the hell. Gotta get in character, after all. She undid the zipper of her jacket and slipped out of it before kicking off her sneakers and wiggling free of her yoga pants. Finally, she reached around the hem of her tank top and hoisted it over her head, dropping it near her feet, leaving only her underwear to keep from being in the altogether.
Rebecca whistled teasingly, taking a moment to check her out, before resuming, “You look so hot, baby. Can you give me your best sexy look?”
Roxana fought the urge to laugh at how ridiculous she felt and composed herself enough to flash Rebecca steamy, love struck eyes.
“Oh, that’s good, babe,” Rebecca purred, moving closer to Roxana. “How about you flex those abs?” She coached, tilting her phone and snapping away as Roxana flexed. As she followed Rebecca's instructions, she thought to herself that this would actually be pretty fun to do on its own. Having a few sexy photos of Adam would be pretty nice, she thought to herself, enjoying the mental imagery of Adam flexing his toned physique with his heavy package swinging between his legs.
“Okay, now look down for a second and then look up with a big smile.” Roxana snapped back to reality with the next instruction, and she obliged, tilting her head down.
As Roxana dropped her eyes, Rebecca stepped back and launched her foot towards Roxana’s crotch, completely caught up in her role pretending she was Roxana kicking Adam in his balls. Failing to return to reality in time, her foot sailed between Roxana’s legs and her toe knuckle hammered into Roxana’s clit. Rebecca always hit a bullseye, apparently, even when entranced. When there was no soft cushion of testicles to break the momentum of her foot, Rebecca yelped at the sharp pain shooting across the top of her bare foot and she immediately registered she’d just connected with Roxana’s pubic bone and not Adam’s balls. Her eyes went wide and her mouth gaped at the sound of Roxana’s howl.
Roxana doubled over instantly, tightly grabbing her pussy. She looked at Rebecca with stunned eyes as stars exploded across her field of vision. She didn’t fully hear Rebecca pleading, “I’m so sorry. Oh, Rox, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” Neither did she feel Rebecca’s hands guiding her as she heavily sank to the ground with tears leaking from her eyes. All she could feel was the hard throb around her pubic bone and the tendrils of pain radiating from her pussy as she collapsed to the floor and curled up.
Kneeling, Rebecca stroked her friend’s back, shocked herself at the amount of pain Roxana seemed to be in. Feeling terrible, but simultaneously suppressing a bit of instinctive laughter, Rebecca tried to speak with calmness. “Oh Rox, it can’t be that bad. I didn’t mean to actually kick you. Please tell me you’re just being dramatic.”
Roxana looked up at her with bloodshot eyes, and hissed, “It’s fucking killing me. Fuck.”
Rebecca’s face fell. “So you’re not just pretending to act like Adam does when you bust his balls?”
Seeing the utter dismay on her friend’s face, Roxana couldn’t help but laugh through the pain. “Believe me, Bec,” she rasped, “I couldn’t act this well even if I was at an audition. You nailed my lady bits, hard.”
“I’m so sorry about that,” Rebecca apologised yet again. “I just got caught up in the moment and lost control of myself. But it really hurts that bad?”
Roxana nodded weakly in response. She reached out her right hand and Rebecca instinctively connected her grip. “Help me over to the couch, will you?”
Rebecca guided her friend over to the sofa where Roxana sank into it, pulling her legs to her chest and keeping her hands in her groin, letting out a pained moan as she curled up again. Rebecca sat down on the opposite end and met Roxana’s gaze.
“I can’t believe how much this hurts. I didn’t think getting kicked in the vag would be this excruciating,” Roxana admitted.
“Me neither,” was all Rebecca could think to reply. They sat silently, except for the sound of Roxana’s labored breathing and occasional groans as she stared absently while Rebecca stared down wringing her hands. Several minutes passed, before Rebecca finally piped up, “Do you need some ice or something?”
Roxana looked over at her, initially too distracted by the pain to process her question at first. She strained to carefully parse the sounds, playing them back in her head, and finally understood the question.
