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Chapter 38

“Lower! I said lower!” Rebecca’s toes curled into my palm.

My fingers crawled down her sole and pressed slightly on her heel.

“Good boy.”

I smiled and began working my way up her foot. Whenever she moaned, her toes scrunched and I knew I hit the spot, so I made sure to add even more pressure and rub extra little circles. And it could have just been my fingers, or air wafting in from the kitchen, but her sweaty bare feet smelled like chicken. I was too afraid to get caught, but every so often I discreetly sniffed my fingers.

Rebecca paused the movie and wiggled her foot. “Don’t you think Joshy Massagy deserves a gift?”

“No, being with you is enough of a gift for me.”

She dug her toe into my ribs. “I think you’ve been watching too many cheesy romance movies with the women in this house.”

It sounded way better in my head, and maybe she was right—Lizzie and mom were rotting my brain away with those horrible movies. I needed to learn how to take out a dozen guys with my fists, not pick flowers and skip through meadows.

“I feel like having popcorn.” She pulled both feet out of my hands. “Go make us some.”

I took Lizzie’s pillow off my lap and placed it on the couch—Rebecca jammed both feet into it like it was Lizzie’s head.

“Isn’t this just the best foot-pillow you’ve ever used?” Rebecca slammed her heel into it a few times as she leaned up to give me a kiss.

I stepped back and threw a punch. “I use it for training all the time.”

“Maybe we can train in kissing when you get back.” She crossed her arms, grinding her heels into the pillow as she laid back.

After I threw the bag of popcorn in the microwave, I stared at the glop left on the stovetop and shuddered. Maybe I would clean that up after this movie was done, or maybe I could… my mouth watered as I opened the fridge.

“Don’t spoil your appetite! I don’t want any chicken grease on my perfect feet.”

There was enough fried chicken to feed me for the entire weekend—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Remind me to never be mean to her ever again.

“Took you long enough.” Rebecca kicked the pillow to the floor and patted the seat next to her. “Sit down and I’ll give you a little treat.”

“I think the microwave is broken, it was giving off a funny smell.”

“I think you just don’t know how to push the buttons,” she said as I sat down. “How did you survive this long without knowing how to cook?”

I shrugged. “Never had to.”

Rebecca grimaced as she inspected a few burnt pieces of popcorn.

“That’s just a little crispy. It’s still good.” I picked it out of her fingers and popped it in my mouth—it tasted awful, but I smiled and rubbed my belly.

She dug through the bowl like she was looking for buried treasure.

“You’re getting butter all over your—”

She flipped it over onto Lizzie’s pillow.

“What the hell are you doing!?” I dove onto the floor and frantically swept popcorn into a pile, only to feel a few more hit the back of my head. “They’re going to kill me!”

“Maybe you should learn to cook better.”

“Into the kitchen! Now!”

Her sole crashed onto the pile, grinding it deeper into Lizzie’s pillow. “Did you just try to give me an order?”

“No, no, of course not. It’s just that—”

“Good, because if that was an order,” she lifted her foot and wiggled her toes, “we would have a repeat of your first date.”

I swept the bottom of her foot clean and continued moving everything onto Lizzie’s pillow.

She stomped the back of my head, grinding my face against the pile.

“You’re going to eat every burnt piece. It’s the only way you’ll learn!” She crushed my face as she leaned down and wiped her buttery hands on my shirt. “Is that clear?”

“Please, I’ll go make another batch.”

“I don’t want another batch. It should’ve been made properly the first time.”

I grabbed her leg, only for her to press down even harder.

“Touch me again and you won’t have any more teeth. Now eat!”

I gripped the carpet in my hands and began sucking in as much popcorn as I could. Every swallow had at least a few burnt pieces, spoiling the entire flavor.

“You expect me to eat that shit?” She pressed harder as I nodded no. “Now kiss my foot to make it feel better!”

I kissed and kissed and ate and ate, hoping she would let me up. By the time her foot left the side of my head, my entire mouth tasted like ash. I chewed a few more times and took a strong swallow as I sat up.

Rebecca sank back into the couch and raised her feet. “Come closer.”

I crawled over, then she rubbed the butter all over my hair as she giggled.

“Now go take a shower. You’re a dirty boy!” She hooked her foot around the back of my head and began rubbing her other one on my shirt. “And make sure to change out of those filthy clothes. I won’t kiss you when you’re like that.”

“But I—”

She shut me up with her foot. “I’m the one who makes orders around here.”

I sucked on her toes—they tasted amazing, like straight butter.

“I’ll clean up this mess you made, and when you get out of your shower, we can makeout all night.”

When she popped her toes out, she used my hair to dry her foot, then stuck the other foot in when my mouth never closed.

“And I promise, my mouth will make it worth your while.”

* * *

As I took a shower, I thought of the entire day so far. We were like a real couple—it felt just like the car ride to our first date—giggling, laughing, talking about any topic and having a great time. Even the entire first half of the movie was fantastic.

If only I didn’t burn her popcorn…

Maybe when I headed downstairs, she would be back to normal.

I turned the shower off, wiped the water out of my eyes, and reached for the towel—empty.

