Teen Bitch Neighbor 

Intro: New Neighbors 

By: SoleMann 


I had gotten my house about four years ago. It was in a quiet little community where people did what they could to help each other out. My one neighbor was a kindly old lady, who lived all by herself. I would often go over her house to help her out with handy man type things and she in turn would cook me dinner. It was a great situation for the both of us, she got things done around the house for her and I got great home cooked meals.


One fall day she told me that she would be selling her house to move down south with one of her sisters, who needed her help. I hated to see her go because she was such a good neighbor, but she assured me that she would only sell her house to some nice people. She was in no real rush to sell, because she wasn’t due to move in with her sister until spring.


All winter long people were coming and going over there and I gave up trying to figure out who it might be that was buying her house. Around mid-spring she called me to her house one last time to say good-bye. She told me that she had many offers for her home but ended up selling to a nice young lady and her daughter. She told me that she had many long chats with her before she made her decision, and that she even talked about me and what a helpful neighbor I had been to her. She then gave me a big hug good bye, and jokingly told me “Now be nice to your new neighbors.”


Chapter 1: New Neighbors

By: SoleMann


It was a nice warm spring day when I saw a moving truck pulling into my new neighbor’s driveway. I didn’t see a car follow it in, so I figured it was just the movers and went back to watching The Morning Edition on TV. When the show was over, I peeked out the window again, but still no car. Suddenly I saw this cute little blonde, in T-shirt and jeans shorts, coming out of the back of the truck. That’s got to be her I thought and quickly rushed out of the house to go meet her, using the guise of seeing if she needed any help.


I went around the back of my house to look more natural, since the truck was parked between our two houses. As I rounded the corner, she was just coming out of her house. She looked to be in her late teens, and I wondered how someone so young could afford a house on her own. I waved to her to get her attention and then walked over.


“Hi there new neighbor, how’s the moving going,” I asked.


“OK I guess, but the heavier stuff is kind of tough,” she replied.


“So where’s your daughter?” I asked.


She giggled and then yelled into the house, “Mom, our new neighbor is out here to meet you.”


Mom? I thought to myself, but I thought a young lady had bought this house? If this is the daughter, then the mom must be old. Just then the door opens and another beautiful blonde, who looks like the other ones older sister, also in a T-shirt and shorts, comes out the door.


“Hi, I’m Jenna and you’ve already met my daughter Alexis,” she said, “it’s so nice to meet you, we’ve heard so much about you.”


“It’s nice to meet you too,” I said, “I would have been over to greet you sooner, but I didn’t see your car pull up. Did you park in the street?”


“No, it’s just me and Alexis. After putting so much money down to get this house, I barely had enough to rent the truck, let alone hire movers.”


“Well, you got some help now, where do we start?”


We then all started to unload the truck. I would take the heavier stuff and leave the lighter stuff for the girls. If something was too big and awkward for just one person, I would grab one end and the girls would team up on the other. All the while we were unloading, I was admiring my two new neighbors. Jenna was taller than her daughter was, but both had lovely long legs, which came together at the shapeliest behinds I’d seen. I also noticed that they were both wearing flips flops. I had always been attracted to a nice pair of feet and these girls’ feet were as fine as the rest of their figures.


The truck they’d rented had an area that was above the cab and we were down to just unloading the stuff up there. Alexis, being shorter than her mom, was using and end table to stand on so she could reach the stuff up there. She would then hand the boxes to her mom, who would then bring them to the end of the truck for me to carry in the house. As I was waiting, I would watch as Alexis’s calves would tighten up and then she’d go up on her tiptoes, leaving me a great view of her soft soles. I must have gotten too caught up in watching Alexis’s feet, cause suddenly I sensed that Jenna was standing above me with another box.


“I know, kind of silly for her to climb up on the end table to reach that stuff when I could have just gotten it myself,” she said, “but that’s my Alexis, she’s a stubborn little thing and wants to do things for herself.”


“Yeah, I was just wondering why you weren’t getting that stuff down, instead of her balancing on that shaky end table.” I replied. Trying to seem like that was all I was doing and not starring at her daughter.


“Well, you don’t have to watch her and keep worrying that she might fall, Alexis has excellent balance.”


Needless to say that comment made me a little uneasy, so I did my best to not watch Alexis any more. This wasn’t too hard to do, since we were just about finished unloading the truck.


Once we unloaded the last of it from the truck, Jenna said they had one more load, mostly of boxes and stuff. The rest of the small things they’d just bring over during the week, so they could return the truck today. I asked if they wanted me to come along to help load the truck, but she said they had help on the other end, but would appreciate my help again when they came back.


