A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
My alarm woke me up at 8:30. My balls were still a little swollen, but not nearly so sore as they had been the previous night, thank goodness. I started the shower and gave everything a good inspection. In general, things were in good working order. My balls had a little bruising in places, but not as bad as I feared. When I unwrapped all the gauze, I could see that my penis had been healing. All the bleeding had stopped and even the parts where I had been cut could be touched without pain. I went ahead and got into the shower. There was still some very mild stinging in places where the skin of my penis was still tender as a result of the hot water in the shower, but it really wasn’t bad at all. I realized that I could jerk off and thinking about everything which had happened the day before, my penis leapt to hardness in no time.
I started to stroke, but then I thought better of it. I remembered that after I came, it was usually a few hours before I got interested in sexual stuff of any sort again. When I wasn’t horny, I wasn’t really into ballbusting the same way. So I realized that it was better to leave myself horny since I was probably going to get busted again that day, likely several times if it went at all like the day before. With the volume of busting the day before, it was sometimes hard to take it all, even when I was feeling pretty horny. So I worried that if I wasn’t horny, the pain would just completely overwhelm me and I would just wind up curled up in the fetal position all day, or I would start trying to avoid the ballbusting even when taking it might be the quickest way to find out what had happened with Zepz. So I desisted from rubbing myself, which was quite an effort of willpower, let me tell you, given both how long it had been since I’d masturbated and how sexy all of the previous day’s ballbusting had been.
I got out of the shower, dried myself off, and then went to dress. I realized that it was still a good idea to get my penis up out of the way if I wanted to protect it. I didn’t have any gauze, but realized that I had some black electrical tape. That’s good for this sort of thing since it doesn’t really stick to skin very well, but it does stick to itself. So I wrapped it around my penis and then around my waist and connected it back to itself to hold my dick up out of the way. It felt like it was a little fetishy, somehow since it was shiny and black, but it did the job, so I was pleased with myself for my little improvisation.
I ate a quick breakfast of cereal and went out to meet Emma. I escaped the dorm without any ballbusting encounters, which was good because I didn’t really feel entirely ready that early in the morning. Emma was already waiting for me outside, fidgeting.
“Hey. Good to see you. Have you been waiting long?”
“No. I’m just still worried,” she answered, apparently catching on to my noticing how fidgety she was.
“Hey,” I said. “Don't worry. We'll figure it out.”
We had no problem entering the Graduate Science Research Center or finding the lab of Dr. Felton. When we explained everything to her, she told us that Zepz hadn't been into work and that she’d been concerned because that didn't seem in keeping with Zepz’s normal character. Dr. Felton introduced us to the other students who worked in the lab. There weren't that many of them in that morning, but there were a couple who had been to the party and could tell us the address and some of the phone numbers of the people who had hosted.
When Emma tried calling no one answered. The other students said that the grad students who lived there were more night owls and were probably just waking up. They suggested that we should go over there, but it was clear on the other side of the campus and a little bit off campus, even. It didn’t seem like there would be enough time for Emma to go all the way over there, talk to them, and then come back in time for her class, so I wound up heading over there alone. When I got there, I rang the doorbell. At first it seemed like no one was answering. But after a long while someone did.
It was a cute blonde girl who was still in a t-shirt and pajama pants and with short rumpled hair. I apologized for rousing her and then explained the whole situation: about how Zepz seemed to be missing and no one had seen her since the party, and even about her posting the bounty on my balls.
"Oh wow," she said. "That's scary. I think she left around midnight."
Right about then another girl appeared behind her in the doorway, a tall, thin girl with long dark brown hair. She got a good look at me and a familiar glint suddenly appeared in her eye. "Hey, Sarah," she said, "I know that guy from the app, you know, the revenge one."
The girl at the door sighed a little, "Yes, Bren, I know. He just told me. Zepz put the bounty on him some time after she left the party, but no one has seen her at all since then. He doesn’t know why she put the bounty on because he hasn’t seen her in months. He's trying to find out where she went after the party to try to find her. Did you see her leave?"
The second girl's demeanor changed immediately. "Oh, geez, I hope she's okay. Yeah, she left at, like, exactly 11:45 by herself, and I saw that she headed that way." She said pointing down the street in the direction you would expect for the most direct way back to Zepz's apartment. "She said that she needed to get up in the morning, so she left a little early. It probably didn't help that Charles kept staring at her chest and hitting on her after she'd turned him down flat."
