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Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

I felt so much weight off of my mind. Zepz was safe. The mystery was solved. At around ten, my friend headed back to his room, and I checked my email. I noticed that Alyssa had emailed me the videos of her kicking me in her bikinis and her roommate kicking me in that low cut top. As I said way back at the start of this tale, I had been studying hard for an exam before all of this happened and hadn’t masturbated, and then I’d held off that morning for fear that I wouldn’t be able to take the busting if I wasn’t horny. So by this point, I was really, really horny. With the privacy and the very sexy clip of a tremendously busty girl kicking my balls and having her nipple slip out in the process, I found myself raring to go.

But once I’d gotten it out and was wanking my way quickly towards climax, my phone rang. The caller ID said it was Emma. I considered just letting it go to voicemail, but I figured I should talk to her and then wank afterwards. It wasn’t, however, Emma. It was Zepz.

“Hey,” she said, “it’s Zepz. The police still have my phone. The fact that they found it in his house is being logged into evidence and stuff. They say I can have it back in a day or two. So that’s why I borrowed Emma’s phone.”

“That’s cool.”

“Um, so, I’m back home in my apartment. I thought that just being back here would be enough to calm me down, but, well, I still feel vulnerable and sort of scared. And I thought that maybe having my hero come over would make me feel better. So, do you want to come over?”

“Sure,” I said. “I’ll be right over.” I said it because I guessed that a late evening call inviting me over to her place was basically a booty call or something like it. But I did wonder if maybe I should have said I’d be there in a bit and finished wanking before I went. As it was, I wound up just tucking my hard-on in my waistband and heading towards her apartment. When I got there, I called Emma’s phone, and she answered and buzzed me in.

I entered the building and on the first floor hallway, as I was heading towards the stairs, a door opened along the hallway. The redhead who had busted my balls in this building before walked out of it dressed up in a tight green dress and carrying a small purse like she was going out clubbing. I panicked for a moment and then I realized that she couldn’t collect the same bounty twice, plus it was silly of me to assume that she’d want to. Reassured, I calmed down. Well, I calmed down until she called back into the room saying “Hey, the guy’s back! You should kick him, too!”

A blonde head peeked out of the doorway and said, “Ooh!” She strode out into the hallway. She was about average height but was wearing black high heeled shoes which made her look a little taller. She was wearing a tight, short red dress which hugged her figure showing off both her legs and her cleavage. She was about a C-cup, I’d guess, so enough up top to show off some, but not huge. She was between me and the stairs. I could have run back to the front door to attempt an escape, but then how would I get up to see Zepz? Plus I was still horny, so one more hot girl kicking my balls didn’t sound bad.

I stood in place, and she came striding up to me and, when she was close, kicked me right in the crotch. The toe of her pointy high heeled shoe got me smack in the middle of my already tender and swollen left ball. I screamed and collapsed to the floor, thrashing in agony. I didn’t think she’d ruptured it, but god did it hurt. I rolled around on the ground holding my ball for what seemed like forever. Finally, I lay still, just moaning there.

After a bit, I felt arms on mine. The two girls, the redhead and the blonde, were pulling me to my feet. I wasn’t sure why they were doing it, but as I rose a little, the angle let me see right down their tops, so I was inclined to let them. Once I was on my feet, they were each still holding onto one of my arms. When I looked up, I realized why. There was a third girl, a short brunette with big tits. She was also dressed to go clubbing, a tight white tube dress which showed off her big tits and small waist and revealed her legs. Instead of normal high heels like the other two girls wore, she was wearing high-heeled wedge sandals.

And no sooner had I noticed that than one of those wedge sandals was swinging up towards my crotch. She got me with the top of her foot, not her toe, thank goodness, but the added weight of those wedges packs quite a wallop. The kick got me in both balls, but I felt it way worse in the left one and I collapsed to the floor again in agony. I just rolled up in the fetal position and held my crotch. I squeezed my eyes closed and waited for the pain to recede.

I have no idea how much later it was when Emma and Zepz found me there. When I hadn’t shown up after they buzzed me in, they worried and came looking for me. They helped me up to the apartment and laid me down in Zepz’s bed. Emma left, and Zepz closed the door. She had changed out of her party outfit that she’d been wearing for the last several days and was just wearing jeans and a hoodie.It wasn’t a particularly revealing outfit, but there was no hiding the swell of her chest, so I still gave her an appreciative look over. I think she had probably showered because her hair still looked a little wet and there was a little bit of a smell of a floral shampoo or bodywash about her.

“Sorry about that. I should have already turned the bounty off. My fault.”

“That’s okay,” I managed to say without groaning too much.

“I’ll go do it now.” I watched as she used her laptop to log on to the BallsBounty website. I could see that it was showing her a ton of notifications.

Something occurred to me. “When you post a bounty, is there not, like, a message you get to attach to it saying why you want him busted?”

