Write the first two or three sentences of a ballbusting story and see what the AI generates to complete the text:


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Here is the link to the AI text generator: https://talktotransformer.com/

Thanks for sharing this AI, I'm having a lot of giggles with it. I typed some ballbusting stuff a couple times but the completions were too random tbh.

So then I just started typing in random ridiculous scenarios, and the results are pretty funny.

Here's one paragraph I got it to generate (translated into proper English) 

(The bold text is what I wrote, and the regular text is what the AI finished the story with.)

"Sydney's fifteen year old daughter Alice just got back from her first day of school. Although her Alice enjoyed her first day of school, she didn't get along with all of her classmates. The classmate that she disliked the most was named John. When John made fun of Alice, she kicked him in the balls as hard as she could. Unfortunately this was the very first time John had ever been kicked in the balls on school grounds, but he quickly got used to it. Now that he'd come to like it, Alice would sometimes kick John in his balls when he got off the bus or got angry. Alice did say once, "Oh, John's not like me," but that wasn't true. At night time, all it takes for Alice is to see John's erect penis, and she's convinced that she should have kicked him harder. Alice didn't believe she was that good at teasing, but John thought she was."

It's definitely lacking a "plot" but that's a pretty amazing AI language bot

That's not bad. When I tried it, it made so little sense that there was no point in sharing it. Lol. It even had the phrase, "her testicles".

I think your input text is good because there is a "who, where, what, why" context for the AI to build upon.

Right. Annie and I were laughing, trying different beginnings that all were turned into gibberish by the AI, until that one made quite a bit of sense

I'm a programmer with a vested interest in machine learning- so I'm finding it particularly amusing to watch not just how the AI responds to things, but how people respond to the AI responding :P

Wow, that is crazy and awesome

I did a number of ones. Some were incoherent. But this short and simple one worked perfectly!

The girl kicked the boy in the nuts and was later transferred to an ambulance in critical condition. He was then taken by ambulance to the hospital.

An internal investigation is also under way.



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