I whipped open the curtains—nothing was there. The towel was gone, my clothes were gone.

“Rebecca!? Did you come in here!?”

No response.

I covered myself up with my hand and took a few steps out of the shower. “Come on, this isn’t funny!”

The door creaked as I peeked into the hallway, the lights were all off and I could barely see.

“Can you please get me a towel from the other bathroom?”

I didn’t hear a peep, so I took a deep breath. The other bathroom wasn’t that far away, and I could rush through mom’s room. Hopefully I wouldn’t be leaving wet footprints everywhere.

I turned off the bathroom light and hopped into the hallway. It felt so weird walking around completely naked, like mom or Lizzie would be popping out from behind any corner.

I ran on tiptoes down the hallway, rushing through mom’s room and into the bathroom. When I reached for the towel, I felt the bare metal bar.

The lights flicked on and I whipped around.

“Looking for this?” Rebecca spun a towel in a circle as she giggled.

I thrust one hand out and took a step forward. “Yes! Give it to me!”

“Was that an order?”

“No… of course not.” I swallowed, then jerked my hand back down to cover myself.

She smirked as I felt myself turning red. “You think I’ve never seen someone naked before?”

“Just hand me the towel.”

“What did I say about ordering me around?”

“Please, can you just hand it to me? I’m freezing.”

She hid the towel behind her back. “Move your hands and let me see how shriveled your little pinky is.”

“Stop kidding around. I really need that towel.”

“And I really need to see your little—” She held the towel out, and when I leaped for it, she yanked it behind her back. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it already. Remember our little fun game in the movies?”

I tried reaching behind her back, but she twirled into mom’s room and turned on more lights.

“Just move your hands and let me see.”

“You promise to hand me the towel?”

“I promise.” She held the towel out and shook it.

I slowly moved my hands apart, causing her to giggle.

“Further, like an X. And spread your legs!”

I felt ridiculous as I posed for her, it only caused her to burst into laughter some more as she took a few steps forward.

“Now don’t move! I need to observe.”

She rubbed the towel along my arm and down my chest.

“I didn’t know you had such strong muscles.” Her eyes sparkled as she dried the other side of my body. “You must’ve been doing a lot of practice lately.”

“My blue belt test is next week, so yeah, I’ve been practicing even more than usual.”

“How did you get your abs like that?” she asked as she ran a finger on them. “Still a little sore?”

My arms moved slightly when she jammed her fingers in.

She leaned closer and breathed on my lips. “Move again and you’ll regret it.”

I raised my arms back to their original position and began to feel them burning.

“Good boy.” She gave me a kiss as she ran her pinky further down my abs. “If you flinch again, I won’t get to play with this!”

I twitched when she gripped it in her hand and started rubbing.

“There, it looks happy to see me.” She licked my lips. “Aren’t you glad you took a shower and got squeaky clean for me?”

I nodded yes as she lowered herself and started drying my legs.

“Are you trying to poke my eye out?” She slapped it to the side.

I bit my lip, trying not to budge.

“Good boy!” She dried my foot and began breathing on my groin. “It looks so funny when it bounces back like that.”

I looked down at her as she cupped the towel around my eggs.

“Want me to dry these?”

I nodded. She squeezed.

“What did I say about moving?”

My legs buckled closed as she squeezed even harder.

“Spread ’em!” She began prying my legs apart with one hand. “And don’t close them again!”

My legs were shaking as she gave one tight squeeze, then she loosened up.

“I feel so powerful having my two little eggs in my little itty bitty hand. You’ll do whatever I want.” She squeezed slightly. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

I nodded.

“Very good boy.” She breathed on my crotch again. “What would your mom think if she caught us in her room?”

“She would kill us. You know how she is with guests in here.”

“So you better not make a mess.”

I moaned and tightened my fists as she kneaded my eggs. “My arms hurt, can I put them down now?”

She shrugged, but when I moved my arms an inch, she squeezed even harder and giggled.

“Put your hands behind your back,” she said as she dug in her back pockets—a few karate belts fell to the floor. “And I’ll tie them with this.”

“But I—”

Her squeeze made my arms shoot behind my back. She giggled some more as she crawled behind me and tied my hands.

She slapped my butt. “Now to check it’s working.”

My knees buckled and I crashed to the floor.

“Yep,” she said as she scrunched her fist, “Lizzie’s belt is strong. No way you’re getting out of that.”

I groaned into the carpet as she disappeared into the bathroom. A little while later, she rolled me over with her foot and pressed her toes on my neck.

“One or two?”

I felt her entire weight begin crushing down on my neck. “One! One! You’re number one!”

“I know I am, you didn’t have to tell me twice.” She giggled and let up slightly. “But that’s not what I meant. Are you sure you want one?”


“Because I found two ‘Egg Breakers’ in the laundry.” My mouth hung open as she took two of mom’s week-old socks out from behind her back. “Looks like she went more than just grocery shopping in these.”

You could barely tell the original color they were so filthy—did she even wear sneakers anymore? I yanked my arms as hard as I could, but it felt like my shoulders would rip out of their sockets.

She stomped on my neck. “One for your mouth!”

