A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
The first time I was kicked in the balls was towards the end of my freshman year of college. It happened because I told Libby that I was dumping her. Libby was tall, thin, pretty, and blonde, and we had lots of good sex while we were together, but she always talked down to me and treated me like an idiot just because I wasn't as organized as she was. When I finally decided that enough was enough and that asking her to be nicer wasn't working, I just came over to her apartment and knocked on her door. When she answered the door, she was wearing a black tank top which showed off her very nice cleavage, a cute tan tennis skirt and some black Mary Janes. She looked pretty hot, really, which I’ll admit, did make it more difficult to break it off.
But I steeled myself and told her that I was breaking up with her. She called me an asshole, and then, before I had any idea what she was up to, she quickly swung her leg back and kicked me hard and fast right between my legs, smashing my balls extremely painfully with her foot. I had never been kicked there before by a girl, and she managed way more power than I had guessed she could, and it hurt so much worse than I had expected. My stomach cramped up as I crumpled to the floor in pain and just lay there holding my crotch and moaning. I heard her say that I'd never find another girl as hot as her who wanted to date me and then she closed the door, leaving me there on curled in a ball on her doorstep.
Eventually, I got up, dragged myself home, and told everyone in my favorite ballbusting chat room about it. They were all very jealous. And I may have been a little pissed at her, but honestly I got off so hard when I jerked off that night that I easily forgave her for kicking me in anger.
It was kind of funny that she had done that because when we were dating I'd asked her if she'd kick or punch me in the balls as part of foreplay, and she'd told me that it was weird and that she'd never do it. I guess she only believed in non-consensual ballbusting. Go figure.
Until that point in my life, I'd been fascinated with having my balls kicked, and I'd watched ballbusting porn and even attempted some self-busting, but I'd never had anyone else play rough with my danglers. It was quite a shock, but it definitely fueled my fantasies for the next while. I especially found myself imagining that her roommate, Zepz, had joined in too. Zepz was a brunette who was also tall, slender, and pretty (even if her face wasn't as stunning as Libby’s), but much curvier in the hips and way, way bigger in the chest. I would have loved for her to have given me a kick, too.
It wasn't hard to imagine Zepz giving me a kick because she'd threatened to a couple of times while I was dating Libby and because she'd told me about a few of the times when she'd kicked guys. Generally, it was guys who had let their hands wander without her permission, but it also involved some surprise busts on friends just to see their reaction. So thinking about the two of them double teaming me was sort of a logical extension of my fantasy, if you can really call ballbusting fantasies logical.
Anyway, this is not mostly the story of the first girl ever to kick my balls. That was hot, but, well kind of normal compared to what happened later. This is the story of the second through twenty-third girls to kick or punch or knee or otherwise be mean to my testicles.
It all started about a year later in the last couple of weeks of classes before the end of my spring semester of my sophomore year. Since the first time, I'd not had any more ballbusting and Libby's prediction had at least basically come true. I hadn't really dated anyone since we'd broken up.
One of my high school friends who was a year younger than me (and who I'd long been interested in dating) had started at my university as a freshman that year, and I'd spent a few months trying to get things started with her. She'd been really frustratingly noncommittal about everything, neither wanting to really do anything romantic with me nor to rule it out completely. For months after we went out on our first date, well, the first thing that I would have called a date, she was still saying things like, "I think I like you like you, but I'm still figuring myself out." She was so hot and so smart and so happy to spend time with me and yet, so very wishy-washy about "us".
So that was how I wasted most of my year chasing something that always felt on the verge of being something, but never came to fruition. Anyway, our story picks up after I'd given up on the possibility of anything happening with her. Specially, it begins on a Monday in April after I'd spent all weekend cramming for the last organic chemistry test before the final. I was exhausted, cranky, and frankly kind of horny as I had spent all weekend studying rather than doing much sleeping or any masturbating. But when I walked out of that exam sure that I'd made at least a 90, I knew it was all worth it.
To my surprise, just as I left the exam, Whitney called out to me and motioned me over to her. Whitney had very pale skin with strikingly dark eyes and long black hair. She was lovely and she always wore these very tight sweaters which clung to her really pert, pointy tits and tight little miniskirts which showed off her toned legs and her nicely round ass. She was the hottest girl in that whole lecture, and, honestly, I was surprised she knew my name, much less had cause to call me over.
