Hello everyone! I'm fairly new here so I figured I would give this a go!

Ask away! Cant wait to see what interesting questions people will have! I do tend to answer the same questions again and again so perhaps this will be a way of people getting to know me all in one spot :)

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Well first, welcome to the site! Hope you have a blast here and stay :).

As for the question, I guess I should think of something good, but for now - how did you realize you actually enjoy and like this? Or did some specific bust awaken something in you? :D

Thank you for the welcome!

It wasn't a specific moment. It was a combination of starting with bdsm and then realizing I love CBT. The thing is I  actually become quite aroused when performing such things and over time I understood that feet and bb was behind it all. 

I hope that answers your question. ask more if you have more :) 

Ah, nice, and yes feet and bb will do that. Probably not the exact same feeling you have but I think I know how you feel :D. Have to say quite awesome you get aroused from that as well :).

As for questions, sure I have more, I think we all do :).

Seeing as you definitely enjoy the deed, how often do you actually get to do it and how far would you go, seeing as you mentioned in your profile you never had the opportunity to give it your all?

How often do I get to do it? Hmm Well in some aspects fairly often but not how I really like to do it. I say this because I do have some subs who I play with and they do like CBT and some "light" BB.

I like a combination of techniques when I play but I have always wanted to really kick someone so hard they might throw up or pass out. The vulnerability there is so appealing.

My last playtime with someone I did get a yellow at an intensity that I liked so that was a win for me. I like to take men to the edge.. even beyond. The thought alone is just ugh *heart eyes* 

Oh wow, you paint a pretty picture. Read this and the other answers, and wow. I like the enthusiasm :)

That said, that's a relatively simple wish you have there, although passing out is going to be tougher than throwing up. I'd personally be too chicken to go with that unless I'm extremely aroused or drunk I guess :D.

Cool, so you did get to experience a harsher session, hope you get your wish true.

You mentioned in your profile you only like bb when the guys have an interest in it which does make sense. However, does this mean you don't find enjoyment when a guy gets busted for any other reason than "Oh, please kick me Miss"? :D

Wow, that is one of mine fantasy too!

Nice to read your answers! I most say that I love your curiosity to kick a man very hard  so he puke or passing out. For me like a male, I had also being curious to get kicked 10 of 10 in power, to see how I would handle it.


Loved your profile!

Few questions here to start off with:

When did you first discover that you want to bust balls?

What's your favorite technique?

How would you introduce a guy to bb once you discovered that he might like it?

my first discovering my love for bb came in my adulthood. Actually not that long ago maybe a few years? It was gradual as I explored BDSM. 

I like to crush and roll the balls under my feet and slowly put more and more pressure. squishing and kneading, Then a swift kick or slap a few times in a row. I love barefoot the most. I have always wanted to really kick a man full force standing - sending them to the ground writhing in pain..but haven't had the chance yet unfortunately.

Well from my previous question I think I would start in a slow erotic way as I like to do. Actions and attention on my feet are what I love so I would just begin like that putting more and more pressure to see how he reacts to the motion and pain. Talk to him and ask how that is for him. 

Hope that covers it :) Thanks for your questions :) 

That's a good way to go about it. I had my first bb session in years over the past couple of weeks. She started the same way kind of pressing them with her bare feet. Then she started kicking softly at first then ramped up to 65-70%. It had been several years so I didn't go higher than that yet. Never had that one that I was on the ground for any extended period of time.

There was hooking  up to come after so I also wanted to make sure I wasn't to sore to enjoy the footjob, among other things.

I would like to try a hard kick. At least 80%.

Hello, welcome! I was wondering what drew you to ballbusting? What do you get out of it, and what do you want out of it? Last but not least, what kind of bust would you really want to deliver upon a man? 

Hey girl!

Yeah I'm a sadist but I also love using my feet. I found as I had more experience with Foot fetishists (my favourite) I found that was really what drew me into the entire bb community. I love to give pain and see that physical impact. Sometimes the impact is less intense like squishing or crushing with a slow and graudual intensity until its unbearable. 

I love to see the look on mens faces as this is happening or the nervousness and anticipation when I lift my foot or hand. After that the sound of the breathe leaving his body with, hopefully, some noises of discomfort. those are some of the things I really get out of it. I find the feeling of that area under my feet completely arousing as a matter of fact.

Okay- I've said it and I'll say it again. My dream is to lay a standing kick or multiple kicks to a man hard enough for him to fall to the floor and be writhing in agony. 

Thanks so much for your questions Melinda! 



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