“Nope. They figured it was better for the girls on the site to just trust each other.”

“Wow, so telling them to bust me really was the only available communication.”

“Yeah. I really tried to find some other way. I thought of taking a picture of a sign asking for help and uploading it as a proof of ballbusting for some random guy, but the camera on the phone was busted. You could tell it to take pictures, but it always just came back as all black.”

“Well, I’m glad we managed.”

“I’m glad you managed to find me. The detective said that you did most of the leg work. And according to this website, you got kicked in the balls by, umm, 21 different girls in the process, including whoever got you in the hallway downstairs. Are your balls okay by the way? You looked pretty wrecked.”

“I think I’ll be okay. My left ball has taken a lot of abuse today. It was pretty badly swollen and bruised earlier and I’m pretty sure it still is.”

“Oh, can I see?”

“Sure, I guess.” I stood up from the bed and pulled down my pants and underwear enough to flop my balls out.

“Wow!” she said, looking at them. “That one is pretty swollen and that’s a nice big bruise. That’s hot. How tender is it?” As she asked, she reached out, grabbed it, and gave it a sudden squeeze.

I gasped: the pain from just the little squeeze was still very intense. “Oh, please,” I managed to squeak.

“Wow! That is tender! How’s the other one doing?” She gave it a squeeze as well. I sucked a little air in when she grabbed it, but I otherwise could endure that pain fairly easily, she hadn’t squeezed all that hard and it wasn’t tender like the swollen one. “Not so bad, and his friend is getting interested,” she said gesturing towards my penis which was starting to get erect. “So, tell me, was it hot getting busted by all those girls?”

“It was definitely sexy and when I think about it now, I feel turned on. But at the time, some of it was sexy, but a lot of it was pretty overwhelming.”

“Have you seen the proof photos?”

“No. I don’t have a BallsBounty account.”

“Oh, of course. We should look, then. I bet it would be sexy to see. Do you think you could get hard if you played with yourself while looking at them?”

“Yeah, I’m sure I could,” I was starting to get hard just from the idea of doing that here in front of Zepz.

“Okay. Let’s do that, then. I’d like it if you went ahead and got naked.” She was being pretty forward with me, but honestly, I was okay with that. After some guy had kidnapped her and tried to bend her to his will, if she wanted to be in charge for a bit, I was completely okay with that.

I already had my cock and balls out since she’d been checking on my balls, but I went ahead and striped all of my clothes off. As I was removing my shoes and socks, I looked over and realized that she was taking off her shoes, too. And then she pulled her pants off. When she had said, “Let’s do that, then”, I assumed she had just meant that I would be playing with myself while looking at the proof photos on BallsBounty, but it was dawning on me then that she had probably meant that she’d be playing with herself, too.

She sat back down in the chair at her desk where the laptop was sitting and pulled up the first picture. I went and stood by her where I had a good view. It was Whitney’s selfie she had taken with me curled up on the floor behind her. She was smiling very broadly, looking both very pretty and very pleased with herself. I was on the floor behind her holding my aching nuts.

"Looks like she got you pretty good."

"Yeah. It was a solid and completely unexpected knee. It hurt my nuts pretty bad." I noticed that Zepz had started to gently touch her mound through her yellow cotton panties. It was a pretty sexy photo. I started to gently stroke my cock which was steadily stiffening both from the photo and from seeing Zepz enjoying herself.

She switched to the next photo. There the Asian girl in the elevator also smiling with me on the floor behind her. Her smile was more smug-looking than delighted. She looked pretty sexy in her workout gear. "She looks all set to workout," Zepz commented. "Did she kick you more than once?"

"Nope, just one good kick. I think she was on her way back into the building after jogging when she spotted me."

Things continued that way for the next couple of pictures, her asking me questions, me telling her about how it had happened. And all the while, she gently rubbed her snatch through her panties while I slowly stroked my hard cock.

When we got to the first round of videos, though, the ones with Cynthia kicking me in her sexy outfit like she might go clubbing in and Alyssa in the second bikini, she said, “Ooh! Videos!” She played them and when she actually saw Cynthia kick me in the balls and watched me collapse to the floor, she laughed out loud. “She got you pretty good!”

When she started the one with Alyssa, she said, “Wow! Look at her tits! They’re about as big as mine!” And then when she watched Alyssa kick my balls so forcefully and me collapse so quickly, she added “A kicker after my own heart. She really didn’t hold back!”

“Yeah, it was really painful.”

“Those last two videos looked like they were in the same apartment. Did you make some sort of deal? You had to know that something was up before the second one.”