I went back to my house thinking how lucky I was to have these two fine looking new neighbors. I couldn’t have chosen better if I had chosen them myself. And as I waited for them to get back, my mind drifted back to watching Alexis standing on the end table. I focused on every curve of her lovely legs, and all the way down to her perfect little feet. I hoped that I would get to know them as well as the lady who had lived there before, and thanks to her telling them about how helpful I was to her, I already had half the work done for me. I pictured myself over there helping them out, all the while steeling glances at their lovely feet. I longed to get closer to their feet and imaged myself using the “my back is sore” excuse to get under them.


After waiting for a couple hours, I heard the moving truck pull in their driveway. I immediately darted out of my house and headed over there. As I rounded the back of my house, they were just getting out of the truck.


“Back so soon,” I said, so as not too look like I had been anxiously awaiting their return.


“Yeah, it went a lot quicker without having to load all that big furniture like last time.”


Jenna opened the back of the truck and we started off just like the last load. I would take the heavier stuff and leave the lighter stuff for them. Once the truck was halfway emptied, they would just carry the boxes to the end of the truck and I would carry them into the house. Jenna made a point of noting that the boxes were all labeled with which room they belonged in, and if I could please put them in their proper place.


As I was about to come out of the side door, I noticed Jenna was now sitting on the back edge of the truck with her lovely long legs dangling off the back of it. I paused for a minute before going back outside to admire her. “Man, am I lucky, or what?” I thought to myself. Then not wanting to make them wonder what was taking me so long, I continued on my way outside.


“Taking a little break I see,” I told her.


“No, just waiting for Alexis to,” she started to reply, when suddenly I heard Alexis yelling from inside the truck.


“Hey, where’s that end table at? I needed that to get the rest of these boxes down.”


Oh crap, I had unloaded that earlier. I didn’t think she’d be unloading that area again. “Um, I think I took that in earlier,” I replied, “Let me give you a hand with that.”


As I was getting into the truck, Jenna leaned over and spoke softly in my ear, “You better not get those boxes down for her, I told you before how she is, she’ll have a fit if you do.”


Well I screwed up this time. It was too late to take back my offer now, and I didn’t want to piss off my new neighbors on the first day, and after things were going so well too. I got it; I’ll let Alexis decide what she wants me to do. “So, how can I help you?”


“Help me? You’re the one that caused this problem,” she said with a bit of a glare in her eyes. “Tell you what, you really want to help me?”


“Of course, I wouldn’t have asked otherwise,” was all I could come up with.


“In that case, since you’re the one who took my end table away, then you can take its place,” she said with a bit of a devilish grin on her face.


I just stood there dumb founded. I didn’t know if she was serious or just playing around. She then pointed to the ground and said, “Now get down on all fours over here, or get the fuck out of the truck.”


Well, that took any doubts out of my mind, and I proceeded to get down on my hands and knees. She then had me position myself so that my feet were against the side of the truck with my right side against where the ledge was. Once I was where she wanted me, she kicked off her flip-flops, climbed up onto my back, and proceeded to remove the boxes.


As I felt her soft warm soles on my lower back, the realization hit me, that this was exactly the kind of thing I was fantasying about less than a couple of hours ago. My dreams were coming true even sooner than I had hoped.


I kept as still as possible, while Alexis moved around on my back. I focused on her every movement. I could feel the weight increase, as she would pick up a box, and then felt her shifting around to place the box on the ground to my left. Then the process would start all over again as she got the next box. Although she would cause me some discomfort depending on where she placed her feet, I felt as if I could hold her up there for hours. This feeling was probably brought on by the ever-increasing blood flow to my manhood.


As great as this was, I wanted more, so I turned my head toward the wall to look up at her. There she was, in all her glory, towering above me. Totally ignoring my presence beneath her, as if I actually was nothing more than that end table she had used earlier. As I watched her move around on my back, from time to time, I could catch a glimpse of her lovely feet.


As she was placing a box down, she said, “Mom, you can move these boxes to the end of the truck if you you’d like.”


Mom! I was so caught up in the moment that I had forgotten Jenna was still sitting on the back edge of the truck. I quickly turned my head back toward Jenna to see her sitting there with a big grin on her face. What has she been thinking while this has been going on? Did she notice me staring up at Alexis? There’s no way she’s going for this. I bet she’ll put an end to it. Oh well, it was great while it lasted.


“I might as well just move those boxes, it beats just sitting here and doing nothing,” she said as she got up and headed towards us.


She then proceeded to carry the boxes to the end of the truck as if nothing was out of the ordinary. I felt a little uneasy now. It was one thing to have Alexis using me as a nothing more than a step stool, but to realize that Jenna had been just sitting there and watching us the whole time, without saying a word, was another. I now felt a little embarrassed about my current situation, but there was nothing I could do but except it.


By now, Alexis had gotten down all she could reach from our current position, and she spoke to me for the first time since I became her new end table.


“Ok, time to move over,” was all she said.


I waited for her to get off my back, so I could move forward.


“I said move over!” Alexis said with a stern voice and swift kick to my backside.


