The sky overhead was high and cloudless as Amanda stepped onto the sidewalk in front of Gil’s condo. She dug around in the deep abyss that was her purse as the cab driver retrieved her bag from the trunk. After scrounging up a half-torn tenner, she slipped it to him, along with an apologetic half-smile, and turned turned her gaze toward the modern, steel and glass façade of the building. She counted up to the eleventh floor, Gil’s floor, and then drew a deep breath. It had been almost two months since they’d last seen each other. What a crazy weekend that had been. But not so crazy that Gil hadn’t invited her to visit sometime. So here she was, under a sky as blue as his eyes, trying not to imagine where this long weekend might take them. He’d tossed around a few things they could do, and while they sounded great, Amanda would’ve been just fine spending the whole weekend inside if that’s what he wanted. After all, there was plenty they could ‘explore’ within the confines of his condo.

“You made it!” That smooth voice, tinged with a hint of gravel and age, crackled from the intercom and made her heart race. Suddenly she couldn’t wait to see the handsome face and trim figure that came with it. “Sit tight. I’ll be right down to help you with your bags,” he bade her.

Figuring the elevator ride would take a few minutes, Amanda pulled out her compact and checked her makeup, which was holding up well despite the heat. She touched up her lipstick and fluffed her hair, enjoying the sensation, like a soft feather tickling her, as the golden crescent curls fell loosely on the bare skin of her shoulders. The strappy little sundress, with its print of multi-colored flowers, turned out to be a great choice, she thought, as a trickle of sweat ran down her neck. Anything else and she might have melted. She slipped the straps of her dress over those of her bra with a grace that would have left the adjustment entirely unnoticed even had a person been watching and then smoothed the clingy fabric of her dress until it wrapped her body like a second skin, secretly hoping it made her ass look as good as she thought it did.

Gil’s face, grinning from ear to ear, appeared in the door. He pulled it open, flicking the deadbolt so it wouldn’t lock on them, stepped into the heat and said, “Wow, you look amazing! I love your dress, too. Perfect for the day.”

Amanda smiled, relieved to see him and grateful for the compliment. “Thanks, Gil!” She said, moving toward him with open arms.

Gil stepped in closer to Amanda, eager to feel her toned, yet soft and feminine body against him, anticipating the exquisite sensation of her breasts as they pushed into his chest and the fit of her hips as they curved into his hands. God, how he’d ached for this moment.

Amanda, still smiling, radiant as the sun above, grabbed his broad shoulders and drove her knee into his balls. It wasn’t the teasing ‘hello’ she thought it would be as her excitement got the better of her and she realized she’d really hammered them. But then her heart sang as Gil instantly groaned through gritted teeth, his hands immediately grasping desperately between his legs. He was half-crouched before her, his head tilted back, showing the full, unending depth of his agony, as the sun shone down on his creased brows and clenched jaw. Amanda watched, standing languidly, her hands lingering lightly between her own legs in mock sympathy, completely enthralled by his transparent display of the acute and terrible pain he was suffering.

Despite the heat of the day, Gil suddenly found himself shivering and quivering, though not, much to his chagrin, as the result of a sudden cold breeze, but rather from an intense, stabbing sensation running like ribbons of misery from deep in his groin right up through his stomach and beyond. A thought flashed in his mind like a bolt of lightning. Oh god, Amanda, you really crushed my balls. And then it was gone, leaving him fighting for breath, a losing battle, while the lack of oxygen caused his legs to tremble violently under his weight. The longing to feel Amanda’s pert breasts against his body and to caress her supple hips was also long gone. All he could think about was how bad his nuts hurt and how hard it was to breathe. So consuming were these two thoughts that he barely even registered Amanda gently moving him to one side.

As Gil struggled futilely, Amanda saw a striking young girl coming toward them. She was at least 5’ 10”, even without the strappy, high-heeled wedges, and had the powerful glide of a runway model. Her breasts wobbled and threatened to spill out of her bikini top with every step and Amanda briefly wondered how her cover-up skirt didn’t slide right off due to the force of her stride. Though she was wearing over-sized sunglasses, Amanda could see the no-nonsense attitude behind the tinted glass. Afraid the girl would just plow right over Gil, she quickly pulled him aside. The girl, not breaking stride, cast a quick glance back at Gil and Amanda could swear she saw a rueful smirk play on the girl’s glossy, hot pink lips. A convertible pulled up with two shirtless young men, clearly proud of their youthful ripped bodies. In the back was yet another strikingly beautiful girl, and Gil’s neighbor tossed her bag next to the girl before hopping in herself. Amanda heard the friend ask, “What happened over there?” as she pointed towards Gil, her eyes large with wonder at his obvious distress. Amanda smiled to herself when Gil’s neighbor answered with wicked enthusiasm, “Who knows? But I’m betting he just got his balls kicked by that woman.” The friend tittered gleefully and Amanda heard her say happily, “Good for her,” just as the car tore off.

When she turned back to Gil, he was bent at the waist, panting, with his hands on his knees, and she wondered if he’d heard their exchange. She sure hoped he did. His eyes were still scrunched from the pain but he seemed more collected than she’d expected him to be at this point. A twinge of disappointment shot through her, but when he told her, in a hoarse and weakened rasp-whisper, that  she’d definitely nailed him good, it disappeared as quickly as it had come. This time, when she threw her arms open, she really did hug him, and tightly.