“I knew before the first one. Alyssa, that’s the second girl, she’s been a project partner of mine in the past. She has a boyfriend at home, but she sent me a text saying that she needed a guy’s opinion about which bikini was sexier and asking me to come over. Thinking of her showing off big boobs in a sexy bikini temporarily made me an idiot, and I started for her place before I realized it was a trap to bust me. But I texted her back and we made a deal. She could bust me so long as she also told me why I kept getting kicked. Well, that and she really did have to wear a sexy bikini when she kicked me.”

“So, you’re into big boobs?”

“Uh, yeah,” I said, realizing that I’d let that slip.

“I didn’t realize. When you were with Libby I don’t remember you sneaking a lot of glances my way.”

“Well, I mean, she was pretty hot, too. But yeah, I thought your figure was nicer than hers, but I always tried not to show it. I didn’t want her to feel bad or anything. So I never looked unless I was pretty sure that neither of you would catch me looking.”

“Wow. So, if you didn’t want to upset her, why’d you end up dumping her?”

“Because she always talked to me like I was an idiot. I mean, it was more when we were alone than in public, so I don’t know how much of it you heard, but she wasn’t nice. And I kept asking her to stop it, and she wouldn’t. I mean, I’m no dummy. I’ve got like a 3.6 GPA. She was just always more organized and any time I was disorganized she’d do everything short of calling me a moron. I couldn’t take it anymore.”

“Yeah, I don’t remember her talking to you like that in front of me, but some of the things she said to me about you weren’t very kind. She always seemed to think you were sort of incompetent which didn’t really match my impression. It makes sense that you didn't want to have to put up with a girlfriend who had a low opinion of you. From her perspective, it seemed like the break up was all out of the blue, that you two were perfectly happy and then you just dumped her for no reason."

"I really did try talking to her about it before the break up, but she never really wanted to acknowledge that she was doing anything wrong and although she promised to be nicer sometimes, she didn’t really change anything. In the end, I knew that if she didn't treat me with respect, I couldn't be with her in the long term. And I did plan to tell her why I was breaking up with her, but as soon as I got to the breaking up part, she called me an asshole, kicked me in the balls, and shut the door."

“I hadn’t realized that she’d kicked you in the balls. Did you, like, find that hot at the time?”

“Yeah, I did. I didn’t like that she wouldn’t kick me as like foreplay but she would kick me in anger, but, really, it was still extremely sexy having her kick my balls.”

"So, like, putting this all together, does all this mean that what you would like most is a girl who talks to you respectfully, but then kicks you in the balls?”

“Yeah, kinda. I mean it’s hot having a girl exert sexual power over me. Like kicking me in my weak spot or getting me worked up and then giving me blue balls. But I don’t like when the girl doing it actually looks down on me as an individual. Like, I want a girl who thinks I’m pretty great, but wants to then wrap me around their finger and do mean things to me sexually, not conversationally.” I had stopped stroking my cock when we’d started talking about Libby, but I realized that I had started stroking again without meaning to as I fantasized about how I’d like to be treated.

“That does sound like it could be a fun relationship dynamic.” When she said that, I realized that she had started rubbing herself again, too.

We rewatched the videos a couple of times before moving on. I loved seeing Alyssa punt my plums on video and had trouble not going ahead and just ejaculating. But after that we moved on to the other pictures: Brooklyn and Tammi (or vice versa), Juanita, Deyva, and the redhead in the stairs on the way up to talk to Emma. We talked a little about each of them. Zepz was definitely enjoying seeing me curled up on the floor in pain again and again, and honestly, so was I.

When she got to the videos from the Wal-Mart, she asked “Where were these taken?”

“The security room of a Wal-Mart. I tried to buy a cup, you know a protective cup for my balls, but the cashier recognized me and called security on me.”

“You tried to buy a cup? I thought you were enjoying things?”

“Well, I mean, things were sexy, but it was getting too much. All those hard kicks we saw so far, that’s all in one day. I was worried that I was gonna really get seriously injured.”

“I didn’t even think of that when I set the bounty. I figured your nuts could probably take a licking.”

“Well, I mean, clearly they did okay. They’re still intact and everything. But I didn’t know for sure at that point. I mean, especially if all hundred possible girls had cashed in. I might have wound up a eunuch by the end of it all.”

“Aww, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. You were just trying to escape a very dangerous situation. I mean, that guy might have killed you, and I’m sure he would have tried to rape you at some point. I don’t mind taking kicks to the nuts in order to save you. Even if I’d lost my balls, if it saved your life, it would totally have been worth it.”

She blushed just a little. “You’re sweet.”


“But I still like watching you get kicked in your balls.”

“Honestly, so do I. Now that I’m able to look back on it, the whole thing was sexy.”

“I’m glad. Let’s see what’s next. More girls in bikinis?”

“Yeah, by that point, I knew that you were missing, and I was trying to follow your trail after the party. Those girls were sunning themselves in front of a sorority which had security cameras. I let them collect the bounty, and they let me watch their security camera footage.”

“How many? Oh, wow, there are seven. That’s a lot.”