“That would help, yes,” she answered in relief, though a little frustrated that neither of them had thought of that earlier. Rebecca obliged, leaving her side, and Roxana sighed heavily, her expression loosening to a pained grimace. She was doing her best to keep a straight face through the pain in front of Rebecca, and she was about to drop her head back against the cushion when the front door opened. Quickly, she pulled a pillow in front of herself.
“Hey, Bec,” Ryan called as he set a bag down and looked over. His eyes widened in surprise when he registered Roxana on the sofa. “Oh, hey, Roxana,” he said cheerily. “I didn’t know you were coming over,” he added, moving across the room. He stopped suddenly. “Hey – are you okay? You look... terrible. No offence,” he added hastily.
Roxana flashed him a weak smile from over the pillow and was about to respond when Rebecca jumped off the couch, disappearing briefly into the kitchen.
“It’s nothing,” she said, closing the freezer door and striding toward her boyfriend.
Ryan peered at Roxana, trying to read her expression and glean any information he could. Without looking back at Rebecca, Ryan replied, “It doesn’t look like nothing.”
“Well it is.”
The sharp tone of Rebecca’s voice surprised Ryan and he turned to her. Just in time to see her leg swing forward.
This time, Rebecca felt the soft cushioning she was expecting earlier as Ryan’s testicles flattened out across the top of her foot, and the grunt that escaped her was one of delight. She felt his body give, his heels lifting, and then his torso came forward as his feet reconnected with the floor, his knees buckling simultaneously. He hunched over briefly and then took one feeble step toward her holding his busted balls firmly, his face a perfect blend of misery and utter regret.
Stepping backward, Rebecca stood akimbo, watching with fascination as he fought to take another step. She smiled at the delicious sight of his hesitation, knowing he was about to succumb to his desperate need to fall. As he looked into her eyes, Rebecca could see his own eyes filled with hurt and betrayal as he sank slowly to his knees. She could feel her body vibrating with excitement as he continued to hold her gaze, looking up at her from his knees and letting her see the full depth of his anguish.
Roxana burst out laughing when she saw Ryan, unable to bear it any longer, roll onto his side and curl up. “Goddamn, Becca, you really kicked him hard,” she said, looking at her friend with admiration. Rebecca smiled and noted that the spark had returned to Roxana’s previously disheartened eyes. She picked up her friend’s strewn jacket and pants and then beckoned Roxana to follow her to the bedroom. Roxana tailed her, wincing the entire way, as with every step came a sharp jab pulsate through her crotch.
As Roxana dressed, Rebecca took the opportunity to explain. “In case you were wondering, I had a good reason for kicking Ry like that.” When Roxana raised an eyebrow, Rebecca continued. “I was surprised by how much it seemed to hurt you when I kicked you and I thought I’d do a little test. I tried to kick Ry as hard as I kicked you and now we’ll see how long it takes him to recover. You seem like you’re doing pretty good now and it’s only been about ten minutes.”
Roxana half closed an eye, taking inventory of her status. “I'm pretty sure you kicked him harder," Roxana admitted, "but I think you may be right. My pussy is still throbbing, but I feel better already. But I’ll tell you what. Seeing that awful expression on Ryan’s face makes me think he’ll be down for quite a while.” Roxana was fibbing a bit, underplaying the truth of the ache between her own legs, still embarrassed by the whole ordeal, but she seemed to have convinced Rebecca and successfully changed topic.
Rebecca nodded. “I agree. He looked pretty fucked up back there,” she admitted and then broke into a big grin. “But I think that just goes to show, it hurts a lot worse to get kicked in the balls than it does the vag. Don’t you think?”
Roxana hesitated. “Well, seeing as I’m the one who got kicked, I might not be so quick to agree. But, yeah, I think you’re probably right.” Despite her verbal confirmation, deep down Roxana still doubted if it was true. She had been steeling herself to resist the pain, and seeing Ryan just get flattened by his petite girlfriend had helped her mood, but she had a feeling the soreness wouldn't subside too soon. If only Rebecca knew how much effort it took to keep a straight face, she pondered. But there was something else gnawing at her still, something she couldn’t quite put a finger on. Before she could get a handle on it though, Rebecca interrupted.
