Teen Tormentress: Intro

By: SoleMann


Beth and I had been together on and off for about 6 years, that is until a little over 2 years ago when things got so bad between us we broke it off for good. I never would have guessed with how well things went when we first stated dating, that things would turn out as they did. Sure she had some baggage, including a tween daughter from a deadbeat father, but the insta-family thing never bother me in the least.


I would still think about her from time to time, and even though things didn’t end on a good note with us, I kind of missed her. Not only did we go out and have a lot of good times together, but privately we also shared a kinky sex life. She had a hidden dominate side to her that would come out in the bedroom, while I had a more submissive side coupled with an attraction to female feet. I think near the end of our relationship, this fact was one of the few things that kept us together, since it’s not that easy to find someone you can share fetishes with.


We lived out in the suburbs, so you’d often bump into people you know when you’re out and about, so I was somewhat surprised that I hadn’t seen or heard of her in all this time. That was until about 6 months ago when I was at the grocery store. I had that feeling you get when someone is watching you or checking you out. I ignored it at first, and brushed it off as a paranoid after effect of a movie I had just watched, but then I noticed that this petite young redhead seemed to be following me throughout the store. As I would pass her in the aisle, I couldn’t help but notice how her jean shorts accented her lovely legs, which flowed down to her cute little sandaled feet.


I tried to go about as business as usual and pickup all the items I needed, but her presence made it hard to concentrate on anything but her high arches and French pedicured toes. Not knowing why she seemed to be following me, and not wanting to get caught staring at her feet, I opted to head to the checkout. Not a minute had passed, when she came up right behind me in line. Our eyes met for a second, and she gave me this adorable little smirk. I thought, there’s no way this cute young thing is flirting with me, maybe she caught me eyeing her feet, no wait, then why did she seem to be following me.


While my head was still trying to process all this, she spoke up “I’ll take it by that look on your face, that you don’t remember me?”


I tried to sound all cool, but probably only came across as creepy when I replied, “You sure we’ve met before? There’s no way that I could forget a beautiful young girl like you.”


“Well… I’ve only recently gotten back into town, and my hair wasn’t red when you last saw me”, she replied.


I thought for a second, but came up empty, so I just sheepishly shrugged my shoulder in dismay.


“It’s me Amber, Beth’s daughter.”


Holly crap, there’s no way this could be Beth’s daughter. Sure Amber was a cute kid when I last saw her, but to have blossomed into this gorgeous young girl is unbelievable.


“Say, if you’re free tonight, maybe I can stop by your place and we can catch up. You still live in the same place, right?”


I just stood there all dumbfounded. Wait… what… this beautiful young girl is Amber all grown up, and she wants to stop over tonight to catch up? Is this even a good idea? Hold on… she was how old when I first met her… I dated Beth for how many years… and we broke up how long ago… so that makes her…


Before I could finish my train of thought, she was tapping me on the head like in that old movie we used to watch together “McFly… you in there?”


“Um… yeah, no plans tonight… um, free as bird the rest of the day… so, I guess stop by anytime you like?”


“Cool, I have one more quick stop to make, and then I’ll head right over. Normally, I’d freshen up a bit first after being out in the heat all afternoon, but I’ll just be hanging out at your place. Besides, the way you’ve been eyeing me up, I have a feeling you like the outfit I already have on, so no point in me changing.” She gave me a quick little wink, turned on her heels and headed toward the door.


As my head was still reeling from all this, I noticed she had left her grocery basket on the counter next to my stuff. Before I had a chance to call out to her, and without even looking back she said, “Be a dear and pick that up for me. I’ll see you at your place in little bit.”


Teen Tormentress: Chapter 1

By: SoleMann


Thinking back, I wonder if I knew then what I know now, if things might have gone differently?


After paying for everything at the checkout, I rushed home to put my groceries away, and try to straighten the place up a little before Amber showed up. Being a bachelor, and not having company that often, my place was needless to say, not the tidiest. As I rushed around trying to get at least the living room and kitchen presentable, my mind was also buzzing with question about what had just happened at the store.


Ok… Amber said she just got back to town, does that mean Beth is back in town too. Since the basket she left for me to buy for her consisted of wine (a brand that her mother used to get), cheese and crackers, was it some sort of plan to get us back together? Or maybe she just happens to like the same wine as her mom, and wanted to get me to buy it for her? But still, those items seem to suggest a romantic setting, were they for when we hang out tonight, or just something she needed for another night? And I don’t even want to think about what was up with the wink, and her comment about me liking her outfit.


Suddenly there was a knock at my door. I looked at the clock, and it had been over two hours since I had gotten home. So much for her one quick stop and heading right over, but at least it gave me a little more time to hide some of the mess. I open the door to see Amber was there alone.


“Man is it mugging out there,” she says as she barrels into the house, stepping on my foot in the process. She seemed to have a slight sheen to her skin, and her hair appeared to be a little more tousled then when I last saw her.


