A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Previous Chapters: 1
Having failed to find any answers, I just lay in bed and let my balls heal up before the next assault. After an hour or so, they felt pretty normal and I discarded the remains of the ice bag. At this point it was around lunch time, and I was getting hungry. I kept some luncheon meat and cheese in the fridge in the shared kitchen, but I was a little worried that I might get another kick in the balls if I went to get it. So I kept waiting for a little while, but then, as I got hungrier, I decided that I was just being silly.
So I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich and ate it, and it all went fine. Nothing happened during that part. But then after I was done when I was heading back to my room, I saw my RA. She was short and stacked with dark curly hair and olive skin. Really she was pretty cute, but she was off limits to me since she was my RA so I'd never really considered any romantic possibilities with her or anything like that. But I always did give her tits a good ogle when I got the chance. This time I didn't, of course, because she was looking right at me. But I did still note that she looked great in the sleeveless white turtleneck top and long, tight maroon skirt she was wearing.
"Hey, Ed. There was an incident which happened in the hallway last night, and I need to talk to you about it. Are you free?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," I said. My mind raced, trying to think of what she could be talking about.
"Here, join me in my room for a moment."
I followed her in, and she closed the door behind us. "So," I asked, "what's this all about?"
"Well..." she began. And then I saw that her foot was starting to swing back. My eyes got wide and I started to close my knees, but I wasn't fast enough. Her foot rocketed forward, ramming right into my nuts at full force. Although I thought I was pretty well recovered earlier, I quickly realized how wrong I had been. My tender testes screamed in agony inside me, and I let out a strangled cry of pain as well. I wound up on my knees in front of her my face contorted in agony.
"Perfect," she said as she took a selfie in front of me.
"My poor balls," I moaned. "What did I do to deserve that?"
"Oh, I'm sure you've got a pretty good idea what you've done," she said with a knowing twinkle in her eye.
"Not a clue," I replied.
"Oh well. I'm sure you'll work it out."
Feeling sure that she wasn't going to tell me anything, I headed back to my room, moving very slowly, still partially hunched over. When I got there, I just lay on my bed and waited for the pain to subside. I'd been there about twenty minutes when I heard my phone buzz.
It was a text message from Alyssa. I was pretty surprised to hear from her. We'd been in a project group the previous semester: me, her, and her roommate Cynthia. Cynthia was pretty cute, an average height black girl with really smooth, pretty ebony skin and a pretty face. She had decent-sized tits and a nice pert ass. She wore a lot of tight jeans which showed off her booty, which I always liked.
So Cynthia was definitely pretty nice looking, but Alyssa was out of this world. She had pale skin and short, curly blonde hair. Her face was basically cute, but her body was incredible. She was tall and had narrow shoulders and a teeny tiny little waist and then these big wide hips and a big round ass. Despite being the white girl she was the one with what people sometimes call "ghetto booty". And, up top, despite her small rib cage, she had a huge pair of knockers, too. She liked to wear really tight tops which showed off how big her tits were relative to the rest of her torso.
And what was extra hot was that she would talk about them. She would say things like "I need to finish this up and get home so I can set the girls free. They hate being cooped up in this bra" or "I'm here! It's titty time!" And one time she even said, "Maybe instead of doing all this work, I can just show the professor my tits and get us an A that way." And I asked, "You really think that'll work?" And her answer was, "Well, it did for Mr. Collier in high school, but then he had a huge reputation for being a boob-hound and a pervert."
When we were working on the project together, she flirted with me all the time, but she had a boyfriend back home, so that's all it was. But still, it was nice to have such a hot girl flirting with me all the time. So anyway, I was surprised to get a text message from her since I hadn't heard from her since the end of the previous semester. And then I was even more surprised when I read it: "Ed, I could really use your help. My boyfriend's scheduled a day with friends on the lake for when I get back from school next month and I bought some new very small bikinis. I want to surprise him with one, but I can't figure out which one is sexiest. Can you come over this afternoon and I'll try them on for you and you can give me a man's opinion?"
So, of course I texted her back saying, "Absolutely! I'll be right over." And she replied, "Great!"
I got halfway down my hallway when my common sense kicked in. When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. It came to me what was probably going on. So I stopped, went back to the protection of my room and texted her, "Are you going to kick me in the nuts?"