Although her embrace was close and loving, Gil was unable to fully enjoy the feel of her body against him. Unfortunately for him, his senses were still scrambled up like his eggs. But he did manage to inhale the sweet and flowery fragance she wore, and he was truly grateful in that moment that he’d regained the ability to perform the simple act of breathing it in.

After a long-short time Amanda pulled away and looked deeply into his eyes. They were bright, but some of the sheen had been knocked off thanks to her swift, precise knee and she melted at how they attested to the misery she was causing him. She flashed Gil a warm, wide smile. “Have you ever had a better ‘Hello’ in your life?” She purred happily as he returned a feeble, but genuine, grin. “A nice, hard knee in the balls,” she said, emphasizing  the words ‘hard’ and ‘balls’. “And from a very pretty woman I might add,” she teased, batting her long lashes.  “And then a nice, big, comforting, smothering hug!” She laughed.

Heartened by her playful tone, Gil’s smile widened. “I have to say, it’s not the greeting I was expecting. Well maybe the hug,” he admitted quickly. “But I guess it serves me right for assuming I could put my paws all over you before we’ve even made it upstairs. Your aim is always spot on, by the way.” Amanda looked down at the ground and played with the hem of her sundress, blushing. As she feigned a sudden bashfulness, Gil was struck by just how absolutely breathtaking (no pun intended) Amanda was. “Of course, a lovely, beautiful, not to mention sexy, woman like you probably gets lots of practice,” he quipped, trying to gloss over the fact that he was head-over-heels.

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t,” she said, arching a brow, “but I’ll tell you one thing. If you don’t get me out of this heat soon, I might have to practice some more.” She lifted her hands high and then pulled them down just as she raised her knee. “CRUNCH!” She cried as her knee smacked into her palms. Seeing Gil’s involuntary shudder, she added, “How about you just help me with my bag and save yourself some torture?”

“Good idea,” he said, quickly grabbing her bag. Though it looked small enough, it was considerably heavier than he’d imagined. A fresh jolt of pain ripped through him as his core muscles tightened when he tugged the handle.

Seeing him wince made Amanda’s eyes light up. She pretended to look away, not wanting him to get too self-conscious, as he made another attempt at her bag. This time he managed, though his usually sure stride was reduced to a slow, unsteady limp as he led them to the elevator. It buoyed her to see him be so chivalrous, despite his obviously weakened state, and further she hoped, with great delight, every aching step would bring the image of her knee smashing his balls flashing before his eyes and that he would feel incredible embarrassment in knowing she had made him hurt this way.

“Are you hungry? Or did you eat on the plane?” Gil asked as the elevator ascended, ignoring the greedy look in Amanda’s eyes as she looked him up and down, savoring the lingering effects of her well-placed knee. “I know it’s past the usual lunch hour but I could whip up some sandwiches if you want.”

“Actually, I didn’t eat, and now that you mention it, I am pretty famished,” she admitted.

The doors slid open and Gil led Amanda around a corner and pushed open the door to his unit. When she stepped inside, her eyes went wide. To her left was a giant wall of windows which overlooked the lush green hues and sparkling water of a golf course, something she did not expect to see. To her right was a big granite-topped island, with copper-bottomed pots and pans dangling above. She marveled in surprise at the expansive and tidy kitchen area. The living space was furnished sparsely with two desinger chairs and a long leather covered sofa. The natural wood coffee table caught her eye. Though it didn’t look out of place, it was the only non-modern thing in Gil’s condo.

When he noticed Amanda eying it he said, with obvious pride, “Made that myself. Took me quite awhile.”

“It’s lovely,” she gushed, trying to give him a much-needed ego boost.

“Thanks!” He beamed, glad for someone to recognize his hard work. “Bathroom’s the first door on the right down the hall if you need it. I’ll just put your bag in the guest room, the second door on the right and get on those sandwiches. Feel free to take a load off on the couch if you want.”

After freshening up, Amanda sat curled up on the sofa as Gil busied himself with lunch. She spied a sketchpad strewn among the usual coffee table book fare and it piqued her curiosity. With a quick glance to make sure Gil wasn’t watching her she plucked it up and flipped open the first page. The pencil sketch stunned her. The foaming whitecaps of the rapids almost seemed to be flowing right before her eyes and she could almost see the tail of the fish flipping as it crested the water. She flipped to the next page, another landscape and just as lifelike. She was blown away by Gil’s talent as she flipped deeper through the pad. She nearly gasped as she froze, transfixed on his latest entry.

There was no mistaking it. She recognized the skirt as her own and she was amazed, and a little relieved, at how tight and round her butt looked in it. Like his landscapes, there was life in this sketch as well. She could practically feel the air whooshing as she swung her hips from side to side. As her eyes took in the rest of the drawing, the setting dawned on her. It was that divy, townie bar where they’d met that fun couple, Rebecca and Ryan. The smile spreading on her face at the memory of that night only widened as she realized this must have been his vantage of her after the first time she sent him to the floor with a solid knee between the legs. Wow, she thought, even despite his agony, he remembered with amazing detail that moment. She couldn’t stop staring as she, too, vividly remembered the electric sensation and utter joy she felt as she strutted away from where he was curled up on the floor. The rush of power and adrenaline from her racy, public, eyebrow-raising act flooded into her all over again.