"Is there any chance he would've done something? " I asked.
Sarah answered, rather than Bren. "I wouldn't put it past him: he's a fucking creep. I wish Delilah wouldn't invite him. But I don't think he could have. He got really drunk and crashed on our couch that night. You said she never got back to her apartment that night, right?"
"Yeah. Anyone else acting weird towards her?"
"Nope," Sarah said. "No one I saw. I wish I could be more help."
"Yeah," Bren chimed in. "All I know is the last time I saw her, it was 11:45 and she was headed that way."
"Well, thanks," I said. "I guess I'll walk her route and look for clues."
So, I headed off in the direction she had gone looking for anything out of the ordinary. I walked the first couple of blocks unsure even what I was looking for. Then reached the edge of the sorority quad and I noticed one of the sorority houses. There were four cute girls in bikinis sunning themselves in line chairs out front so that caught my eye, of course. But then I also noticed that they had security cameras on the side of the house, some of which pointed out towards the sidewalk. Maybe they still had their footage from Saturday night.
I figured that with so few leads, I had to ask. So I turned and headed up the walk. As I approached the house, one of the girls who was sunning herself looked up at me. She was a tanned brunette with a very fit body wearing a yellow string bikini. Not having another plan, I just started talking.
"Hey. A friend of mine went missing Saturday night and the last time -"
When I had begun to talk her friends had turned to look at me, too, and one of them, a cute blonde with a bob haircut in a blue bikini interrupted me to hiss to her friend, "Cindy, that's the guy from the app!"
"Hot shit! You're right!"
The other two girls exchanged a glance and began to rise from their chaise lounges. Feeling the situation was about to spiral out of control, I started trying to regain control. "Okay, ladies, hold on a second, just hear me out. I know what app you're talking about. And I could run right now. I’m pretty quick. I can probably out run you. But if you help me out, I'll stay and you can each get a kick in. I promise."
"All of us?" the one who had hissed to Cindy asked.
"Well, like all of you who are out here sunbathing, not the whole sorority. I don't want to wind up in the hospital."
"Okay," Cindy said, taking over. "What do you mean by help you out?"
"That's what I was trying to ask you to begin with. A friend of mine has gone missing. The last time anyone saw her was at a party up the hill on Saturday and she was heading to her apartment over there," I said, motioning in the rough direction where she lived. "So I was hoping that I could see the footage from your security cameras from Saturday night, say around 11:45 until midnight to see if she got this far."
"So we help you check that and all of us out here sunbathing get to collect the bounty on you?"
"Okay. It's a deal. Kicks first, then we help you."
"Okay," I said, feeling that I didn't have much choice.
Cindy turned to one of the girls who hadn't spoken yet, another blonde, this one a blonde in a black ruffled bikini who seemed to have just started tanning as her skin was quite pale, and said, "Jordan, go get the three from the side yard."
"Okay," she said, getting up and heading towards the corner of the house.
"Wait, there are more around the corner?"
"Yeah, you said all the girls out here sunbathing. You're not welching already are you?"
"No, it's cool. I, uh, just hadn't realized." As the idea of not just four, but seven sorority girls in bikinis punting my plums began to sink in, I felt very nervous, worried that the cumulative damage from all the kicks might be overwhelming, but I also started to feel aroused. I mean if you'd asked me a week before, seven cute sorority girls in bikinis all going after my nuts, that's an experience I probably would have been happy to pay for. The reality was a little scarier than the fantasy, but still hot.
The girls who came around the corner looked good, too. One of them was very lithe and toned with a trim little waist and beautifully defined abs. She had olive skin and dark hair and looked like a Mediterranean fitness model in the white bikini she was wearing. The second was a blonde who was a little chubby, but hourglass-shaped and had the biggest tits I had ever seen. I'm not sure I'd say that I found her figure in total, as appealing as the slim but busty girls I'd met like Zepz or Alyssa, but she was still definitely extremely sexy. It seemed like her chest was going to spill out of her orange bikini.
And the third girl was an Asian girl with a nice figure and an absolutely gorgeous face. Plus her skin was so smooth and even that it almost seemed radiant. Her vivid blue bikini was cut very small as if trying to show off as much of her skin as possible. All the sorority girls were cute, but the last three were especially sexy. I would gladly have let any of them kick my nuts for nothing at all in return. The thought of all of them doing it was causing my dick to start throbbing in its wrapping.
"What order are we going to go in?" Jordan asked.