She replied very quickly with, "Would I do that to you?" rather than an explicit no. I now felt completely sure that she was planning to kick my nuts for the same reason that mysteriously was motivating everyone else.
So I texted back, "I'll come over and let you kick me in the nuts on two conditions, 1: you really do try on sexy bikinis for me 2: you tell me why everyone is trying to kick me in the nuts"
After a couple of minutes I got a text back from her, "Okay, I agree, but only if Cynthia gets to kick you, too."
I texted back, "It's a deal."
So I left the relative safety of my room and headed back across campus towards their dorm room. I was really kind of eager to see Alyssa in a sexy bikini and have her kick my balls. I mean, if you'd told me the day before that Alyssa wanted to dress up sexy for me and kick me in the balls, I'd have been over the moon. As it was, I was worrying about whether or not I'd make it to the end of the day with my balls still intact, but I still couldn't help but feel excited about this one. Plus I was finally going to find out what was up.
As I walked across campus I kept an eye out for anyone who might be targeting me. So far everyone had kicked me in private with no one else around, but I wasn't sure if that would continue. I was about halfway there when I ran into my friend Brian's ex. She smiled when she saw me. "Ed! Just who I was looking for. I'm having the toughest time with this Physics problem and I could really use your help. Can you come back to my dorm with me and give me a hand with it?"
I had forgotten her name, but I hadn't forgotten her. She was this really cute punk-rock looking Indian-American girl that Brian had been with for about six months before they'd gotten in a big fight about whether or not he was a sexist (he is, but doesn't want to confront that fact, so yeah, I don't have a lot of sympathy for him on that front. She wasn't even like drawing a line in the sand saying she wouldn't date a sexist or anything, she just wasn't willing to tell him that he wasn't one, and he got all pissy about that. He's a good friend, but I always wind up feeling sorry for his girlfriends).
I would definitely describe her as really cute. She had a little bit of a soft figure but was really strongly hourglass-shaped and with nice tits. I mean, not big like Alyssa or Zepz, but definitely a good handful. She was, like usual, wearing jean shorts and a leather jacket over a tank top which, like usual showed just enough cleavage to be interesting. And like usual, she was wearing combat boots. It was those that had lead to me fantasizing in the past about the possibility of her being a ballbuster. She often didn't wear a bra, and I'd jerked off more than once to the idea of seeing her tits jiggle as she smashed those hard, heavy boots mercilessly into my balls again and again. Admittedly, though most of that fantasizing took place before the first time I'd actually gotten busted and learned that my balls aren't actually as tough as I'd imagined.
And now that the opportunity was there, given how much smashing my poor testes had already had and were going to have soon, I just couldn't do it. "Oh, I wish I had time, but I'm on my way over to a friend's dorm room and they're waiting for me, so I really can't take a detour."
She looked a little disappointed. "Well, is there any chance you could stop by this evening? I promise I'll make it worth your while," she said with a little hint of flirtation to her voice, which I wasn't really expecting at all.
I couldn't bring myself to just flat-out say no. "Maybe, if I have time."
"Okay, well, my room is 203 Hamilton, and I'll be there all evening studying tonight. I've got to bring my physics grade up! So if you can stop in at any point, it would be highly appreciated."
"I'll try and find time."
She smiled at me and we went our separate ways.
When I got to Cynthia and Alyssa's place, it was Cynthia who opened the door. Cynthia was wearing tight jeans, like usual, but she was also wearing a tight, low cut top and pointy red high heels and she had makeup on. It looked like she was planning on going clubbing.
Taking her all in, I said, "You look very nice. Are you going out on a date after this?"
"No, silly. Now come on in before someone sees you." I let her usher me in the doorway and then, closing the door behind us, she continued, "Because you know it's coming, it's easy for us to do videos instead of selfies. So I figured that I should look good for it. Hey, Alyssa, Ed's here."
Their room was always very neat, but not that huge and initially I was surprised to not see Alyssa there, but when Cynthia called her, she came out of the bathroom where she'd apparently been changing. When she came strutting out, I was floored. She was wearing a teeny tiny little blue sparkly bikini and black strappy high heels. And when I say "teeny tiny", that is exactly what I mean. The bottoms are just a couple strings and one thin strip which basically just barely covered her pubes and her labia. Her top was just strings and these two little triangles of fabric which only covered her nipples. And given how big her breasts are, it was a visual feast of cleavage, side-boob, and under-boob. And when she took a couple of steps towards me, her whole chest shook, just becoming a landscape of big jiggling mountains. Just looking at her, my cock was so, so hard, just struggling against the gauze I had wrapped it up in. I managed to speak, though, simply saying, "Wow!"