“Lunch is served,” Gil announced, setting two plates on the island before walking over to where Amanda was sitting. “Oh,” he said quietly, “you found my sketchpad. It’s nothing really.” And then he saw the drawing she was poring over. “I suppose you figured out what that’s from,” he said as she looked up at him, nodding, with eyes showing both untamed excitement and adoration.

“You weren’t kidding when you said you wanted to see her walking away,” Amanda said in an awed voice.

Gil shrugged his shoulders and flashed her puppy dog eyes, immediately remembering his statement from earlier in that evening. “Is there a more beautiful view?” He asked, rhetorically, “And I still don’t think I did your ass justice.”

Amanda laughed. “Oh, I think you made it look better than it does. Was this hard to draw?”

Understanding she wasn’t referring to the technical aspect but more in regard to the emotional and psychological toll, he confided, “Honestly, it came together rather quickly. I drew it the day after I got home. The image of you was still clear in my mind, and,” he paused, casting an uncertain glance at her. But when he saw Amanda’s earnest and affirming gaze, he continued. “Well, I’m not sure how to explain this, but the ache in my balls was still lingering even though it had been a few days, but it wasn’t really that uncomfortable any more. It was just enough to take me back and remember the incident more with fondness rather than with the original misery I experienced. I think the brain blocks out the worst parts,” he chuckled. “Actually, I wanted to remember. To feel helpless and embarrassed again, powerless really, because you dropped me to the ground. With the sweet aching in my balls, the memory turned pleasant and I easily recalled how sexy and confident you looked walking away. I think it only took me thirty minutes to finish.”

“Wow,” Amanda mouthed, shaking her head.

“You want to know something sad?” He asked, feeling daring. When she looked up at him expectantly, he confessed, “After I drew it, I sat just where you are now, but on the edge of the couch, and let my balls hang there as I held them in my hands, trying to feel every last ounce of the remaining ache wash through me as I stared at you frozen in forever in time walking away from me. All the while hoping you were as pleased with what you did as I was.”

Amanda stood up and smiled warmly at Gil as she took his hands. She pulled him toward her and covered his mouth with her full lips, the kiss passionate and deep. When it ended, she looked deep in his eyes and said breathily, “I was floating on air for a week. It felt so good to knee you like that.” Gil watched her eyes glaze over dreamily. “And not just the knee, but then I got to kick you in the balls, too…not once, but twice!” She added, her voice thick with wonder as her smiling eyes returned to his.

“Trust me,” he said smiling back at her, one hand rubbing lightly between his legs. “I didn’t forget those either.”

“Mmmm,” she purred. “How could you?” Pulling him toward the kitchen she added, licking her lips – though less from the sight of the delicious looking sandwiches in front of her and more from her next thought. “Isn’t it so great that a woman can just haul off and kick a man in the balls whenever she wants?”

Gil didn’t answer, opting to let the question hang in the air. Instead he pulled out Amanda’s chair for her before sitting himself.

After Amanda devoured half the club sandwich he’d prepared in what seemed like mere seconds, she sat back and swigged some of his fresh, home-brewed sweet tea. “Great sandwich, Gil. Love the peppered bacon! The sweet tea’s good, too.” He nodded, taking a drink himself. “So what were you thinking for today?”

He winked at her. “Hope you don’t mind, but I made us some reservations at a nice little upscale bistro for dinner. I figured I could show you the town and we could end our little tour there. You don’t even need to change,” he said, looking down at her flimsy, strappy sandals. “We’ll keep a liesurely pace. Besides, it’s too hot for much more than that.”

Amanda giggled and he shot her a confused look. “Oh, sure,” she said, still laughing, “my footwear and the heat are your excuse for going slow?” When his expression remained unchanged she elaborated. “Are you sure it’s not because you simply can’t walk any faster than a snail’s pace, what with the way your poor balls must hurt with every step.”

The proverbial light bulb flicked on and Gil only shook his head. “Honestly, I hadn’t even considered that. But you’re probably right.” He chuckled to himself and it was Amanda’s turn to be baffled. “I was just thinking how amusing it is that I forget so easily. But then I make a movement, normally of no consequence, and, boom!, I’m reminded that I can’t do it so effortlessly now. Everything revolves around whether or not my nuts can handle it. Huh,” he said, stroking his chin.

“What is it, Gil?”

He looked at her curiously. “Did you ever consider that kicking a man down there doesn’t just cause him excrutiating pain right then and there, but that it kind of changes everything he does moving forward – at least until the pain finally wears off?”

Amanda studied the crumbs on her plate for a moment. “Actually, I have. And I love the idea of it. It’s just that I don’t usually get to see it play out. You’re really the only one where I’ve gotten to see any long term effects, and even that wasn’t what you’d call long-term. I’ve never been in any lenghty relationships – or even remotely close, really. Generally speaking, whenever I’ve laid a guy out, I’ve never seen him again. But I have imagined what his life might look like for the near future.”

“Wait,” Gil interrupted, “so that means you’ve never known how much damage you’ve cause, either?”

Amanda shook her head. “Nope. Just with you. And even then, I didn’t know how long you were hurting for, at least past that weekend. I mean other than what you alluded to over the phone, anyway.”