“So, this may have gotten lost in the chaos, but hopefully you found my little lesson useful.” Rebecca sounded hopeful.
“What do you mean?” Roxana asked, zipping her jacket.
“Well, I was able to distract you with my little ruse to the point that you didn’t even register I was about to punt you.”
Roxana’s eyes grew wide. “Oh shit, you’re right. I totally forgot about what we were even doing in the first place.”
At this, Rebecca laughed. “Hey – now all that’s left to do is to go try it out on Adam.”
Roxana stroked her chin. “Hmm,” she said, her thoughts still caught up with the aching between her legs. Suddenly, she felt a strong desire wash over her.
Before she could answer, Rebecca asked, “You want to see how Ry’s doing?”
"Sure," Roxana agreed, gingerly picking herself up to stand. Rebecca leaped towards the door as Roxana waded behind her, each step still causing a small pulse of pain to radiate through her crotch. Fortunately, she didn't have to hide her expressions since Rebecca was too engrossed in checking on Ryan to notice.
As it turned out, Ryan hadn’t moved and was still curled up right where they’d left him. He looked up at them with a wounded expression and then let his head fall back to the carpet. Roxana smiled as she saw him still gripping his nuts tightly, but today, she also felt a bit of sympathy for his pain. Rebecca had helped her relate to him a bit more, however unintentionally.
“Looks like he’s still hurting pretty good,” Rebecca mused. The devilish little grin on her face disappeared when she saw her friend. “What is it, Rox?”
Roxana looked flushed and was staring hard at the clock on the opposite wall. “I don’t know, Bec, but I’ve got this sudden urge to go bust Adam.”
Rebecca’s grin returned, wider now, and she chortled. “Good for you, girl! Well, what are you waiting for? Go make his balls black and blue!”
Roxana laughed, hoping it didn’t sound as distracted as it felt. “After today’s lesson, I surely will.”
“Sorry again about… you know...”
“Denting my sex life?” Roxana asked backhandedly, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
“C’mon, don’t say it like that. Now you’re just making me feel bad, you know I didn’t mean to.” Rebecca’s expression was apologetic, but her voice was far more playful, now committed to teasing her friend.
“Well, you should feel bad,” Roxana replied with a glimmer of a grin playing on her mouth, teasing her back, “maybe I’ll return the favor when you least expect it.” Roxana quickly flung out a fist, feigning an attack to Rebecca’s crotch, but stopped well short. Rebecca flinched backwards, hand over crotch to protect herself, but summarily broke into laughter as she realized Roxana’s bluff.
Roxana shared a chuckle and waved good-bye. As she rode down the elevator, her mind was swimming, still a bit distracted by the ache between her legs – the pain was now tolerable, but still sharp, not yet insignificant. By the time the doors opened, though, her thoughts were as clear as the daylight streaming through the foyer windows.
She had it all planned out: theory, model, execution – all of it. She played everything through in her head as she walked out the lobby and strode towards her car. Her first step would be to lure Adam into an unsuspecting situation. Either, one that was a common and innocent enough of an occurrence that he wouldn’t be skeptical of her intentions, or, one possibly suspicious but with too great of a reward to pass on if he did feel something was off. Her solution? Invite him to get handsy with her. They played around with each other very often, and given the likelihood of progressing into the bedroom, it was unlikely that Adam would flatly refuse her even if he suspected something was up.
Next, she had to ensure she could deck his balls without him meddling. Roxana fiddled with her keys as she allowed her thoughts to crystallize, eventually locating the right one. She had already considered the possibility that she was telegraphing her busts too explicitly, so she had to make her moves more discreet. Either an indirect bust, or take away his ability to respond. She decided that she’d exploit a bit of spontaneity for this. She could ask him to turn around or close his eyes, and pretend she was surprising him. As a couple, they were plenty experienced with impromptu sex. On the surface, she surmised, this would be no different. With the same decisiveness, she shut her car door and inserted her key. Just as she turned it, the dashboard lit up and the engine whirred as she drove out of the parking lot.
The last component was the execution. For this, Roxana didn’t need to deliberate at all. She had crunched his balls countless times already, after all. This didn’t stop her from replaying and savoring the moment-to-be in her head over and over on her drive home, however.