So, of course, I went trotting eagerly over to her. I was both hopeful that this maybe meant that she liked me or something, and well, I was extra horny, like I said, so right then I was willing to do most anything a cute girl in a miniskirt told me to. When I got there, she said, "Hey, can I ask you something in private?"
"Yeah, of course," I replied and gladly let her lead me down a side hall which just led to a couple of closed office doors. Once we got a bit back from the intersection with the bigger hallway, she pulled me into a doorway and then, after glancing around to make sure no one was watching, she pulled herself close to me. She leaned right up close to me and whispered into my ear, saying, "I just--" And that's when she suddenly kneed me hard and fast right in my groin. I felt the top of her knee just smash forcefully right into my poor testes crushing them against me. My stomach lurched from the massive pain that knee had inflicted on my gonads. My legs became shaky, and then I collapsed to the floor.
She did a little happy dance above me. And then while I still lay on the floor clutching my groin, she pulled out her cell phone and posed above me and took a selfie complete with a big grin.
After a minute or so, I managed to squeak out a question. "Why did you do that?"
She answered promptly with an excited tone of voice, "Oh, I guess you don't know yet. Does that mean I'm your first?"
"Has anyone else busted your balls in the last couple of days? Any other knees, kicks, or punches below the belt in the last few days?"
"Wow! Then I am your first! I've never been first before! I was only second like once! I'm almost always like fourth of fifth once they've already figured out the score. That's amazing. First! I'd better go get this posted."
"What's going on? Why did you knee me in the crotch? Why did you take a picture? What are you talking about?" I was feeling well enough to ask some questions, but not well enough to get up off the tile floor yet.
"Oh, don't worry," she said. "I'm sure you'll figure it out pretty soon. You know, while you can still reproduce!" And with that, she bounced off happily leaving me still trying to compose myself after the blow to my balls.
After a few minutes, I managed to pull myself together and get up off the floor. I kind of wound up with a raging erection, but I tucked it in my waistband and headed back towards my dorm.
I was figuring I'd jerk off and then write a blog post about this mysterious busting by a super-hot girl. I got to the dorm without anything else unusual happening, but then as I got in the elevator, a girl dressed in jogging clothes rushed in just as the doors were about to close. I had seen this girl around before, but I didn't know her name. I'm pretty sure she lived in my dorm and I'd seen her out jogging before.
She was asian, I think Chinese or Chinese-American, and had nice tan skin and long straight shiny black hair. She was really pretty and although she wasn't very tall, had a nice slender figure but with curvy hips. Right then she was wearing a matching light blue spandex jog bra and shorts. They showed off her midriff and legs and shoulders. She wasn't hugely busty, but she had enough up top that the sports bra top she was wearing showed off a little cleavage. She was wearing white sneakers and light blue ankle socks. On the whole she looked really sexy clad in such a tight and somewhat scanty outfit, and I was sneaking quick looks but being careful not to stare as the elevator began to rise.
I glanced away and just as soon as I did, I detected motion on her part out of the corner of my eye, but as I began to turn to look at her again, I felt the toe of her sneaker slam into my testicles at full force. My nuggets were still tender from the previous kick which had only been about 10 minutes before, so I was really overwhelmed by the pain and collapsed on the floor with a grunt.
When I looked up at her, she had her phone out and was snapping a selfie with me on the floor in the background. At this point, as much pain as I was in, my brain was still clearly telling me that something very odd was going on. When the elevator doors opened, she stepped out. In a couple more moments the doors opened again, this time for the floor where I lived, and I managed to crawl out onto the floor in front of the elevator doors. Fortunately, there was no one in the hall to witness my humiliation and pain.
In a couple more minutes, I managed to pull myself up and limp towards my room, figuring that I'd lie down when I got there. But just as I finally reached the end of the hallway where my doorway was, I heard a feminine voice call to me from behind. When I turned, I saw that it was Stacy who had called out to me.