“That’s too bad,” Gil commiserated. “I would think that might be half the fun. Seeing the fallout.” He made a vow to himself right then, as Amanda looked out the big windows suddenly feeling sorry for herself, to make sure he gave her every opportunity to smash his balls, no matter how much it hurt, so she could see just how much trauma a woman was capable of inflicting and what the end result looked like. Sorry, boys, he said to himself, but we’re gonna have to get started soon – she leaves in four days – and she deserves that pleasure at the very least. He looked at Amanda’s lustrous eyes, her perfect nose and inviting mouth. His eyes trailed down her body and he admired her tanned, silky legs as they bounced distractedly and ended at her sexy sandals which showcased small, delicate feet. He swallowed hard, loving and fearing the fact that soon she would be busting his balls until they were bruised and swollen while he endured every bit of the blinding pain she chose to cause him.

Amanda shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe one day. Maybe this weekend!” She said, brightening. “I mean, you know,” she said flashing him a hopeful glance as he cleared away the dishes. “I’m sure you didn’t think that knee was the only one I’d be delivering this weekend?”

“I suppose not,” he said, running some water. He bounced lightly a few times as he waited for the water to heat up. “You know, the walk might not be too bad. Things are feeling pretty close to normal down there already.”

Grabbing a towel, Amanda joined him at the sink and began drying the dishes as he passed them to her. Thinking her bemused smile was due to his neat-freak nature, he passed her the last glass and grinned back at her. “Thanks! You didn’t have to help, you know.” She shrugged indifferently and then jerked as the glass nearly slipped from her grasp causing Gil to chuckle. “Nice catch. Maybe you better work on your grip,” he joked.

“Like this?” Amanda asked, suddenly reaching out.

Before Gil could react, Amanda had her fingers curled in a firm grip around his scrotum, which she used to pull him toward her, mostly by his right testicle. He winced as a brief shock of pain jolted him. When her free hand clutched his left one he gasped. The gasp morphed into a low moan as she increased the pressure and she listened as its shrillness heightened in parallel to the severity of her squeezing. Harder and harder she squeezed, the whole time imaging mercury in a thermometer rising until it threatened to explode out the top,  like Gil’s head just might if she didn’t let up soon. The veins were bulging in his neck and his face was a dark red, almost plum-colored. He was writhing and gripping her wrists, trying to pull her hands away. But his strength had left him and she was able to retain her grasp easily. Fearing his head would indeed pop, she finally let go and he immediately exhaled, leaning heavily agains the countertop.

“Like that,” he whispered in a shaky voice.

Amanda sauntered into the living room and grabbed her purse. “You ready to go?” She asked, though it was more of a taunt. “Or are your nuts not feeling normal again?”

Pushing himself gingerly from the counter, he shuffled slowly over to Amanda, still breathing heavily. “Definitely not normal,” he croaked. “But that was much better than taking a knee.”

“How so?” Amanda wondered, surprised.

“The pain came gradually and without that dagger of blinding pain from the initial force of contact. It was like fire while you were squeezing me, but as soon as you let go, it abated,” he explained.

“So there’s no pain now?” She asked, her eyes clouding over.

“Oh no,” he laughed almost soundlessly, “there’s a tremendous, deep ache that goes practically up to my throat. But I can walk. And order us an Uber,” he said, pulling out his phone.

Still, Amanda couldn’t help but notice, he continued his little shuffle-walk all the way out of the condo and, though he could say what he wanted, it was clear to her he was very uncomfortable.


The Uber dropped them downtown in front of ominous black wrought-iron gates, like something you would see at the entrance of a cemetary, though this was clearly a park lush with vegetation not headstones.

“What’s with the gates?” Amanda asked, practically yanking Gil out of the car as he reached out his hand for assistance from the low-riding vehicle. He tried to hide his wince but it didn’t escape her eye. She grinned at him. “Oops, sorry about that.”

“About what?” He countered, playing dumb.

“Okay tough guy, whatever,” she said, going along with his act.

“Weird story about the gates, actually,” he said, ignoring her jape. “Apparently this whole area used to be a cemetary. But for some reason, back in the early 1900s, they up and moved it.”

“The whole thing?” Amanda asked, looking doubtful.

“Yep,” he said dead seriously. “Tombstones, caskets, bodies, the whole shebang. Dug it up and dropped it somewhere else.”

“That’s crazy!” She said, shaking her head in wonder. “Why?”

“How should I know?” he said just as his grave demeanor escaped him. When he broke up laughing, Amanda narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m just yanking your chain,” he said between laughs. “I have no idea what’s with these gates.” When Amanda rocked back on one leg, Gil’s laughter dried up, recognizing the shift in weight that occurs before a woman’s foot buries itself in his groin.

Seeing the twist of terror rise in his eyes, Amanda looked at him with a condescending, haughty sneer and pushed off her back foot, breezing past him without a word. Though she did think his story was funny and wasn’t at all preturbed about being the butt of his joke, she wasn’t going to let him off that easy.

Gil followed behind her, trying his best to use his natural gait, but with every step a dull, aching wave washed through him until he finally gave in and settled on a rolling limp. When Amanda looked back to see if he’d caught up, she smiled to see him limping after her.