“Yeah, it’s been a scorcher this week. Would you like me to get you something to drink, before we sit down to relax?”


“A glass of water would be fine for now, but considering the time, I thought maybe we could head out and grab a bite to eat at that new restaurant I noticed in town. Then afterwards head back here and chill the rest of the night with the wine and snacks I picked out for us.”


She had a quick sip of water and off we went to the restaurant. I still had no idea what was going on or what she had planned. The suspense was killing me, so on the ride there I had to try and get at least a little out of her. I tried to be subtle and first mentioned a few things that I had heard about the new restaurant, then while I was still on the subject I just threw it out there.


“So will your mother be joining us for dinner?”


“No, it’ll be just the two of us tonight. And I’ll ask that you not to bring her up again.” She quipped.


Oh great, that reply left me with more questions then answers. I couldn’t tell for sure if her abrupt tone of voice, was aimed at me for bring her mom up, or at her mom for something that happened between them. But I guess on a good note, I now knew it was just going to be her and me tonight.


When we finally got there, the Maitre d' asked if we’d like to dine indoors, or on their new outdoor patio. Before I could speak, Amber chose the patio, which I thought was odd, since she’d recently mentioned how muggy it was out. So we were escorted out to the patio, which was empty due to the fact that most customers there preferred to dine in the air-conditioning. Amber chose a table that was farthest from the entrance and in direct sunlight. It was a round glass table with three chairs and a small umbrella, which barely shaded two of the three chairs. Amber went to sit in chair with the best shade, and I decided to act all gentlemanly and help her push her seat in. Before my hands left the back of her chair, she had already put her cute little sandaled feet in the only other shaded chair, forcing me to sit in the chair that was in full sunlight.


We made a little small talk through dinner, mostly with her asking questions about how I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. The questions were innocent enough, but with her relaxing in the cool shade while I was baking in the hot sun, I couldn’t help but feel like I was in one those interrogations you see on TV. On the plus side, from my vantage point I could get a clear view of her cute little feet stretched out the other chair. Throughout the whole meal, she kept crossing and uncrossing her feet and dangling her sandals, which made it difficult to concentrate on anything else. At times, I would be so focused on watching her sandal sway back and forth, ever so gently tapping against her smooth high arches, that she would have to clink her fork on her plate to get my attention.


Being outside in the warm weather, we opted to finish our meal with a little cold sorbet. We got different flavors, and when they arrived, she asked if she could have a taste of mine and in return I could try hers. So after she had some of hers, she nonchalantly reached over and snagged a spoonful of mine. I was just about to return the favor, when she spoke out.


“You know, I chose to eat outside, so we could have some privacy to catch up and discus a few things.”


Discuss a few things? Finally… here it comes… I took a deep breath… the reason behind why she wanted to get together. Let me guess… she needs a favor from me… or worse just wants to barrow money off of me.


“Now I know I said not to mention my mom, but you see, I was rummaging around in her things and I came across something I don’t think either of us realized she had.”


OMG… what could it possibly be? Is there something about her that she kept a secret from me? I had my suspicions that she had been sneaking around behind my back shortly before we broke up, could that be it. No wait, videos? Crap, when we first started dating, the newness of the relationship, plus discovery of each other’s fetishes, makes one do things they might not normally do, and we experimented with making some videos. No, that can’t be it. I swear I had the only hard copies and the digital ones where lost when her laptop crashed.


I could feel my heart racing, my palms getting sweaty, and combined with being in the sweltering heat of the sun, I thought I was going to pass out if she didn’t get out with it soon.


“Knowing my mom, you’ll probably find this as hard to believe as I did,” she said, looking down and taking a deep breath before looking me straight in the eye, “but she kept a dairy and wrote everything in it.” She looked at her feet, and then back at me, “and I mean everything.”


Wait, wait… hold on… I know one of her councilors had once told her to keep a journal, and that writing things down might help her to cope with some of her issues. But knowing how Beth was, I never thought she’d actually take the initiative to start one, let alone continue on with it as a daily routine. Mayhaps, it was just at the start of our relationship and I can rationalize it off as an experimental phase.


“You’ve got that look on your face again. So before you ask, yes it starts from when you two where first together until well after you broke up. Along with all the sordid details.”


She then dipped her spoon into her bowl and took another spoonful of her sorbet. “Oh, almost forgot, I was going to give you taste.”


This next part seemed like it went in slow motion. I watched her dip her spoon back into the bowl, then I heard the sandal that she’d been dangling off her cute little toes hit the ground. It causes me to look over at her lovely high arched now bare sole staring straight at me. The next thing I know her spoon is over her foot, she points her French pedicured toes towards me, and lets the sorbet drop onto the top of her foot.


“Oops, what a shame, and that was the last spoonful sorbet I had left. I guess if you’d still like to try some, you’ll just have to lick it off my foot.”


I now knew how a deer in the headlights felt.



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