"Yeah, pretty sexy, huh?" she replied. "I think this one's probably the winner, but I'll show you the other one, too, after the kicking. Speaking of which, we should do that first. I think Cynthia should kick first."
"Uh, sure," I said, trying to look vaguely calm on the outside despite the fact that my stomach was doing flips from the anticipation of getting my balls kicked by these sexy girls. Alyssa strutted across the room and picked her phone up of her desk. In the process, I got to see that the back side of her bikini was just as scant as the front: one little slender blue triangle between her big, round ass cheeks. Honestly, the way she looked right then, she could do anything she wanted to my balls and you'd hear no complaints from me.
She directed me to go stand over by the bed and then Cynthia would approach me and just kick me right in the balls. To make it look like we hadn't planned it, she suggested I should be talking when the kick came. So my line was, "Oh, hey, how are you?"
So Alyssa stayed recording and I stood there and Cynthia came striding up and I said, "Oh, hey, how-" and her foot rocketed into my crotch, the point at the toe end of her shoe slamming right into my left testicle with a good deal of force behind it. I jumped up, howling in pain, grabbing at my tender testicle. And then I wound up sort of falling over onto the bed and holding my crotch as I rolled around in pain. She'd really gotten that one so exactly worth the point of her shoe that it felt really brutalized. I was in so, so much pain.
"Wow," I heard Alyssa say to Cynthia. "You really got him good. That may be tough to beat. But I'll try my best once he's up again."
I laid there for a couple more minutes and then Alyssa started to get impatient. "Come on, I need my turn as well. Umm, here, look at my boobs. I bet that'll help you feel better."
When I looked, I saw that she had her hands on top of her head and she was shaking her chest gently back and forth causing her breasts to slowly undulate. It was a magnificent sight, her big tits shaking and jiggling gently. As I watched, I kept expecting a nipple to slip out from behind it’s triangle, but she was shaking with just enough force to jiggle everything, but not enough to set her nipple free. And she was correct, as my cock got harder watching that, my balls started to not feel so bad. So I struggled back to my feet ready for another kick.
Cynthia had the camera this time. We sort of reversed things so that the other side of the room was in the background so it wouldn't look like we'd shot both videos in the same place. This time my love was to be "Wow! That's a great bikini!" (which, of course, it was).
I stood there, legs shoulder-width apart and Alyssa was facing me and sort of bouncing a little on her toes while wearing her tiny bikini which looked pretty amazing, especially how her breasts were bouncing, too. It even looked like one of her boobs was finally starting to bounce free of her top, but before that could come to fruition, Cynthia called, "Action!"
And I, in character, looked Alyssa up and down and said, "Wow!" and then she delivered a perfect front snap kick with the top of her foot slamming right into my balls with astonishing speed and force. I instantly collapsed on the ground holding my poor battered balls and moaning in pain. "Oh my balls! Oh God, my balls!" They hurt so bad that at the time I really thought that she might have broken them. I spent the next ten minutes lying on the floor cradling my balls insensible to the world around me.
When I finally felt aware of the world outside my testicles, I heard the two girls talking. Cynthia was saying, "So I guess I'll just delete this one, then?"
And Alyssa replying, "No! You don't need to delete it just because we can't upload it. I still want a copy and Ed might, too."
"I might want a copy of what?" I asked as I rolled over to face them. They were standing, though, and I was still lying on the ground.
"Ed, I see you're back with us. I have some bad news. It seems my nipple slipped out during the kick. So we can't use the video because the site doesn't allow nudity. So I'm gonna need to kick you again. I'll switch to the other bikini since I'm less likely to fall out of that one."
"We only agreed to one kick, but I'll do it if you send me copies of all the videos and if we talk about what's going on first so that I have some recovery time. You kick really hard!"
"I had seven years of Tae Kwon Do!" she said with a smile. "As for what's going on, that's really simple. There's an app called BallsBounty. It lets girls pay other girls to kick guys in the balls. A girl posts a bounty and then other girls kick or punch or knee the guy in the balls and then they take a picture or video as proof and then they get paid. Get up off the floor and I'll show you."