“Thanks,” he said after catching up to her.

“For what?” She asked in sweet voice as she took his offered hand.

“Not pulling the trigger.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she said, batting her long lashes and giving him her best innocent, doe-eyed smile.

Hand in hand, the couple took in the flowers and fountains of the park stopping every so often to get a closer look at a particular intensely-colored bloom or inhale the sweet fragance of a honeysuckle. When they finally reached the other side, Gil pointed out a coffee shop, famous for unusual smoothie combinations and they decided to go in, as much for the beverages as the refreshing air conditioning. Seated at a small, round table, they exchanged anecdotes from growing up, neither giving any conscious thought to how amazing it was that the conversation flowed so easily.

Amanda admired the way Gil’s blue eyes turned almost cobalt with fervor as he recalled some of his trips abroad. His passion and joy were contagious it seemed and she imagined herself right there with him as he sampled limoncello in Sorrento looking across a glittering sea and pressed olives for their oil. She felt the silent awe of St. Peter’s and the bustle of Rome’s crowded streets. She could taste the roasty malt of a Guinness as they listened to Irish folk music in a tiny Galway pub, trading yarns with the locals. The drunken exuberance, a splash of danger mixed in, as they found themselves pushed along as the throng of hooligans made their trek from the pubs to the stadium to cheer on the hometown soccer – or rather football – heroes.

Gil studied Amanda’s long, thin arms as she demonstrated birthing a lamb on her cousin’s farm as child impressed and surprised to discover how much she knew about farming, considering the ease with which she moved in sophisticated urban social circles. The way her eyes danced as she talked about her formative years, of lifelong friendships forged and maintained, left a warmth in his chest as she pulled him into her world. He couldn’t help himself stealing a glance at her long, supple legs, the skirt of sundress billowing to reveal their full length for a brief, glorious moment, as she absent-mindedly crossed them, staring off in the distance in revery at the memories.

When the smoothies – every bit as exotic and delicious as promised – were gone, Gil once again took Amanda’s hand and led her back into the heat. Feeling refreshed, they continued their walk around downtown. The happy couple browsed hand-made craft shops where Amanda pointed out knicknacks that might bring some personality to Gil’s sparsely decorated condo, but he wouldn’t bite on any of them.

“I like the simple décor,” he said, laughing away the dreamcatcher she waved in front of him. “Makes it easy to clean. Besides, the view of the golf course is all the art I need.”

“That, and your sketch of my ass,” Amanda cracked as Gil laughed heartily.

As they passed a little boutique, Amanda caught Gil giving a sideways glance at the mannequin in the window, done up in nothing but lacy panties and matching bra. “Thinking about me in those, I hope?” She ribbed as he quickly looked away. “Oh, don’t be bashful,” she laughed, pulling him toward the door. “Let’s have a better look.”

Inside, Amanda found some items and told Gil to wait while she tried them on. He smiled to himself to see the bra and panty set among her choices. When she came back out she sent Gil outside. “I don’t want to ruin your surprise,” she said, winking. He offered to carry the small bag as they resumed their walk, but she pushed his hand away. “No sir. You’ll just peek. I know men,” she said dancing away from him as he laughed, stuffing the bag into her purse. He tried to hurry after her but found himself reined in by a fresh wave of pain as his testicled bounced hard with the sudden movement. Seeing the burst of misery play on his face, Amanda cringed in sympathy. But she was smiling again when she remarked, “Looks like your balls are still hurting.” When he nodded, giving them a quick adjustment, she asked, unable to hide the fear of disappointment in her voice, “But you’d still be able to handle it if I just have to bust you again, right?”

Looking at her eager, hopeful, puppy dog eyes, Gil murmured, “Even if I was sure I couldn’t, I’d find a way to manage. I couldn’t bear to let you down.”

His courageous reassurance put the happy gleam back in her eye and sent a surge of electricity through her. A sudden urge to kick him right then and there stole into her. To see him standing with his arms resting inertly at his sides and his legs apart, she thought how easy it would be to launch her foot between them and send him crumbling to the ground, curled up in agony for all the world to see.  It took every ounce of self-control she could muster to keep from smashing his jewels.

As if reading her mind, Gil said calmly, glancing around at the people around them, “You can, you know.”

“I really want to,” she admitted, “but I’m enjoying our walk too much. I’d hate to end it so soon.” When he shrugged his shoulders she added, “Buuuut, it would be great to have all these people see me kick you right in the balls and watch as you fall at my feet.”

“ Then you should,” he said, steeling himself, as much against the pain as the indignity of having a mass of strangers see him get his balls kicked by Amanda.

“Oh Gil, you’re amazing. But not now. I can hold off a bit longer, I think,” she purred.

He exhaled a long, relieved sigh and took her hand. “Have it your way then,” he said, pretending like he was doing her a favor. She smiled and they walked on.

When the heat became too much, they slipped under the overhang of a Mexican cantina and ordered margaritas. “We have an hour or so before dinner,” Gil said, brushing salt from his lip. “The restaurant’s not too far from here. How about we take a carriage ride after these margaritas?”

“Sounds good to me,” Amanda said, savoring the mouth-puckering salt and lime flavor and enjoying the icy cold sensation flowing through her as she sipped.