I now realized that she didn’t plan on getting off my back, and that I was to carry her that way until she could reach more boxes. I slowly moved forward along the uneven floorboards of the old truck bed, until she told me to stop. Unfortunately for me, she had me stop in between two uneven beams and the one board was jamming into my right knee. She then started getting the boxes down like before. Only now, every time she leaned forward to get another box, her weight was over my right knee and increasing the pain in that knee. I tried my best to compensate by twisting a little to lift my knee, but with Alexis on me, that only caused my lower back to ache from the strain.


Around this time, Jenna had caught up to Alexis, and was waiting for the next box. Alexis would hand Jenna boxes off to her left, which meant while Jenna was waiting for the next box, her feet were below my face. As I now suffered beneath Alexis’s shifting weight, I stared at Jenna’s beautiful feet. And despite the pain I was in, the site of Jenna’s feet so close to my face started a stirring in my pants.


As I knelt there on all fours staring at Jenna’s lovely feet, I longed to lower myself down to worship them. Then as quickly as they appeared beneath me, they were gone again, and Alexis would be putting more pressure on my already paining knee. We continued on like this, until once again the boxes were out of Alexis’s reach.


She only spoke the word “move,” and this time I immediately started forward again. Unfortunately, she had already decided to motivate me with another kick to my backside, but my moving caught her off guard, and as a result, her kick nipped me in the nuts. Luckily, it wasn’t enough to take me to the ground, but it still smarted anyway. If I had collapsed, the weight of her crashing down on top of me would surely have broken something.


From above me I heard Alexis carelessly snicker and say, “Oops, well at least I know how to get you to move quicker.” And from then on, she would just give me a kick in the nuts to get me to move forward, but never quite hard enough to take me to the ground.


In spite of the pain she was causing me, I found I was very excited from this whole situation and I could feel the moisture from my pre-cum in my pants. I only hoped that my excitement wouldn’t be visible after my ordeal was over. My god, how embarrassing would that be if she found out I was actually getting turned on by her treating me this way?


As we reached the far side of the truck, once again I ended up on uneven floorboards. Only this time, it was both my knees that had a board jamming into them. It didn’t matter if Alexis was picking up a box or handing one to Jenna, either way my knees were in pain. Besides, it didn’t really matter, by this point I was too spent and my lower back was too sore to have done anything either way.


At least we were at the far side of the truck, I could hold out for just a little longer I thought. But then I noticed that Alexis wasn’t moving around much anymore. She seemed to be on her toes in the same area by my shoulder blades for some time now. While this eased the pain in my knees, it increased the strain on my already sore arms. Jenna also seemed to notice that Alexis was not moving, and she came in closer to see what the hold up was. As she moved forward, the space around us was less than before and she stepped onto the back of my left hand. She then leaned forward and went on her tiptoes to see over me better. I swear I heard the sound of my knuckles cracking echo in the empty truck, but it seemed to go unnoticed by the two of them.


“What’s the hold up?” Jenna asked.


“I can’t seem to quite reach this last box. I hate to say this mom, but could you give me a hand?”


“Why of course sweetheart.”


At last I was going to get some relief, Alexis will get off me, so her mom can reach the box for her. I felt Jenna’s weight go off her toes, as she leaned back and stepped off my hand. I could now see a perfect imprint of the tread from her flip-flops on the back of my hand, and I felt a slight tingling sensation as the blood rushed back into it.


Suddenly to my horror, Jenna kicked off her flip-flops and joined Alexis on my back. In my weakened state, I was now forced to hold both of my new neighbors on my back. The added weight from Jenna on my back, also increased the pressure on the floorboards that were jamming into my knees. I could feel my eyes start to tear up from the pain, but I was determined not to let these two goddesses down.


“Move over more,” I heard Jenna tell Alexis, and then they started giggling and playing a little push and shove game while on my back. As they played carelessly above me, I suffered even more from every shift of their weight. It was as if they’d forgotten that it was a human being under them and not just a piece of furniture. I on the other hand, was well aware of this, as there little game was causing extra strain on my arms, not to mention fresh rushes of pain to both my knees.


“Seriously now,” Jenna said, “we don’t have all day, give me some space, so I can reach that last box.”


Finally, I thought, at least one of them will get off me and things won’t be so bad. But once again I was far from being right. Alexis then tapped me on the head with her bare foot and said, “Be a sweet heart and hold your head out straight for me, will you?”


Despite the extreme pain I was in, due mostly in part to her, I couldn’t refuse her request, and held my head straight out and against the side of the truck. She then moved one foot to just where my neck met my shoulders, and placed the other one on the back of my head for support. Jenna now worked her way closer to my head and the pain in my knees decreased a little. Unfortunately, this now meant I was holding the brunt of their weight on just my sore aching arms.