“Yeah, it was pretty painful, but worth it. They had footage of you walking by so I knew which way you were going.”

She then played the videos with her own running commentary saying things like “She got you good!” and “Oh, another busty one!” It was very sexy getting to watch those videos. I remembered the ballbusting, of course, but the videos gave me a completely different view of what was happening, The girls all looked sexy, and it was hot seeing them kick me so enthusiastically. By the end, I was getting close to the edge again. I felt like it would be rude to just start cumming all over Zepz’s desk, so I held back.

She happened to notice how hard I was and how slowly and gently I was stroking myself at that point. “Are you close?”

“Very close,” I answered, honestly.

“Well, don’t do it yet. You’ll hold out for me, won’t you?”

“I guess so,” I said somewhat reluctantly.

“You said you like girls getting you all worked up, right?”

“Yeah, I did say that.”

“So, then I’m in charge of getting you all worked up. So you’re not allowed to cum yet. Not until I say so, okay?” There was an edge in her voice now, enough to say that she really meant it. But it still felt like a playful bossiness, not something where she would have been genuinely angry with me. Still, it was enough to engage me.

“Yes, Ma’am,” I said, trying to indicate that I was going to follow her orders.

“I’m not that old. How about ‘Yes, Miss’?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“That’s better. No cumming, okay?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Good. Now let’s watch these bikini ones a few more times.”

I groaned a little, worried about my ability to hang on. I was especially concerned when, as we were rewatching the series of them again, she slipped her hand under her panties and appeared to put a finger inside of herself. As she showed them again and then once more, I stroked my twitching cock very gently and slowly managing to not push myself over even as she started making soft moans. Then she replayed the one with the busty sorority girl a couple more times by itself. I could see the girl’s big soft breasts jiggling as she kicked me in the crotch while I heard Zepz fingering herself and moaning. It was difficult to not cum, but I managed. Then she played the whole sorority series again.

Finally we moved on to the last set of proof pictures, the clerk from the convenience store and the two girls from the hallway downstairs from just before. And then when I thought we were all done, she replayed the busty girl from the sorority and then Alyssa’s videos twice apiece. Then she asked me, “Do you know why I like those two the best?”

“No, Miss,” I answered, still playing my role.

“Because, as a chesty girl myself, I find it easiest to imagine myself as them. But, you know, I don’t think imagining is enough. I think I need to hurt your balls, too. I mean, honestly, watching all of this, I feel a little left out. You took all this ball pain for my sake, but I didn’t get to inflict any of it myself. I know you’ve been through a lot today. I mean, that sorority stuff, that was all this morning. So you’ve been busted what, seven plus one plus two, ten times today?”

“Eleven, actually, Miss. The police detective busted my balls, too. She just didn’t submit to BallsBounty.”

Zepz chuckled but then slipped into a sort of a sultry tone. “And, also, you’re my hero who saved me. So you don’t have to let me play rough with your balls, but boy do I want to. And, well, I have a bonus to offer. You still haven’t actually ever really seen my zeppelins when they’re free. You might call me Zepz like my girlfriends, but you’ve never seen them.”

“Wait, is Zepz a nickname? Like because you have big boobs?” I wound up breaking the sort of seductive mood she seemed to be working on with her tone of voice because it had just occurred to me and I couldn’t help but blurt out the question.


“Really? Now I feel a little bad about calling you Zepz.”

“No, don’t. This is what my friends call me. You call me that because it’s how Libby introduced me. No one calls me Jennifer but my teachers and my parents. I got the nickname from the girls on my high school swim team, and it suits me.”

“Still, that feels weird to call you Zepz just because you have big tits. It feels like calling you Tits McGee.”

“It’s not just because they’re big. It’s because of how pointy they are and how much they stick out rather than hang down.”

I swallowed. That had taken me a little by surprise and now I was trying to visualize. I was still stroking my cock, and I definitely could imagine what she might look like if her big breasts were as pointy as it sounded. It made me extremely eager to see them. And honestly, at this point, I probably would have let her kick me in the balls just because she wanted to. I was terribly hard and for the last while had been watching nothing but ballbusting videos and pictures starring myself getting busted repeatedly. And while I watched this, I was listening to a sexy girl masturbate and moan softly watching it with me. I was so horny, I doubted I could say no to most anything she asked. Any promise of getting to see her big boobs naked was just icing on the cake.

“So,” she continued, “would you like to see them? Or, more importantly, would you like to see them enough that you’re willing to offer up your poor aching nuts for more abuse?”

“Yes, Miss,” I said. “Please abuse my nuts, but not the left one too much. I don’t want to lose it.”

“Oh, that’s true. Well, how about I see if I can make the right one match the left?”

“Yes, Miss” I said, swallowing. I was starting to feel a little nervous, but my throbbing cock urged me on.

