This is a sequel to my previous story, "Revenge of the Ex: You Made the List!"


"Hello?" Richard answers.

"Hey, Richard. It's Lisa." "Uhhh....." "I'm in town. Have you forgotten our agreement?"

" were serious about that?" asked Richard. "Dead serious!" So, are you coming to me, or am I coming to you? Or do I need to post the video from our last encounter, and share it with everyone?"

Richard thought that he could outsmart his ex. He believed that he would have the advantage on his own turf, so he told her that she could come to him. She arrived at his apartment that evening around nine o'clock. This time, she was wearing grey leggings, and a black tank top that was hanging on for dear life. Richard had a secret legging fetish, as he constant watched compilation videos of cumshots on leggings. Lisa closed and locked the door, and then swung him around, pinning him against it. She didn't say a word, but slowly began rubbing on his chest as she softly placed her knee under his crotch. Richard began to speak, but she placed a finger over his mouth, staring seductively into his eyes, and continued to rub his chest.

"You didn't deserve what I did to you last time, did you, Richie?"

"N-n-no," he stammered. "You're right," she whispered as she started to kiss his neck, while still rubbing his chest with her knee in his crotch.






"much more..."

And with that, she drove her knee into his balls, grinding them against the door. "Aaahhhh! Lisa, not again!" "Well, what did you THINK was gonna happen?" she laughed, as he bent over nursing his balls. This didn't faze Lisa one bit. She simply lifted his hands over his hand, feigned as though she was going to kiss him, and drove another quick knee into his nuts, sending him to the floor. He was curled up moaning in a fetal position. "How did that feel, Richie?" she teased, placing her hands over her own crotch, mocking him.

He had zero time to even try to recover. She was already forcing him with his back to the floor, laying on top of him. She then began to stroke his right ear, which instantly made him hard. 

"I'm glad you can still get it up," she said as she stroked his cock with her other hand. "I'd hate for it to get in the way," she whispered, right before slapping his nads. All he could do was moan in pain, because he could not cover up because of how she was laying on him. He was completely helpless.

"I'm going to enjoy this," she said. "I'm gonna tease you with everything I could've been doing to you if you were smart enough to be a good boyfriend. And just when you let your guard down, WAM!" she shouted as she delivered a punch to his balls. 

"Aaaawww!" Lisa, please! 

She adjusted herself just enough to be able to pin his hands to the floor, but not enough to give him any leverage. 

"You like my tank top?" she asked.

"Uhhh.." Richard had no idea how to respond.

"Answer me!" She shouted as she kneed him twice in his left nut. 

"Yes! Yes! It's perfect!" Richard screamed. 

"I wear it for my current boyfriend all the time! Especially when I'm doing this," she said as she pressed her tits into his face. "You wanna kiss them? Go ahead!"

Richard began kissing her cleavage as she moaned softly. She could feel him getting harder beneath her, and delivered another knee.

"Awwww, my baaaalllls!" Richard moaned.

"No Richie...they're MY balls. And I'm gonna do whatever I want to them. Whose balls are they?" she asked him as she began stroking his frenulum with her thumb.

"Y-your balls!" he replied.

"That's right," she said. "They're mine! And I'm gonna have some fun with them!" she said as she punched him square in the nuts!" He moaned again and pleaded with her to stop.

Why should I stop? It looks like you like it! Look at how hard you are!"

"That's becaus---WAM! she slapped him square in the balls in mid-sentence.

"Maybe I'm being too rough on you, she said, as she massaged his balls with her feet. She had the most beautiful toes he'd ever seen, and always wondered what it would feel like to get a footjob from her. 

"Does that feel good?" she asked.

"Oh, yes!" exlaimed Richard. "Much better than having my balls busted."

"Oh, right! That's what I was doing," Lisa said as she delivered bicycle kicks to his balls. She squealed and laughed as he rolled over in pain. "This is too fun! I wonder how much you can take?"

Lisa's assault continued for another hour. She would switch between stroking his cock and balls to keep him aroused, then surprise him with knees, slaps, or punches. She even went as far as to kiss the head of his cock before flicking his balls. 

"Well, I've had enough fun for the day, so it's time to end it." Lisa said.

She placed her knee on both balls, and began stroking the shaft of his cock with her fingers. He wanted the torture to end, but loved the way her hands felt. She continued to stroke his cock while staring him in the eyes without saying a word.

"Lisa! Lisa, I'm about to nut!"

"You're gonna nut?"


"You're gonna nut?"


"Beg me to let you blow your load, Richie!"

"Please, Lisa, let me nut! I'm right on the edge! Please!" 

"Nooo...I think I'll leave you with," she said as she delivered one more knee. Richard rolled over in pained, curled into a ball, moaning. "My balls..." 

"Same time tomorrow, Richie! Now go jack yourself off...that's the only way you'll blow your load after this...otherwise you'll have a stiffy for the rest of the night! Bye!" she said with a smile as she walked out of his apartment, leaving him rolling on the floor. 

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Replies to This Discussion

I loved "Revenge of the Ex: You Made the List!", this is a great sequel! Hope to see more :)

Definitely! I like writing, so I may try to post a story every week or month! Thanks for the support !



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