"Hmm," Cindy said, "Alison, you spotted who he was, so you get your choice. Do you want to go first when he's fresh or last when his balls are all tender?"
"I want to go first in case he tries to back out."
"I doubt he'll be able to after a kick out two. But regardless, I'll go last and record the rest of you if you'll give me your phones with the app open. Other than that I don't know. Work it out and line up."
So they talked amongst themselves a little and they lined up with Alison at the front followed by the other two girls from the front of the house and then the three from the side. Alison handed her phone to Cindy.
"Okay, spread 'em!" Cindy said to me.
Despite some last second worry, I complied, widening my stance to offer up my orbs to their assault.
"Okay, Alison, I'm recording."
Alison didn't hesitate or check if I was ready, she just charged forward and kicked hard between my legs. My balls took most of the impact although she did kick a little far back and also struck my taint with some pretty good force. I faltered pretty substantially, bending way over, holding my nuts and moaning. It had been a hard kick, but not enough to get me to the ground. I hoped that was enough for BallsBounty and that she wouldn't have to kick again.
I heard Cindy say, "There you go, Alison," as she returned her phone. Next was Jordan, the pale blonde in the ruffled black bikini. At this point I was still looking down at the sidewalk, breathing hard from the pain.
"I'm gonna put him on the ground," Jordan said confidently to her sorority sisters.
I realized that I didn't really want to risk hitting the sidewalk when I fell, which I was sure I would, if not because of Jordan, then certainly later. "Hold on," I said. "Let me move into the grass so I don't hurt myself on the sidewalk."
"Yeah, you'd better!" Jordan said, sounding confident as if she were trash-talking me. I didn't worry about it, instead just being relieved that she was willing to let me relocate. I straightened up, took a couple of steps out onto their grass, and then spread my legs once more. Jordan stood a little further back than Alison had and seemed to take her time preparing a little more, breathing and seeking to center herself before she began. But she also didn't offer me with any warning before her foot rocketed up. She had pointed her toes and the top of her bare foot slapped my gonads firmly and exactly. It was a good solid kick and although I tried to keep it together, I wound up crumpling slowly to the grass, ending up kneeling down with my head forward as I cradled my balls.
For the first minute that I stayed there, no one rushed me because they were busy exchanging whose phone Cindy was using and giving high fives and so forth. But when I was still down at the end of that, they started getting impatient.
I'm not sure who said "Come on, get up! It can't hurt that bad!" or who followed it up with "Who cares how much it hurts. He's got to get up anyway."
I don't know if it was just their urging or perhaps I found their disregard for my pain kind of hot, but either way, after another thirty seconds or so, I struggled my way to my feet. Now facing me was the other girl from the front. She had bleached blonde hair but with very tanned skin. She was wearing a purple bikini with a strapless top. She had the biggest tits of the four at the front, probably DD cups, big enough that it seemed like her top was having some trouble holding everything in. I was hoping that maybe when she kicked me, one of her tits would manage to escape. Apparently, she had the same concern, since as she lined up to kick me, she stopped for a moment and adjusted her top. It was very sexy to watch as the adjustment process jostled her breasts.
But as soon as she was done adjusting, she stepped forward and kicked me hard and fast. The top of her foot slapped forcefully against my balls. I let out a squeak and collapsed to the ground holding my poor agonized nuts. She hadn't really kicked through entirely but the force it carried was enough that just the upward slap was enough to hurt really badly. The suddenness of my collapse had elicited laughter from the girls. But as I lay there listening to them, I found that the pain from the slap, although sudden and intense wasn't lasting as long as the pain from the previous kick.
Before they started being impatient, I rose unsteadily to my feet and again assumed the position. Facing me was the Asian girl in the very small blue bikini. She smiled very broadly at me, and, instinctively, I smiled back. Taking this as the sign to begin, she stepped forward and gave me a kick in my crotch. Her kick wasn't that hard, and it wasn't that well centered, striking my thigh some on its way to my balls. But even though it wasn't that hard, I was getting pretty tender, and it was still enough to make me bend over.
One of the other girls said, "Aw, you didn't floor him. You should've kicked harder!"
When I straightened up, they were still changing phones, but as she was handing her phone off to Cindy, I saw the lithe, olive-skinned girl licking her lips. Once she lined up in position to kick me, she said, "I'm looking forward to this. In Krav Maga class all the guys wear groin protectors." Hearing her say that made my pulse quicken. But I managed to hold position.