“Okay, so first, time for the zeppelins to come out.” First she pulled off her hoodie and her shirt together in one motion and discarded them on the floor. Her bra was quite large, but definitely more round in shape than pointy. Next she reached behind her back and undid it. Then she removed it to reveal some absolutely magnificent tits. They were just as she described, as big as I knew they were, very pointy once no longer confined, and extremely pert.

They really did almost float there sticking out from her rib cage like two zeppelins. The breasts came to a point at the nipples but each nipple was also pointy with a long nub. Once they were naked, she gave them a little shake, for effect. They bounced and shook in front of her, her pointy nipples even sort of shaking separately in front of the main part of her breasts, and I had to stop stroking since I wasn’t allowed to cum yet.

"Okay," she said with a smile. "Time to pay for it. Here, get on my bed."

I laid down on my back on her bed.

"Hands behind your head," she instructed. "And keep them there: you haven't earned touching privileges yet."

I put behind my head, as instructed, and she climbed on top of me, straddling my thighs so that my crotch was in front of her. She was still wearing only panties so I enjoyed watching her lovely form as she climbed on. Just having her there atop me was terribly arousing and my erect cock twitched in anticipation of whatever was to come. My thighs were together, but my balls were on top of them, so I still felt quite vulnerable.

Using her left hand, she encircled the base of my right ball, pushing it up so that it was trapped above her finger and thumb. Then using her right hand, she punched it hard. I had been expecting the blow by the time it came, but still, it took my breath away. I managed, however to not react too much until the second punch landed just a couple of seconds later. That one was enough to make me grunt and squirm in response.

The third blow which quickly followed that one made me involuntarily try to move my thighs, but with her sitting on them, they weren't going anywhere. And when the fourth one came just a couple of seconds later, I was gasping for breath, the relentless assault just overwhelming even my normal breathing process. I felt like I should be moaning or gasping in pain, but I just couldn't find the breath to do it.

She smiled at my reaction to ask this, enjoying the squirming and how much trouble I was having breathing. She gave me a little break to catch my breath.

After a moment I said, "Wow! You hit hard and fast!"

She smiled and said, "And a lot of times!" and punched my trapped right ball again, just as hard. The pain was building with each hit. This one made me shut my eyes for a moment. That mostly just meant that I didn't see the next punch coming. That was the one which finally overwhelmed me. It seemed much harder than the others and when it landed, I could feel my nut distending and an immense pain ran up me. I let out a little “ah” sort of sound and, before I had even thought about it, my hands were off of my head and covering my testicle. It was a slightly odd position to be in because her left hand was still holding my nut from underneath, but now both of my hands were on top so she couldn’t punch it.

“Oh, please,” I said, begging for mercy.

“Do you like the titties?” she asked teasingly.

I wasn’t sure why she was asking, but the unexpected question cut through the pain enough that I just blurted out an answer without thinking at all. “Yes! They’re fantastic!”

“Well, then you’ve got to pay for being allowed to see them,” she said with a sparkle in her eye. “Two more punches should be enough. Move your hands.”

I didn’t really want to, but then I did want to please her, so, slowly, I put them back up towards my head. She still had hold of my ball with her left hand. The moment my hands were on my head, her fist came down hard and fast and smashed my poor trapped nut against her left hand again.

I shuddered in agony. I felt like my ball was about to break the pain was so overwhelming. I was mostly out of it at this point, not even enjoying the view of her magnificent tits or the sexiness of the situation.

I heard her say “Move your hands,” in a sweet voice and only then did I realize that I had instinctively covered myself once more. I did not want to move my hands. My nut was so tender now that I knew that even one more punch was going to be completely overwhelming. I looked up at her plaintively, but when I did, I realized that her right hand wasn’t balled up in a fist ready to strike: it was in her panties, frigging herself silly. “Please,” she said sweetly again, her voice cracking just a little, “just one more.” And I realized that I could see it in her face and in the way her body was quivering, if I let her punch my poor pummeled testical one more time, she was going to orgasm right there on top of me.

I weighed them against each other briefly, her ecstasy, my agony, but really there was no choice. My cock was already getting hard again at the thought as I looked up at her, her pretty face getting flush, her huge pointy tits quivering above me. I knew what I had to do. I moved my hands.

As soon as they were out of the way, her right hand was off of her snatch and balled into a fist. And as I watched, it smashed every so hard into my poor trapped testicle, knuckle first. The world moved in slow motion as it compressed first in the middle distending painfully and then flattened generally and waves of pain and nausea began to flow over me. It was so strong that I found myself instinctively suddenly turning sideways with a jerk, trying to curl up into a ball, but her left hand was still holding my nut in place, so I wound up just adding the pain of a pulled cord to my agony and not moving very far.