When the next carriage pulled up across the street, Gil dropped a twenty on the table and they made their way over. Gil hoisted Amanda up into the carriage, happy to have that perfect ass in his hands even if for a moment and then joined her. Sitting down on the hard bench, Gil groaned.

“You okay?” Amanda asked.

“I’m good,” he said, shifting in his seat and adjusting himself. “Just sat down wrong.”

Amanda giggled. “You mean you sat on your balls?” She whispered. “Ouch.”

“Ha ha,” Gil said, rolling his eyes.

The carriage took them back along the path they’d come and circled around the park before finally dropping them back in front of the cantina. They rode silently, but contentedly, happy to be under the shade of the carriage canopy in each other’s company.

When the carriage dropped them back in front of the cantina, Gil looked at his watch. “Perfect,” he said, and then grimaced, immediately regretting his decision to bypass the step by hopping down. He really needed to be more careful, he thought through gritted teeth.

“Looks like I got you again,” she observed, hopping down effortlessly beside him. Gil shook his head sadly. Honestly, this is getting old, he thought. I can’t do anything without the pain flaring up. “Man, that’s gotta suck,” Amanda commented, though not without sympathy.

“Life might be easier without ‘em,” he mused, leading her off toward the restaurant. “Certainly less painful.”

“No doubt,” Amanda agreed. “But then how would a woman ever put you in your place?”

Gil turned, scowling playfully at her. “Um, did a simple slap ever occur to you?” He said with heavy sarcasm.

Amanda cocked her head and then slapped him in the face, producing a sharp crack. Gil’s head snapped back and he immediately rubbed his stubbled cheek, looking at Amanda with wide, stunned eyes. “Yeah, no,” Amanda said looking at her hand, “it just doesn’t have the same effect. I’m sure it stings but you’re fine.”

Gil rubbed at his smarting cheek a moment and then shook his head as if to clear it. “Wow. I was not expecting that,” he said with genuine shock that made Amanda laugh. “But yeah, other than a little tingling sensation, I’m fine.”

“Exactly,” Amanda said earnestly. “And that’s why it’s good that you men have those exposed and unprotected bits hanging out there – so a woman like me can really remind you of your place by totally crushing them,” she paused and licked her lips, “leaving you helpless and hurting for a good long while.”

“God you’re twisted,” Gil marveled as she shrugged, eyes lifted to sky, smiling. “C’mon, let’s get going. Don’t want to miss the reservation,” he said, taking her hand.

The bistro was cute, very European in its décor, like a coffee shop, café and bar all in one. After the heat of the day, neither felt like anything heavy so this was a perfect choice. Amanda ordered the salmon salad on a bed of lettuce with a side of Greek pasta salad while Gil had the Cobb salad with ranch dressing. Gil took the liberty of ordering a bottle of pinot grigio which turned out to be a little drier than he’d hoped but Amanda seemed to like it. Afterwards they ordered espressos and stayed cool sharing scoops of chocolate and pistachio gelatto and then kicked back to polish off the remaining wine.

Outside, they could see the dusk setting in perfidiously leading one to believe the temperature must be dropping, but Gil knew better. He kept a slow pace, which Amanda mirrored, and waited for the sun to completely disappear. Thanks to the casual pace, neither was particularly drunk – happily buzzing, maybe – by the time it grew dark. Gil summoned an Uber as they stepped outside into the early night.

“Looks like it will be about fifteen-ish minutes,” he related, putting his phone back in his pocket.

“Mmm,” Amanda murmured dreamily, letting her head tilt back as the welcome breeze toussled wide curls of her golden hair. “What a difference it makes when the sun goes down. This feels fantastic.”

Gil drank in the curves of her body under the pale glow of a streetlamp. He imagined slipping that dress off her as he caressed every last inch, his eyes working their way up her tanned calves to the narrow waist above her crescent hips. Her flat belly only served to make her fair breasts seem larger than they were and he fought the urge to trace the hollow of her neck above her delicate collarbone. By the time his eyes reached her face, she was staring at him, her eyes brighter than the stars above them. She was biting her lower lip and the air seemed to crackle around her like she was a live wire. He nearly gasped in surprise, but caught himself in time to take the hands she was holding out to him now. He followed her as she walked backward, his eyes never leaving hers. She pulled him around the corner of the bistro a few yards down the sidewalk between the buildings until they were hidden in the shadows. It caught Gil off-guard when she spun him around and pinned him against the wall. Amanda’s fingers felt cool on his scalp as they held his head through his thick hair. His heart beat accelerated as she drew him into a passionate kiss and he felt like a school-ager sneaking off under the bleachers at a football game to score with a girl, despite knowing they were under the cover of shadow. When he cupped a breast, she kissed him harder, moaning into him. Her hands moved from his head to his shoulders and then down his arms, giving him goosebumps before he felt them grab greedily at his butt. This doesn’t ever need to end, he thought blissfully. But when it did, Gil felt like he could’ve died happy in that moment.

“Thank you for such a wonderful day,” Amanda said, her white teeth shining in the dark as she smiled. “The tour, the carriage ride, the margartas and the dinner. Honestly, it’s been one of the best days I’ve had in a long, long time.”

“It was my pleasure. I can’t remember a day this fine, or a kiss so sweet,” he said, putting a finger on his mouth where the sensation of her lips still lingered, returning the compliment.