As I watched she delivered a perfect front snap kick right into my crotch, her foot slamming into my balls and then carrying them up and through, crushing them against my body. I collapsed to the ground instantly, my stomach in knots, and my balls feeling like orbs of pure pain. I don't even know how long I lay there. I just know I was in agony, curled up in a ball on the ground and that the distant sound of laughter and high fives floated somewhere at the edge of my consciousness.
The next thing I became aware of was that some time later someone had taken my hands and was urging me up by tugging on them to indicate that I should stand. I opened my eyes to quite a sight: the extremely busty girl was holding my hands, leaning forward, and trying to pull me up. Her big breasts were hanging down as she leaned forward, filling the cups of her top quite thoroughly and looking like they might escape them soon/ As she tugged, her heavy breasts wobbled below her. They weren't exposed, but they were still an extremely sexy sight for a boob-hound like myself. As she continued to tug, her breasts continued to wobble, and I found my penis stiffening in its wrappings.
I wanted very much to stay there looking up at her, watching her big jiggling tits as she tried to pull me up, but as I thought about it, I realized how weird it would be if I had a boner when I stood up. I worried that if I got up with an obvious woody the girls might think that this was all a sexual thing and not want to help me, and I really did genuinely need their cooperation if I was going to be able to see their security camera footage. So I let her pull me to my feet before I got overly aroused. Once I was up, I spread my legs.
She seemed satisfied with her efforts and smiled to herself. And then she stepped back and punted my crotch. With all of my focus on her delicious tits, I had almost forgotten about how sore and tender my testicles still were. But the impact of her foot against my gonads brought all of that back to the forefront. It wasn't nearly the hardest kick, but it was solid and I collapsed to my knees.
Cindy gave the chesty girl her phone back and handed hers off to Jordan and, without waiting for me to rise from my knees, started lining up her own kick. "Spread 'em!" she said.
For a moment I wasn't sure that I should. I considered asking for time to get up off of the ground, but then I changed my mind. Maybe it was me realizing that I needed to get this over and sooner might be better, or maybe it was just wanting to obey a cute, bossy sorority chick in a sexy bikini when she demanded access to my balls, but I did as she asked and spread my legs.
She quickly stepped forward and kicked the heck out of my tender nuts as they dangled between my spread thighs. I screamed in agony and collapsed. My poor balls were already so tender from the previous six girls and Cindy had showed not a whit of compassion or restraint. This was clearly a girl who enjoyed causing testicular pain and had just been extremely successful at it. I rolled around in the grass, kicking my heels and holding my nuts, just hoping that all this thrashing would somehow lessen the pain. But it was all to no avail. The overwhelming pain just went on and on.
My balls had never been hurt that bad before, and I was completely wiped out. When some minutes later the pain finally receded to a barely tolerable level, only Cindy was still there beside me. The other six had gone back to sunbathing in their loungers. She looked down at me with a grin. "Gotcha good, didn't I?" she asked.
"Yes," I croaked.
She offered me a hand up, and I took it. I limped along with her as she led me into the sorority house and up the stairs to the closet where they had their security stuff.
"So, when was this again?" she asked.
"Saturday night between about 11:45 and midnight."
"Cameras which see the sidewalk?" she asked.
"Right," I confirmed.
She cued it up and fast forwarded it for me. The video was fairly dark, but the cameras seemed to be infrared because you could clearly see the people, even in the dark. At 11:48 a girl walked by, but it wasn't her. When we hit 11:52, though, I was pretty sure that I recognized her, even in fast motion. She cued it back and we watched it normal speed. I felt a wave of relief when I see that it really was her. I felt for a moment like I'd found her. But then, of course, I realized that all this showed was that she made it this far and I still had no idea what had happened to her. Still, this was evidence that I was on the right track.
Cindy had a second angle, so we got to watch Zepz get a little further down the sidewalk. It looked like she was heading straight at the intersection, based on her body language as she approached it, but the camera angle wasn't sufficient to actually see. Straight was the direction you'd expect her to take if she were heading home, so I assumed that was the right guess.
I thanked Cindy for her help, and she replied that it was no problem. And then she went even further and said that she'd be glad to fuck up my nuts any time I needed something. I don't think she really meant it as flirting, but I definitely made a mental note that I should try to find her after this was all over and see if she really meant it.
Continued in Chapter 7
I loved the twist of even more girls hiding around the house.
And it was too late, he already agreed "all" girls outside get to kick him. :)
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