I could feel myself being engulfed in the pain and drifting away from the world into just agony but one thing tethered me back to reality and that was the sound of Zepz cumming. Her hand was back at work on her quim, and she was working it vigorously. And soon she was gasping and bucking and her huge tits were quivering and shaking violently as she did. Her orgasm was a sight to behold and even in my battered state, my cock soon found itself erect and twitching, hoping desperately that it would get a chance to please her next.

Instead, though, when the waves of her orgasm had subsided, she leaned down towards me and kissed me. “You’re perfect,” she said, and kissed me again. “You saved me and now you’re letting me torment your balls just so I can get off.” She kissed me again, and I eagerly kissed her back. “You’re so great,” she said and kissed me again.

“You’re worth it,” I said, between kisses. She pressed her chest down against mine, and we made out vigorously, kissing and touching each other, her hands on my face and shoulders, mine on her back and her round pert ass. Soon she was worked up again and rubbing her snatch against my erect cock through her cotton panties. We continued this for a good while, lost in the passion of each other’s bodies.

Eventually, we rolled onto to one side, me on my right side and her in front of me on her left side, and then she pulled back for a little break. “Can I do a little squeezing?” she asked.

“I guess so,” I replied, trying to sound like I still had some control, when in truth my throbbing erection meant that I would have consented to pretty well anything she could have asked.

She was to my right, and this time her left hand went into her panties and her right hand seized my right nut. Instead of cradling it for punching, this time she grabbed it and squeezed it, holding it with her fingers and pressing into the middle with her thumb. Abusing my poor tender nut like that got an immediate reaction from me. I was twitching and moaning and squirming a little back and forth. And she seemed to love that, masturbating herself intensely and doing her own moaning in return.

My cock stayed rock hard despite the abuse to its friend. The whole scenario was painful, but very hot. I was handling it well until she suddenly let go of my right ball and grabbed my swollen left one. As her thumb pressed into my tender brutalized testicle I let out a shriek of pain. This seemed to make her squeeze even harder, and I started to thrash in her grip, trying to get away, but to no avail. Just a few seconds of this, though, was enough to start her on another wave of orgasms.

And as she came she squeezed alternately tighter and looser as the waves of orgasm engulfed her, and I alternately shrieked in pain and collapsed in relief. When her orgasm finally subsided, my erection was long gone.

“Oops,” she said. “I may have overdone that. Is he still all in one piece?” She probed my big tender left ball. It was still intact, although more tender than before. Even her little probes set off shudders of pain. “Sorry. Okay, no more ballbusting. I’ll make it all better.”

She climbed up onto all fours and starting towards me. “How about some boobs in your face? Would you like that?”

“Oh yes,” I replied despite how sapped of energy I was.

“No touching. No sucking or licking the nipples yet. And you can play with yourself, but no cumming.” She came forward so that her big tits, now especially zeppelin-shaped with the weight of them hanging below her chest emphasizing the points of her nipples, which were now at the bottom, were right in my face. She dangled them there, moving them around so that her pointy nipples were in front of my lips and then up just before my eyes, so close that I couldn’t even focus on them, and then back down, tantalizing me with them, almost daring me to touch them or lick them. I stroked my cock extremely gently, mesmerized by her lovely breasts, but I was hard and twitching in no time.

And then she arched her back just a little more, lowering her tits so that her right nipple just brushed my nose. And then she rotated and her left nipple glanced across my forehead. I had to stop touching my cock altogether if I didn’t want to disobey her by ejaculating in enormous spurts right then and there. And then she pressed her right nipple against my cheek and then leaned in, pushing it in. Her breast yielded as she leaned further and further in, spreading the flesh of her big soft tit against the whole side of my face as she leaned further and further in, overwhelming me with it. Soon she leaned so far in that the edge of her breast was even pushing my nose somewhat sideways painfully, but I didn’t complain.

And then she pulled back up. “All better?” she asked.

“Yes, um, everything’s good,” I said, actually meaning that I was as horny as I had ever been in my life.

“Great!” she said. “You’ve been my hero and now taken all this ball abuse to please me. You’re so terrific! So as a reward, I think you should get to cum …” she said, pausing. And in the pause my heart leapt. I was so eager. And then she continued, “... tomorrow.”

My jaw dropped open. Was she serious? She looked at my expression and smiled. “Hey, you told me you like girls who get you all worked up and then blue ball you.”

I sighed, disappointed, but honestly, my cock just got harder at the idea of being teased for a whole additional day.

“Let’s spoon for a while, okay? I feel like being the big spoon,” she said smiling.

That sounded okay, so she rolled over so that she was lying on her bed in a crescent position and invited me to move over there against her. I did. She pulled in tight, positioning herself so that her big tits were squished right against the middle of my back and so that her right hand had access to my groin. She started out giving each of my balls a quick fondle.

“Well,” she said, “I don’t think we quite reached our goal. The right one isn’t as swollen as the left, but I think it’s definitely bigger than when we started.”