Amanda tossed her hair and let her purse slip from her shoulders, amused by the confused look on Gil’s face. In one fluid motion she rocked back and quickly drove her foot into the upside down vee his legs made. The pleasure of feeling his balls flatten as she smashed them nearly rivaled the kiss but when he moaned, sinking to his knees in slow motion, his hands pressed uselessly between his legs, Amanda felt herself transported to another world – a world of pure ecstasy. Her body trembled with giddy excitement and euphoria washed through her as she stood over him, tittering with delight when he curled up at her feet. The sounds of his strained breathing, the guttural grunts and groans held all the charm and beauty of a symphony orchestra to Amanda’s ears and she listened enraptured.

As the pain ripped through him, Gil fought the urge not to throw up on Amanda’s small feet or her lovely woven sandals. Every fiber within him screamed and trembled, but none more acutely than his ravaged testicles. They throbbed, they stabbed, they burned and they ached as wave after wave of pain coursed through him. He squeezed his eyes shut tight hoping he might black out but he remained conscious to feel every last bit of agony. He felt the wetness of tears at the corners of his eyes and concentrated on holding them back. He was a grown man, dammit, and he wasn’t going to cry in front of a woman.

Though his legs were still shaky, he tried, after an eternity trying to catch his breath, to get to one knee. He felt Amanda’s hands under his arms and looked up at her gratefully as she struggled to lift his dead weight. With all his remaining strength, he forced himself upright, coughing as he did. For a brief second, they locked eyes.

“Oh Gil,” Amanda cooed, seeing the pure misery emanating from his pleading eyes.

But before he could register it was not sympathy in her voice but pity, he found himself sinking down once again as she drove her knee mercilessly into his balls. He exhaled harshly as his breath left him. Like a punch-drunk fighter, he wobbled in Amanda’s long arms as she held him up, wanting desperately only to fall. When she sent a second knee crashing into his balls it felt like a sledgehammer to him. Streaks of light trailed across the backs of his eyelids as little flecks burst in the corners of his eyes, like stars. He didn’t even feel himself hit the ground, though later, the slight bruise on his cheek would show that he had hit it hard, as he dry-heaved, his body quivering from the intense rush of pain.

As he trembled and shook, groaning and heaving at her feet, Amanda studied the terrible expressions playing across his beautiful, chiseled face. All at once she wanted to take it in her hands and kiss him but without soothing away any of the pain. It felt so good, so utterly feminine, to knee his balls and make them hurt so terribly that she didn’t want him to miss a single sickening sensation. But she also felt so electrified and powerful that her lust was up and her desire to feel his mouth on hers and his muscled body against hers was almost more than she could bear. She clasped her hands between her breasts and thought, I hope I didn’t knee them too hard. And immediately on the heels of that thought came, but I do hope I kneed them hard enough. From the looks of Gil lying there, she was pretty sure her knees had erred on the side of hard enough. Only time would tell if they weren’t too hard for him to handle, she thought, as a light shown across the walkway.

“The Uber!” She exclaimed under her breath. She grabbed her purse and ran the few steps to where the car had pulled up. The driver rolled down her window. “I’m looking for…Gil?” She asked looking past Amanda for any sign of a man. “I’m with Gil,” Amanda said. “Can you give me a minute?” The driver nodded.

“Gil,” she whispered ardently, “the Uber’s here. You gotta get up.”

He groaned. “I’ll get another one,” he rasped, crying out as Amanda used all her strength to pull him up.

When she felt him steady, she told him, “Lean against me. We’ll take it slow.”

Though it was less than ten feet to the car, every step felt like a marathon to Gil – a marathon he was racing with his testicles in a vise. He stifled a moan as Amanda fed him into the backseat. He saw the driver’s eyes go big as she looked at him in the rearview mirror. I must look pretty bad, he thought, relieved she didn’t say anything as Amanda hopped in the other side.

Amanda let Gil’s head nestle against her and she stroked his hair. The drive back was shorter, without all the traffic, and she was surprised at how quickly they found themselves back in front of Gil’s condo. As she helped him out of the car, she caught the driver’s obviously curious eyes over his shoulder.

“He got kicked in the balls,” Amanda mouthed as the woman cringed like she’d taken the kick. When Amanda added, “I did it,” the driver’s eyes went big for a moment and then she broke into a wry, knowing little smile. “Have a great night,” she called, tittering, as she pulled away.

The walk to Gil’s condo was much like the walk to the Uber, only longer and more miserable. Fortunately for Gil, the elevator and the halls were empty and they slipped into his unit with his remaining dignity intact. Instead of leading him to the sofa, Amanda made him walk all the way back to his bedroom where she helped him onto the bed. “You need anything?” She asked heading back toward the kitchen.

He grimaced, trying to situate himself more comfortably against a pillow. “How about some whiskey?” He grunted. “Third cabinet from the left, top shelf.

When she came back, Amanda had two tumblers filled with the amber liquid. One had about two fingers and the other was full. She handed him the full one. “You might need all of this,” she said, smiling warmly as he took a big sip.

“Thanks,” he said, smiling weakly as she tried not to cough after taking a sip from her glass.

“How about I give you a little time to recover,” she offered. A thought struck her. “Do you want some ice?”