I managed to climb up to hands and knees and then to climb up onto her bed and sit on the edge of it. She sat down beside me and pulled out her phone. "So, it's organized by city, so you'll only see people near you. But guess who's the number one bounty in the city right now? That's right," she said as she pulled up the top bounties list for our area, "it's you! Some user called HindenbergUncertaintyPrinciple has posted a $5,000 bounty for your balls. Each girl who kicks you gets $50 and up to 100 girls can collect. $50 is the maximum bounty per kick that the app allows. Most people just post like $5 per kick and only just a few kicks. So this is pretty unusual. You must have done something to make her pretty mad. You didn't rape anyone did you?"
"No! I would never!” I said, clearly taken aback. Seeing that she didn’t look that serious about it, I continued, “I honestly don't have any idea at all who this would be. I haven't really done anything to anyone. I mean when I broke up with my last girlfriend, Libby, she was pretty pissed about it, but that was about a year ago, and I doubt she's still angry enough to spend $5000 on it. And since then, other than spending a lot of time going out with a girl who wasn't really that into me, I haven't really done anything dating-wise. I haven't gone out with anybody in at least a month and I haven't even hooked up with anyone since I broke up with Libby."
"Wow, so you really don't have any idea. Well, let's see what we can find out about this HindenbergUncertaintyPrinciple girl. Hmm, her profile picture is just a picture of her cleavage. So we know she has big tits. Let's see if she's uploaded any proof photos or videos that we could maybe recognize her from. Hmm, looks like just one picture. Well, she got that guy pretty good. Huh. More cleavage, but her face is cut off on this picture. That hallway looks familiar."
"I think it's the one in the student center near the bowling alley."
"Yeah, the one in the basement which leads to the bathrooms. So, we know that this girl is a student here who has big tits and a willingness to show them off."
"And that she isn't you."
"Right!" she smiled at that. "Let's try looking at her friends list."
She only had five friends on BallsBounty. Two of them, TallSuperHottie and AnnieTokley had cartoons for profile pictures and hadn't uploaded any proof pictures or videos. The other three had real pictures and had each uploaded a proof picture of two. EvilSmurfette had blue hair and I was sure I would have remembered if she'd been walking around campus. Alyssa checked and you could see that she was from a different area.
TerribleTerrapin looked kind of familiar to me, maybe, but the combination of her name and the University of Maryland sweatshirt she was wearing in her profile picture made it unsurprising that she was also not in our area. But the last girl, PatearHuevos, I recognized. She was the girl from Mexico who'd been in my linguistics class the previous semester. I didn't remember her name, but I had had a lot of friends in that class, so I was sure one of them would remember.
I started texting friends. I found out pretty quickly that her name was Juanita. So then I tried to find out if anyone I knew had her number. While I was waiting for a reply, Alyssa asked me, "How are your balls doing?"
"I think they're all right."
"Okay. Time to try the video again then," she said with a smile, and she went into the bathroom to go change into the other bikini. I got a good eyeful of her ass in the thong as she walked away from me. I felt a little regret. I'd been paying so much attention to the BallsBounty app that I'd not spent much time enjoying the view of her in that tiny bikini and now she was gonna change.
While she was changing, I got the text I was waiting for with info about what dorm Juanita lived in. It had the floor, but not the room number, but that was good enough. Most people would be home after classes on a Monday, so I could easily go there and ask around.
When Alyssa emerged from the bathroom, she was wearing a red bikini. It wasn't as small as the other one, but it was still very sexy. The top had actual cups to cradle her breasts so the bottom and outside of her tits weren't really visible, but there was still an enormous amount of cleavage on display. It seemed like maybe there was even a push-up effect because her big tits looked even bigger than before.
The bottom was also more modest, covering her pubic area pretty thoroughly. But when she did a little turn around to show it off, I could see that this bikini bottom was also a thong. After getting a good eyeful of the whole thing, I could feel my cock throbbing in its wrapping once more.
"So," she asked, "what do you think?"
"You look really sexy in this one, too."
"Well, we'll see if you feel the same way after I boot you in the balls while wearing it," she said, smiling a wicked smile. "Time to pay the price."
So I got up off the bed. I could still feel some soreness in my testicles from the last kick, but it was only a very dull ache. The idea of Alyssa giving me another kick sounded very hot, but the last one had been so forceful that I was more than a little nervous. My heart was beating in my chest as much from fear as arousal. I managed, though, to overcome it and take my position in the middle of the room standing with my legs slightly spread.