“Seems like,” I said. “I don’t think it really would have been great to get it that big. That feels kind of dangerous.”

“True, but dangerous can be kind of hot,” she said, and with that she moved her hand to my cock. She first gave it a squeeze and then started to stroke it gently. I knew I couldn’t take too much without cumming, but honestly, I was so eager to cum, I didn’t say anything, hoping that she would overdo it.

But after the first few light strokes, which were just enough to get me near the edge, there was a pause where she just held my cock in her hand but didn’t move it at all. I could tell she was playing me expertly letting me calm down and I was just starting to feel in control when she applied a few more strokes to my twitching cock and then gave me a slightly longer pause.

Then there were a few more light strokes, a short pause, a few more strokes, and then just as I was about to go over the edge, a pause. And that pause lasted and lasted as my hard cock sat there twitching over and over again. And then I felt her hand relax against my cock a little, and I heard the distinct sound of her starting to snore. For a moment, I thought that maybe this was some sort of mind game or something, but after a bit I faced the simple truth. She’d had an awfully long stressful day beginning while she was still in captivity, and now she was exhausted and had fallen asleep right there.

After a couple more minutes, I was certain that this girl who was all snuggled up against me was now definitely asleep. A certain twitching part of me wanted to try to rouse her, but a combination of the more chivalrous part of me which felt that after the day she’d had she deserved some rest and the more sensible part of me which remembered that she’d said I wasn’t going to get to cum until tomorrow anyway combined to decide instead that I should let her sleep.

It wasn’t all that easy because she was so pressed up against me that I couldn’t move at all without risking disturbing her. Well, except, of course, clearly my cock could twitch in her hand without waking her because it was still doing that. A combination of the sensation of her body against mine, including those incredible breasts of hers still pressed against my back, and the tease of the whole thing left me still completely rock hard.

Honestly, I thought that now that my cock wasn’t getting stroked any more, I would quickly lose my erection, but that wasn’t what happened at all. Intellectually I knew that nothing further was happening, but apparently my reptile brain interpreted having this lovely girl curled around me with her hand on my cock and all the attention from earlier as solid evidence that it should keep my cock rock hard because sex could happen at any moment.

As I lay there watching the clock (it was just after midnight), I was sure that soon my erection would subside as soon as my mind wandered to other things. But, I really couldn’t think about anything other than her and how much my balls had been abused. Half an hour after she’d fallen asleep I was still hard and twitching, and I thought I could feel the blue balls setting in which was then something else sexy to bump around in my mind.

A half an hour later, I was still rigid and my balls were definitely blue. I felt like I was at a point of no return where the tease was just sustaining itself because I couldn’t think of anything else other than how hard my cock was. Another half hour later, now an entire hour and a half since she’d fallen asleep, I couldn’t believe that I was still lying there with her limp hand on my erect cock.

After a full two hours of lying there the cramps I was getting from not moving were finally hurting more than my blue balls, but it seemed like my cock muscles had cramped into position in a way that left me hard rather than soft. I was starting to worry a little about if this was dangerous, but honestly, that was hot, too. And the other bit which was starting to really nag at me was my bladder.

So, finally, I got up, unentangling myself from her. She didn’t appear to stir much, and I felt relieved. She did deserve to have a good sleep after her ordeal. I headed to the bathroom. I stood in front of the toilet squeezing under the head of my cock, pushing it down in the direction of the toilet bowl, and visualizing waterfalls in the hopes that I could actually pee without spraying the walls. Finally, I got it just bendy enough that I was able to aim for the bowl. Once the stream of urine started flowing, things naturally softened up a little and were easier.

The force with which the urine came out was a little surprising to me, though. All that pent up need to cum was perhaps adding to the intensity of the stream of urine. And after it was all out, I actually felt a little less horny as well. My cock was mostly deflated and pointed down by the end of peeing and somehow the release of urine had substituted in some small way for the release of cum. After washing my hands, I headed back to bed intending to get to sleep and thinking that I might actually be able to.

When I got there, she had shifted position. And looking at her sleeping form there in the half light, her slender limbs splayed out, her wide hips and narrow waist being especially emphasized by the way she was lying on her side, her pretty hair across the pillow, and her big amazing breasts, one lying atop the other, my cock came right back to life. She looked so sexy and feminine. And her lying there in the bed I’d just left just pushed into my head again ideas about how amazing it would be to have sex with her. And before I knew it, I was right back at full mast as if nothing had intervened.

I started stroking my cock imagining how nice it would be to get inside her. It felt amazing to stroke again, but I was crazy sensitive and I had to stop again after a few seconds if I was going to obey her order to not cum yet.