Stacy was this extremely cute redhead who lived on my hall. She had a fondness for button-up blouses and tennis skirts that I always thought made her look really hot. She had very curly hair and very cute freckles all over her pale skin (or at least the parts of it I had seen). She had a good hourglass shape and some nice pert tits which were usually pushing out her blouse. I always thought that she was totally hot and also a really cool girl, but I'd never asked her out because she'd had a string of boyfriends and by the time I had found out that she'd broken up with one, she'd started dating a new one.
That day, she was wearing a red plaid skirt and a white top and black work boots which really gave her what seemed like an accidental punk rock schoolgirl look.
"Hey, Ed! You're just the guy I wanted to see! My window is stuck again. Can you help?"
"Sure! No problem!" I said, not wanting to show how hurt my balls were. I figured that I could hide my pain for a couple of minutes while helping her out. Given that I'd just gotten it right in the crotch twice in a row from pretty girls, you might wonder why I wasn't suspicious of her intentions. Well, it was largely because I'd done this exact same favor for her several times before. The windows in her room really were prone to getting stuck. I'd just helped her with one the previous week, so it didn't seem odd at all. But you might be able to guess where this was going.
I tried my best to straighten up and walk normally as I went to her room. She lead me inside her room and indicated the window in the middle. That one was the easiest to get to since there wasn't any furniture in front of it. I went over to it and squatted down a little so that I could get my hands under the frame with my arms oriented upward. In the process, I spread my legs apart, not thinking anything of it until I suddenly felt her boot slam into my groin from behind.
Unlike the previous couple of groin assaults, this one did not hurt my balls at all. That's because she kicked too far forward and instead of getting my balls, the big rough sole at the toe of her boot had smashed against my dick and scraped down the length of it.
I was initially more stunned than anything, but after just a moment I found myself yelling out, "Jesus Christ! My fucking dick!" It had taken a moment, but the kick had really caused me some serious penis pain.
"Oops!" I heard her say.
And then, as I was reaching down to check to see if my penis was injured, she kicked me from behind again. This one landed straight and true and smashed the hell out of my already tender testicles. I let out a howl of pain and fell to the carpet. I curled up in the fetal position and didn't move at all.
Still I was aware of her saying to herself, "The second one was much better. After all, it isn't called 'dick bounty.'" And then taking a selfie of herself and me.
Then after a bit I heard her leave and then return. "Hey, Ed. Sorry," she said sounding a little sheepish. "I got you some ice." She helped me sit up and put the bag of ice on my crotch. "It'll help reduce the swelling."
Despite the tremendous pain I was in, I managed to ask "Stacy, you're the third girl to kick me in the balls today. What's going on?"
"Sorry. I'm not allowed to say. It's against the rules to tell you. But I will tell you that you've got a lot more of this coming."
She let me recuperate for a while longer there on her floor, and then she helped me up and walked me back to my room with her arm around me to support me as I hobbled.
When I got in the room, she asked, "Are you going to be alright?"
"I think so. It was just pretty rough because I had been kicked on the elevator just before you got me. And I am a little worried about my dick. It's still stinging."
"I don't mind checking it out for you."
"Yeah. It's the least I can do," she said with a smile. I leaned against the wall and she grabbed a chair and sat down in front of me. She undid my belt and then unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down. "Oh, geez, there's blood in your underwear."
I felt distinctly nervous as she pulled it down to take a look. There was a bunch of blood on my penis. The sole of her boot had scraped my dick pretty badly. There was a long red scrape and then a patch of skin along the shaft had come loose and the skin underneath was bleeding. She went and got a paper towel and wet it in the sink in my bathroom.
After she wiped the blood away, she said, "I think it's okay. It's not as bad as it looked at first, and I think the bleeding has already stopped. Does it still work okay?"
"I won't know until something happens to give me an erection. But it's probably fine. I think it was just a surface injury."
"Well, let's make sure," she said and much to my surprise and amazement, she learned in and took the head of my cock into her mouth and began running her tongue around the sensitive rim of the head. Well that definitely got things going, and I soon found myself rock hard.
Once I got all the way up, though, she took her mouth off of me. "Yep. Definitely still works. And you're a little bigger than I would have guessed," she said with a smile. "I'm going to get the gauze from my first aid kit, though. It is still bleeding just a little and it'll keep that bit where a layer of skin has come loose together."