Alyssa got into position and Cynthia started recording the video on her phone. After a moment I realized that I should say my line like before. So once more I began with, "Wow! That's -" until I was interrupted by Alyssa's foot slamming into my unprotected testicles with tremendous force. I feel too the floor and curled up into a ball. I grabbed my balls they just hit so very badly. I didn't even say any words or moan. I just lay there silently gasping for air. It had been another very exactly delivered front snap kick.
For the next while I just lay there clutching my balls unaware of anything other that the mighty testicular pain which had engulfed my body. Quite some while later I realized that Alyssa was sitting on the floor next to me and stroking my hair. I let out a quiet moan and rolled over a little so that I could see her. She was still wearing the bikini and getting a fresh view of that made my cock twitch a little, helping the pain in my balls recede from my consciousness.
"How're you doing?" she asked with a real sound of concern in her voice.
"I'll be okay eventually."
"So, everything's still in one piece? Well, two pieces, I mean."
I was pretty sure there'd been no lasting damage, but I gave them a quick feel to be certain. They felt bigger than usual and a little tender to the touch. "Everything is still intact, but they feel tender and I think they're swollen."
"Can I see?"
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," I said, flirtatiously.
"Sure," she said, and, much to my surprise, she took her top off right then. Obviously I had gotten to see a good portion of her breasts when they were in the skimpy bikini top, but still, getting to see the completely without any covering was even better. Her areolas were a nice shade of pink and came to good points. I couldn't help but imagine how nice it would be to suck on them.
Fair was fair so I stood up and pulled down my pants and then my underwear. My balls were very red from the impact of the kicks and were definitely a little bigger than usual although not hugely swollen.
"Wow! Those are red! Cynthia come look at how red we got them! What's with the gauze?" she asked, noticing how my penis was wrapped up.
Cynthia did come over and look while I answered Alyssa's question. "During an earlier kicking, my penis got scraped pretty bad by the heel of the girl's shoe."
"Ouch. How bad is it?"
"It's okay. It's just a scrape. It stings, but it's nothing like the pain in my balls."
"Heh, sorry about that," she said, although I could tell that she wasn't, really.
Cynthia chimed in, "Wow, those are pretty red. How many girls have kicked you today?"
"You're the fifth and sixth ball busters. You're the first ones to tell me why, though. What are the rules of this BallsBounty thing anyway?"
"Oh, they're pretty straightforward. The people who run the site are trying to keep it secret from guys and, like, the police since it could probably be considered, like, conspiracy to commit assault or something. So, in general, no kicking guys where other people, other than BallsBounty members, are gonna see, no using real names for your account, no telling guys why they're being kicked. I think that's it. Do you remember any others, Alyssa?"
"Try not to cause permanent damage. So like no stomping with golf cleats or cutting them off with a knife or anything like that. Although they were fine with that girl who used a taser. Some people thought that that was across the line. Oh, and, of course, no nudity. I think that's just partially because they don't have any good way to make sure that everyone is 18, and they don't want to host anything which could be considered kiddie porn."
"Well, thanks for relaxing those rules a little for me. It was driving me nuts not knowing what was going on."
"Sure," Alyssa responded. You've always seemed like a good guy and it seemed unfair to let you get your balls crushed a seventh time without giving you some clue why was going on. I wish I could tell you who had put the bounty on your balls."
"That's okay. Hopefully Juanita will be able to help me with that. Actually, I ought to get over there. I can probably catch her before she goes to supper."
"That sounds good. Let us know if we can be any help. Oh, though I should warn you that we're gonna be seeing that new Avengers movie with Laura tonight. So after supper, we won't be much help."
"Sure. Have fun."
Continued in Chapter 3.
Brb, downloading the app to anonymously put a bounty on myself
Great series! I wish there was an app like that in real life!
Loving the story so far!
Even better than the first chapter! Keep it up! =D
You know what? This might just be too hot.
I like how each of them comes up with excuses to lure him into their webs, and right when they have him trapped—whamo.
Then him having to trade more kicks for some information, only to learn:
"Some user [...] has posted a $5,000 bounty for your balls. Each girl who kicks you gets $50 [...] Most people just post like $5 per kick [...]. You must have done something to make her pretty mad."
With a bounty that high, all the women in the entire town will be aiming for his balls! :)
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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