I just stood there for a few more minutes admiring her form with my hard cock jutting before me in the half light. And then eventually, I figured that I had to try to get to sleep in some form. The carpet didn’t look very comfortable, so I decided to get back in bed even at a risk of disturbing her.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and then tried to snuggle back into her spoon even though she had shifted some. She woke a little and put her arm around me. She leaned her head forward and kissed me on my cheek. I turned my head towards hers, and we kissed on the mouth. She scooted over and pulled me down onto her bed so that I was lying on my back. She snuggled up against me, putting her body part way across mine: her right tit pressed against my chest, her right thigh now between my legs, pressing gently against my hard cock.

She kissed me again and sighed with an “mmm” and fell back asleep again. I lay there still hard and still unable to do anything about it. If I turned my head just a little I could see the clock. For half an hour I just watched the digits advance and tried unsuccessfully not to think about my hard cock, my aching balls, or the sexy, sexy girl snuggled up against me.

And then eventually, I realized that I hadn’t seen the last ten minutes go by on the clock and then a bit later realized that I hadn’t seen a whole hour. And although it didn’t feel like it, I was actually sleeping. And then, what felt like just a bit later the whole room was full of light and I was alone in the bed.

I felt so frustrated that she was gone. And my cock was now hard with morning wood. I wasn’t sure I could stop myself from touching it and cumming. She had said I could cum today, but I felt like I had earned something more than just a lonely wank in a sexy girl’s bedroom after she’d left for class and then a walk of shame home afterwards. And then, just as I was reaching out to grab hold of my erection, I heard a flush from the bathroom.

I put my hand back at my side as she came bouncing back into the room, full of light and air and still wearing nothing but a pair of panties. “Oh good, you’re up!”


“Oh, and in more ways than one. Thanks for sleeping over, by the way. I didn’t feel anxious once you were here. And sorry about last night.”

“Sorry? What are you sorry about?”

“Well, I didn’t really mean to give you blue balls. I was just going to tease you a little more. When I said you couldn’t cum until tomorrow, it was like 11:55. So I was just going to tease you for like ten or fifteen more minutes until it was after midnight and then say, ‘Surprise! It’s tomorrow!’ and give you an awesome blow job. But, um, I fell asleep. Sorry!”

“It’s okay. You had had a long day.”

“That’s true. So, it looks like you might still be up for a blow job.”

“Yes! Definitely!”

“Here,” she said, “sit right here.”

I moved to the edge of the bed, and she had me scoot out so that my butt was on the bed, but my cock was sticking out into the air while my balls dangled down. She knelt down in front of the bed and grabbed my hard dick with her hands and started working the shaft with them while she used her mouth to lick and suck the head of my cock.

I’d love to give you a long, drawn out description, but the fact of the matter is that I was so turned on, that I was ready to blow in about twenty seconds. “Oh, God!” I said. “I’m gonna cum!” And right as I said this, she took her right hand off of my shaft and punched me hard hitting my right nut with an exacting and intensely strong blow.

It felt like she had punched the cum right out of me, and I spurted and spurted in intense waves of orgasm. She sucked all the cum down continuing to stimulate my cock head with her tongue until I finally stopped bucking in pleasure.

“That looked like it was pretty good.”

“Oh, God, yes,” I said, smiling.

“So,” she said. “I’m going to get a quick shower and then head to work. I’m sure everyone will be relieved to see me. Can you come over again tonight? And maybe the next few?” she said with an air of hopefulness which made me realize that she was asking for something which was likely going to be much more than casual. She sort of shifted a little, waiting for my answer and I realized that she might not know how thrilling the idea of being her boyfriend sounded to me.

I didn’t want to say too much and risk scaring her off, but I did manage to find the words, “There’s no place in the world I’d rather be than back here with you tonight.” And that managed to bring a pretty bright smile to her face.

We went our separate ways for the day, but that night she took me out to dinner to say thank you to me for rescuing her. She wore a very tight and low-cut red top, and dinner was mostly just one long struggle where I tried to remember not to stare. And that evening, after supper, she took me back to her apartment and in an exciting mix of love and cruelty, made out with me tenderly and played very roughly with my balls. That time she didn’t blue ball me, instead letting me masturbate in a very sexy teasing game of red light green light.

And things continued like that for the next week with me sleeping over at her place every night and enjoying her sexual torment and sometimes getting release, but always sleeping cuddled together in her bed. Finally, after a week, I asked her to be my girlfriend, making official what both of us were already treating as true, and she accepted. And that’s the story of how I wound up dating Zepz and, as I said, of the second through second through twenty-third girls to play rough with my balls: the twenty-one girls who busted me because of the bounty, and, last but not least, Zepz.

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Replies to This Discussion

WOW!! A great end (maybe?) to a great story. I loved the fact that he got to watch all of the pics and videos of himself being busted while being with the girl he rescued and knowing how much she was turned on watching it too.

I loved this series!! I'm usually not a big fan of stories were the guy likes ballbusting, but you managed to really make it work :)



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