So she went back to her room, leaving my erection bobbing in the air. I tried to jack myself off real quick while she was gone, but whichever way I grabbed it, I felt a really intense pain. The kick had left it so tender that I couldn't find any way to grip it that would actually have worked. I may find ball pain sexy, but dick pain is a boner killer.
She was back with the gauze pretty soon anyway. She wrapped it a few times around the length of the shaft and was about to cut the gauze when I said, "Wait a moment. You said I was in for more of this, and I don't want to get my penis injured. Maybe we should wrap the gauze around my waist and use it to keep my dick up and out of the way."
"Sure. That sounds like a good idea." So she did. I couldn't help but feel like my balls were a little extra vulnerable without my dick hanging in front of them. But I knew I was making the right decision. There was no way I wanted to take any more damage to my penis.
Once she had me all taped up, she left and I lay on the bed and used my laptop while keeping the bag of ice on my balls. I wanted to try and figure out what was going on, so I started searching the internet. I searched for "random girls kicking balls" and "many girls kicking balls" and all I really found were ballbusting videos and stories which were kind of hot, but not at all helpful. "Secret ballbusting" didn't really help either. After a while I gave up. It just didn't seem like the internet was going to help me solve this one.
Continued in Chapter 2.
Cool story hook! Can’t wait for chapter two! =D
Glad that you are back! :)
Oh mah lawd, this is fantastic.
Great intro, looking forward for part 2!
I really like your writing style, btw- you write with a hell of a lot less hyperbole than most people do, and it's really appreciated ^-^
Thanks . I usually just aim to make things sound realistic because I find it hotter that way.
I love the entire premise of this story—girls putting a bounty out to hit some "jerk" in the balls! :)
I haven't had a chance to read beyond Chapter 2 yet, but so far I'm really enjoying it.
How did you initially come up with the concept?
Did you base some characters off real life college classmates?
Sorry to be a little slow to answer. My experience is that whatever post is on top seems to get more reads and likes, so I didn't want to push your or Sean D's new story chapters out of that top slot by answering until they'd each had a few days there. But I eventually figured I should just give up and answer since you're posting so many new chapters that I would never get to answer :)
I came up with the concept because I was thinking about two things. One was that I was thinking that most ballbusting stories focus so much on the ballbusting itself that they can wind up being boring over time. There's a limit to how much variety you can put inside of girl meets boy, girl busts boy. And often when there's something sexy which happens inside of a story which isn't a fetish or sex story, it's actually a little more exciting. It seems more real. So I was thinking about writing more genre stories which included BB but which had a plot which went beyond BB. In particular, I started thinking about how to make a story with a good mystery.
Around the same time, I was also thinking about how so many stories (BB and non-fetish) seem to not really feel modern. Someone had, for example, made a meme out of all of the movies whose central problems could easily be solved if only the characters could just call each other on their cell phones. And thinking about this, I started thinking about how I would make a BB story which really felt fully modern. So, of course, I thought about making some sort of BB app where you could share pictures and videos. Once I thought of that, the idea of making it some sort of bounty app came pretty easily.
For a little bit I then thought about how I could do a story about a bounty app. And I also thought some about how I could do a story with a central mystery. And then after a few days it finally occurred to me to put them together. So I said "What would the mystery be in a story about a ballbusting app?" And the natural answer was that a guy would be getting busted and not know why. So then I built the story around the answer to why a guy could be getting busted by the users of the app without knowing why he was being busted and how he would try to solve the mystery.
The other limit there is that I did want the guy to basically be sympathetic and relatable, so the answer to why couldn't be "because he's a rapist" or something similar. Once I had those restrictions as a basic shape, I solved the puzzle of finding an answer to those questions and then that dictated most of how the plot would go.
To answer your second question, none of the girls are based off of my real-life college classmates. But some of them do have some elements of some of the girls I've known in real life. I did do some "start with girl X, but change some of her features randomly" so that I'm not copying her. But mostly that was just their appearances. Their personalities were more free-form because that was often more driven by the situation. Girls tended to be meaner or nicer or more or less helpful depending on what seemed like it would be hotter at the time or what would help drive the plot.
Anyway, this has become a very long comment, but I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.