“Nah,” he said, though in fact, ice would have been great. But he wanted her to see the full effect of what she’d done, so he had to refuse her offer. “But I will take you up on the recovery time. The tv remote is in the tray under the coffee table. Have at it. If you don’t see me in the next half hour, come check on me,” he said, flashing her a small wink.

In the living room, Amanda flipped idly through the channels. She really didn’t feel like watching anything. She was still too worked up from earlier. She pulled out her phone and it triggered a thought. She looked in her contacts under ‘R’ and found Rebecca. She typed, “Guess what? I’m at Gil’s.” She hit send and sat back reliving the sensation of Gil’s balls compressing against her knee. Not even a minute later, her phone vibrated.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Hi Amanda! It’s Rebecca,” came the voice from the other end. “You’re at Gil’s?”


“How’s it going?”

“It’s only been ten hours, but it’s been amazing,” Amanda gushed.

“Oh yeah?” Rebecca said in a tone that said, ‘do tell’.

“Yeah. We went for a nice walk through the park, toured the city, ate at a delightful little bistro.”

“And?” Rebecca pried, knowing full well Amanda didn’t call to tell her about that.

“And I kicked him in the balls!” Amanda exclaimed.

“Good, good,” Rebecca said happily. “How’s he feeling?”

“Well, actually,” Amanda confessed, “not too good at the moment. I’m in his living room but he’s recovering in his bedroom.”

“Wow. You must’ve kicked him good. And hard.” Rebecca’s approval was evident in the matter-of-fact way she spoke.

Amanda laughed heartily. “It’s worse, or better I guess I should say, than that. When I got here he opened the door and I immediately kneed him,” she gushed, pausing until Rebecca’s chuckle died down. “He was definitely hurting some after that. But then after dinner tonight I couldn’t help myself. I just had to kick him. He went down like a sack of flour. You should’ve seen it.”

“I wish I could’ve,” Rebecca said ruefully.

“But then, when I helped him to his feet, I realized it wasn’t all out of my system, so I kneed him again. I could tell he wanted to fall but I held him – and man, is he heavy for such a fit guy – and then I kneed his poor balls one more time. He looked so miserable that I finally had to let him fall.”

“Shit, Amanda,” Rebecca said, awed. “So you’ve been there less than twelve hours and you’ve already kneed him three times and kicked him as well?”

“Oh – and I gave him a nice, long squeeze, too!”

A momentary silence filled the line.

“Hello? Rebecca?”

“Sorry. I think you’ve blown my mind, girl,” Rebeccca said, and Amanda could almost see her friend tucking a loose strand of that lustrous raven hair behind her elfish ear as she shook her head. “Aren’t you afraid you blew your wad a little early?”

“I don’t think so,” Amanda answered, surprised by the truth in her voice. “Even though he’s not eager for the pain, he wants me to bust him. I get the feeling he wants me to see how bruised and swollen a woman can make a man. To be honest, I want to see it, too.” She sighed heavily. “But it’s a fine line. I also want to enjoy our time together and do things, not just sit here by myself with Gil incapacitated in his room, ya know?”

Rebecca took a moment before responding. “In my experience, I can usually tell when Ryan can handle more based on the way he’s moving. Have you been keeping an eye on Gil?”

“Oh yes!” Amanda gushed like an eager pupil. “And I’ve been careful to wait until he looks to be around sixty percent of normal before busting him again. Is that too soon?”

“Hell no,” Rebecca said, laughing. “I give Ryan maybe fifty percent or even less. And he seems to do fine. Anything less, though, and he’s done.” Rebecca paused, her light breathing the only sound on the line. “But, and I say this perhaps a bit sadly, keep at your sixty percent rule just to be safe. In fact, I’d suggest you wait until the evening tomorrow to bust him again,” she paused, “well, maybe late afternoon. As much as you might want to, don’t wake him up by jumping on his nuts or something.”

Amanda’s roaring laughter cut Rebecca off. “Oh Bec, I hadn’t even thought of that…but now that you’ve put the idea in my head – .” She let the silence hang.

“It’s your weekend,” Rebecca sighed.

“Okay. Point taken,” Amanda conceded.

“Hey,” Rebecca whispered, “this might seem awkward, but if you get the chance, could you get a pic of the damage before you leave?”

On the other end Amanda’s eyes went large but then a smile danced on her lips. “I bet I could arrange that. Curiosity getting the better of you, eh?”


“Tell you what,” Amanda offered. “I might try to get some of my busts on film, too. I don’t even think I’d have to persuade Gil too hard, either. In fact, I think he’d like to see me in action – and not from his usual first-person perspective.”

“Oh yeah!” Rebecca gushed. “I’d love to see that, too!”

“Well, I’ll do my best. I think I just heard him call, so I’d better go.”

“Gotcha. Remember, stick with the sixty percent recovery rule. But, when he’s ready, do be sure to bust his balls good and hard. Make him feel like a man…y’know, like only a woman can.”

Amanda was still chuckling as she headed off to Gil’s room.


(More to come?)



Views: 357

Replies to This Discussion

Another great entry, as always!

Wow this is sooo great, as usual. Love reading your detailed descriptions of the bust, and as a knee lover your stories rock my boat ;o)

Hi Joe,

Thanks for another wonderful story with your realistic settings and well done crossovers between your characters. 



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