Meanwhile, Ryan had managed to help himself to the couch just as Roxana stepped into the elevator after waving them goodbye. Rebecca shut the door and smiled at him, walking past to get him a bag of ice from the freezer. She returned to the couch and carelessly tossed the bag between his legs, just to see him squirm from the impact. She giggled as he wheezed from the disturbance to his still-sore nuts, plopping down next to him and picking up her cup of coffee from earlier.
Ryan turned to her with a weak, but seemingly all-knowing smirk on his face. “This ice wasn’t just for me, was it?”
“I saw you stuff it back into the freezer when I came home. Right when I noticed Roxana wasn’t looking too great. You were getting the ice for her, weren’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rebecca denied, attempting to stall by taking a big sip of coffee.
Unfazed, Ryan continued, “and don’t tell me you didn’t notice how gingerly she was walking when you both went into the bedroom or when she left the apartment.”
“You’ve been mighty observant for a guy who just took a huge kick to his balls. But perhaps I didn’t kick hard enough?!” Rebecca replied sharply, trying her best to shut him up with the threat of another bust, accompanied with an equally menacing look.
Ryan hesitated, considering the implications of Rebecca’s remark, but her sudden hostility only confirmed his suspicions. He must have been getting close for her to respond with such venom. Hi smirk widened as he realized what his girlfriend was hiding.
“C’mon Bec,” he insisted, “I know the look that was on her face. When you know you’ve been hit so squarely in the crotch that you have no choice but to fall to the ground. When you know that it’s all you’re gonna think about for the next several minutes until you can stand again. The embarrassment lingers on your face. It’s unmistakable.”
Rebecca put her cup down, staring daggers at him as she did so. She wasn’t happy with his prodding, but internally, she knew exactly what he was talking about. She’d seen that look on the face of every guy she’d ever kicked in the balls. To her, it was the most powerful confirmation that she’d done exactly as she’d wished. She craved seeing it on Ryan’s face every day, knowing she could draw it out whenever she pleased.
“You kicked Roxana in the pussy, didn’t you?” he asked gleefully. “I couldn’t believe it at first, but the look on her face, the ice, her walk, it all adds up. Did you do it for fun? Or did she piss you off somehow? Even though I know busting brings you so much joy, I never expected you to… diversify like this, I-”
“It was an accident!” Rebecca blurted out, unable to stand Ryan’s seemingly endless stream of questions.
They both stared at each other for a second, with Rebecca realizing what she had just confessed.
“So you admit it.” Ryan leaned back, folding his arms in confidence.
Rebecca relaxed her expression, now that her resistance had failed. “We were trying to find a way to help Rox bust Adam, since he keeps blocking her attempts.”
Ryan sighed in sympathy, shaking his head, “That’s not going to end well. He can take it from me.”
“That’s what I told her too,” Rebecca chuckled, “so we did some brainstorming and we came up with a solution, but I got a little… carried away in the demonstration.”
Ryan raised an eyebrow at her, intrigued. "Uh huh…" he responded curiously.
"Yeah. She went down like a sack of potatoes. I initially thought she was acting, but when I saw she was tearing up from the pain… I knew it was real," she chuckled. "I didn't expect it would hurt her that much, though."
"Did you enjoy it?"
"What?" Rebecca pretended to be incredulous at his pointed question.
"You seem to be recalling it all rather fondly."
Rebecca tried to fight his all-knowing gaze with a stare again, but once more she couldn't get it past him. She loosened her expression and gave in, admitting, "I totally did," with a giggle. "Busting her felt so familiar, so… natural. I actually had to hold back my laughter when trying to help her up. Don't tell her I said that."
"Your secret is safe with me," Ryan assured her. “Besides, why would I want to give you another reason?”
“Another reason for what, Ry?” Rebecca asked, playing dumb. When he merely rolled his eyes, Rebecca flipped her raven hair and smirked, “Pfft. As if I need a reason to bust your big, manly balls.”
Oh shit! I'm usually not big into CB, but this one was excellent. Thanks Joe and Hannah!
Happy to be of service Joe ;) Your storytelling is always enjoyable
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