As a side note, I should also add that I have also been working on some other stories which are more genre stories, like a teasing story which is a sci-fi story and a teasing and ballbusting humourous fantasy story in the style of Terry Pratchett. But like most of the stories I start, they go for a while and then I write on something else for a while and then I come back for a bit, and then, eventually, it all gets finished, but who knows when all of that will be.
Sorry to be a little slow to answer. My experience is that whatever post is on top seems to get more reads and likes, so I didn't want to push your or Sean D's new story chapters out of that top slot by answering until they'd each had a few days there.
Thanks for the thoughtfulness.
Looks like my Chapter 1 got a few comments/likes, but the others, not so much.
It's okay. I'm getting lots of commentary on the other site I posted it on, and a lot of sparked discussion in PMs. :)
But I eventually figured I should just give up and answer since you're posting so many new chapters that I would never get to answer :)
The Mon+Fri release schedule must go on! :P
I came up with the concept because I was thinking about two things. One was that I was thinking that most ballbusting stories focus so much on the ballbusting itself that they can wind up being boring over time.
Kick kick kick, he took a thousand kicks, then a hundred knees... and now he took 20 more SUPER hard knees, and he finally fell down. As soon as he finished coughing, she kicked him 5 more times:
Kick kick kick kick kick!
The stories have to be spiced up.
And often when there's something sexy which happens inside of a story which isn't a fetish or sex story, it's actually a little more exciting. It seems more real.
Completely agreed.
The other limit there is that I did want the guy to basically be sympathetic and relatable, [...] Once I had those restrictions as a basic shape, I solved the puzzle of finding an answer to those questions and then that dictated most of how the plot would go.
Great. Looking forward to seeing how this story progresses.
As a side note, I should also add that I have also been working on some other stories which are more genre stories, like a teasing story which is a sci-fi story and a teasing and ballbusting humourous fantasy story in the style of Terry Pratchett.
Teasing is always great, adding extra embarrassment on top of already embarrassing situations.
But like most of the stories I start, they go for a while and then I write on something else for a while and then I come back for a bit, and then, eventually, it all gets finished, but who knows when all of that will be.
I enjoyed most of "Film Class Busting".
I love the idea of deciding to shoot a movie and one of the scenes just so happens to be a kick. Then "Oops, the camera wasn't rolling" or "Oops, the angle was wrong"... always coming up with some excuse it has to be shot again! :)
I haven't been hitting like on your stories because the protagonist seems too young for my tastes. You are a good writer, though. I've read some bits of it and I saw enough that I did like that that I was planning to keep an eye out for future stories.
When I talk about teasing, I more mean it in the sense of teasing and denial: girls doing sexy things with guys who are prevented from having orgasms, leading to blue balls and still more desperation on the part of those guys. I'm not much of a fan of "ha ha, you're a loser" type teasing. I should be clearer about how I mean it when I talk about it.
I'm glad you liked Film Class Busting.
I made it to the middle of Chapter 6 last night.
Thumbs up so far. I'll leave comments on each chapter in the coming week, and then I'll message you more detailed notes privately.
When I talk about teasing, I more mean it in the sense of teasing and denial: [...] I should be clearer about how I mean it when I talk about it.
Ahh, tease-and-denial instead of teasing (as in bullying).
I'm not much of a fan of "ha ha, you're a loser" type teasing.
I'm more of a fan of this type, but the other kind can be done to a point.
As you said, variety is better, and there's only so many times you can tease-and-deny in a single story.
I'm glad you liked Film Class Busting.
Caligula had an old story called "Mom's Ball-Busting Videos, Inc.".
I enjoy the idea of creating videos for self-defense, but of course, things go "wrong". :)
I haven't been hitting like on your stories because the protagonist seems too young for my tastes.
Keep reading. The maturity of the main character in those initial chapters wasn't indicative of the rest of the book.
And it really is like writing 45 different 2k-word short stories. Lots of great ideas picked from all over.
I've read some bits of it and I saw enough that I did like that that I was planning to keep an eye out for future stories.
Nothing written yet.
A few plans for story #2. It'll be a Sci-Fi story: Egg Breakers is a mix of Karate+Soccer, this story will be Cheerleaders+Basketball.
I've mostly just been working in the background, editing stories for years instead of writing them.
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