I jerked around, trying to get free, but she pressed her foot down even harder, shoving the sock against my mouth.

“Open! Open or I’m going to kill you!”

She put more weight on her foot as I struggled. I began coughing, but kept my mouth as tightly closed as possible as she smeared it all over my face.

She leaned down and pinched my nose. “Just open and I’ll let you breathe!”

I tugged as hard as I could against my restraints, but they only tightened.

She stood full-weight on my neck and bounced. I heard something crack.

Before I could blink, I could already feel the disgusting fabric being shoved down my throat.

“You see? That wasn’t so bad.” She patted my cheek and slapped me a few times with the other sock. “I don’t know why you don’t listen the first time, it would be so much easier for you.”

I coughed and rolled over, but she just kicked me over with a foot in my stomach.

She leaned down and giggled as she pinched. “Don’t you want my warm, hot mouth around your little thing?”

I felt myself hyperventilating as her mouth moved closer. She giggled when her breath caused it to twitch.

“What was that?” She leaned in closer and began kneading my balls between her fingers. “You love sucking on that sock?”

I moaned into the sock.

“You really are one sick freak, you already leaked. Thinking of everywhere your mom went in those things?” She took my tip between her fingers and rubbed, then showed me the stickiness.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on anything else.

“We can’t make a mess in her room now, can we? Want me to repeat your first date using your mom’s little gift?”

My eyes shot open as I screamed and struggled to roll onto my stomach.

I bucked my hips and pulled my arms apart as hard as I could.

“If you don’t stop moving, I’ll punch you until you’re completely empty!”

She gave me one punch as a warning, then looked down at me and smirked when I stopped struggling.

“You know what? I just thought of something even better.”

She kicked my ribs continuously and forced me to the front of mom’s desk, then yanked me up as she kicked out the chair.

“Sit down!” She shoved me in place. “And don’t move.”

My arms were pulled through the back of the chair. When it felt like my shoulders were pulling out of their sockets, the chair tipped back and almost fell over.

She shoved me forward and yanked even harder, giggling when I groaned.

“Can’t ever be too tight!”

She ran a hand down my shoulder as she sat on my lap, then leaned over and began tying my legs with a few more karate belts as she rubbed her butt side-to-side.

“Someone’s really excited.” She bounced a little. “Are you sure you aren’t loving what I put in your mouth?”

I tried pushing it out with my tongue, but all it did was cause the dirt to spread and soak further in. I wanted to throw up.

When my legs were secured, she grabbed the towel off the floor and sat on the desk, resting her foot on the chair between my legs.

“I’m going to give you a choice. If you keep sucking that clean…” She slowly licked her pinky and ran it across her lips, then sucked on it like a lollipop.

The sock suctioned to the back of my throat as I stared at her pinky, then it launched halfway out when her toes pressed into my…

“Or my foot can practice on these until they explode.”

She wiggled her toes as she pressed the sock deeper with her finger. I gagged, which got me a few more slaps with mom’s other sock.

“If you choose 1, I’ll be sure to swallow everything from those little eggs. If you choose 2, I promise you won’t have to be a washing machine.”

She smirked as she ground down harder and pinched the sock, giving it a little tug.

“So what’ll it be?”

I looked up at her and pleaded with my eyes, hoping she would let me out.

When the sock almost left my mouth, I bit down on it.

“Good boy, you must really love the taste.” She smirked as she pressed it all the way back in. “Well it’s a good thing, because I love sucking things completely clean too.”

She placed her foot on my chest and shoved me backwards. My head slammed into the floor. I stared at the ceiling, then was blinded by the towel.

“I don’t like being watched when I perform.”

She giggled as she ran a finger down my leg, then pressed her foot on my stomach and stepped up with both feet.

My chest exploded.

“Great seat.” She bounced her butt a few times as she pet my head. “Now time for the main event! The more you suck, the harder I’ll suck!”

She scooted back and sat on the towel—my entire face was crushed as she wiggled back and forth.

She pressed on my balls and giggled as her hair moved all along my legs.

“Since you can’t squeeze my boobs, give me a huge moan when you’re close to…”

She breathed on my crotch. I sucked on the sock and waited for her warm lips. I moaned as my breathing became quicker.

She began pinching and using her fingers along the tip.

“Is your pinky ready?” She blew hot air.

I scrunched my toes as I felt my crotch twitch. I gave another moan.

“Is it really ready?” She squeezed her fingers as she continued breathing on it.

I felt like I would explode any second. I gave her the biggest moan, and she barely even—

She punched me repeatedly. I screamed into the sock and bucked against the chair, trying to tear my bonds apart.

Her cackling only increased as she punched some more.

The entire chair shook as I jerked and wanted to rip it apart.

“Did you really think my mouth would touch that disgusting thing?”

Fabric sealed my groin. I screamed as she stomped on my crotch and bounced.

“Maybe next time you’ll learn to make better popcorn.”

I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying to roll over. The chair violently jerked a few times as my head smashed into the bottom of mom’s bed. Rebecca gave the chair a few more shoves with her foot, and my head was sealed in darkness.

“Enjoy those yummy socks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

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