I locked my elbows tight, but I could still feel my arms shaking. I didn’t know how long I could last given my current condition. Just as I was sure I was going to collapse and be crushed beneath the feet of my two tormentresses, I heard Jenna say, “Got it” and then she casually proceed to get off my back.


Alexis then stepped off my head, walked one last time across my back, and got off behind me by my legs. I was totally drained, I just wanted to collapse and lay there awhile, but I was too sore to do even that. So I just stayed there on my hands and knees.


As Jenna was placing the last box at the end of the truck, she said, “Well, looks like you have a lot of catching up to do. Alexis and I already have everything at the back of the truck waiting for you.”


She’s got to be joking, how can she expect me to do anything after what they just put me through. I can barely move, let alone carry a bunch of boxes into the house.


Alexis then chimed in, “Yeah, come on lazy bones, you rested long enough while mom and I moved all these boxes. Now get up and get to work.” As she said those last words, she slipped her bare foot between my legs in order to joking try to lift me. The top of her soft little bare foot made contact with my raging hard on, and I almost came in my pants right there and then. But I heard her giggling and jumped to my feet immediately, not knowing if she had felt my hard on, or if I might have let out a moan when her foot touch my groin.


I darted out of the truck and started carrying the boxes into the house. On my first trip into the house I noticed that I had started to get a wet spot on my pants from pre-cum, and I did my best to hide it behind the boxes I carried. I tried to concentrate on anything else but my two beautiful neighbors, so as not to make the situation worse than it already was. Unfortunately, the site of them sitting on the edge of the truck, dangling their flip-flops from their adorable little feet, kept me from doing that.


To make things even worse, Alexis kept egging me on, and lightly kicking me in the behind to jokingly hurry me up. Every once in while she would reach too far and tag my nuts. This brought back vivid memories of being underneath her in the truck and how she would get me to move forward; thus I was in a constant state of arousal and frustration.


I was coming out of the house, after finally dropping off the last box, and I was anxious to get home so I could relieve myself. As I came outside, Jenna was just getting off the back of the truck.


“Well, looks like we’re all done,” she said. “If you’re not busy later tonight, we could use your help getting some of the furniture and stuff set up.”


“Sure, that’d be no problem,” I said, “just come and get me when you’re ready.”


“Cool, I’ll do that. Now I have to make sure everything is locked up. It was nice meeting you and I’ll see you later tonight.” With that said, she headed back into the house.


The whole time I was talking with Jenna, I couldn’t take my eyes off Alexis’s dangling feet. I was just mesmerized by every curve of her perfect little feet, and the thought of what she had just done to me in the truck only fueled my longing for them. I watched as her flip-flop gracefully slid off her foot and fell to the ground. I was brought out of my trance when I heard her say.


“Could you get that for me?”


“Sure thing,” I said, and I slowly squatted down to get it for her. Maybe she expected me to put it on her foot from there, because as I started standing up, her foot was out and in my face. But I had realized that too late, and was already starting to stand. So as I was moving up, she was dragging her perfect little foot down my face and the front of my body. Her foot then came to rest on the front of my pants, but she made no effort to move it. OMG, I thought what if Jenna comes out now and see us like this. But Alexis just continued talking to me like nothing was out of the ordinary.


“You know, we’re actually going to get the truck back early thanks to your help,” she continued.


“No… problem. It… was my... pleasure,” I stuttered out.


“Really? I’m not sure I noticed,” she said, as she then applied pressure to my once again throbbing cock.


“By the way, sorry I was so HARD on you earlier,” she said, as she pushed her foot harder into my raging hard-on. “But I don’t think it bothered you too much, did it?” she said, as she moved her foot up and down, working me into a frenzy.


My body was already starting to quiver. I couldn’t say a word. After all that I’d been through, and all the pent-up frustration of the day’s events, I was ready to explode any second now.


“Oh, and I don’t think I thanked you properly for all that you did for me today,” and then I heard her other flip-flip hit the ground and she started working me over with both her feet. The site of this beautiful young girl, with the cutest little feet I’ve ever seen, working me over was more than I could take. Within a few seconds, she brought me to one of the best climaxes of my life. She then pressed in harder with her left foot and started milking me for all I was worth. I was so lost in orgasmic pleasure that I took her right foot and started to passionately kiss the sole.


As I started to come down from my thralls of ecstasy, I started to realize the position I was in. One of Alexis’s feet was on my manhood, and the other I had pulled to my lips. My face turned red, as I looked into Alexis’s beaming blue eyes and smiling face.


“Don’t worry, this will be our little secret,” she said with a wink. “Now go home and clean yourself up, and I’ll see you later tonight. Maybe we can have some more fun with you then.”


With that said, I kissed each of her perfect feet one last time, slipped her flip-flops back on for her, and headed back home. God it’s great to have new neighbors.

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These neighbours would be amazing!!



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