I was curious if anyone has stories of times they got hurt between the legs while there wasn't anyone else around? (I don't mean intentionally, only times it wasn't planned)

How did it happen, how did you react, did you tell anyone about it? etc.

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There was a time, for about a week, a couple of years ago that I'd drop something like a water bottle, a pen, etc. Go to grab it and either fling the thing into my balls or miss and the follow through went right into my nuts.  I must have done this multiple times a day for about 5 days straight.  All unintentionally, like I forgot I had danglies for a bit.  The water bottle one was actually significant enough to cause me to have to take a moment and I could feel it throbbing when sitting down.

I tried to use this to start a conversation with a female friend but she didn't bite.

Perhaps the worst hit though was pulling my belt through all the loops a bit too vigorously and the clasp catching one of the boys pretty good.  That one actually required a sit.

Multiple times a day? Lol must have been quite a week

Has it happened since then or it was this a short-lived thing?

Just that one week.  I can't even remember a single time something like that happened outside of that week.

I assume my body was like "OH SHIT, I forgot about those, maybe I shouldn't hit them!"


Which is kind of unfortunate in its own right.

Sounds like you just get all of them in at once. Maybe in another few years you'll have another week like that

Lol!  I really should hope for one, but hopefully next time it involves more heavy objects.

What about you?  Ever have any experiences like you're asking about?  The one I always hear about is inadvertently walking into the edge of a table. :p

Just a few months ago I was in our work conference room refilling a stapler— one of those heavier ones that can bind like 20 pages no problem. I opened it up but was only holding the top cover so the rest of the stapler dropped and landed perfectly on both balls, which hurt considerably. I decided to try replicating the accident when one of my female coworkers came in; she was sympathetic and asked if I was okay but also couldn’t help but giggle.

Gotta be careful around that office equipment! Was this bad enough it put you on the ground in the conference room?

When I bought the house I am in, I wanted to put  an inground pool in. Had to drop a number of trees with a chainsaw to make way for the pool. Had felled a number of trees and they were  laying across each other. Time to cut them up to transport. Was standing astride one and cutting them into manageable lengths. Cutting pieces off a tree and it fell onto the tree I was standing astride of. Drove the end I was standing over up into my groin. SAD. Probably a good thing it was an electric chainsaw.

I've sat on myself numerous times, last time being last week. Made me recoil a bit but the pain varies. Last time wasn't the worst - I've definitely sat on myself once when I was in a rush and moving quickly and got full body weight on them.

This one time I was putting a fitted sheet on my bed and I guess my hand slipped and hit my nuts pretty hard. I doubled over for a second, and didn't say anything about it to anyone.

I'm sure it's happened more than once, but the only one I can remember was when I was doing some yard work. I was putting away the heavy extension cord, doing that thing where you wrap it in a loop from your hand over your elbow until its all neat. towards the end, the last bit tends to swing around and the end did a full loop and swung squarely into my left nut. The piece in question is very solid and about the size of those mini soda cans. Stopped me for a minute. 

Once (or twice actually) when I was dirt bike riding I miscalculated a jump and landed short. My legs slipped off the pegs and I smashed my balls against the gas tank. It was brutal as all my body weight went into my balls. I told the story many times to girls when I had the chance.

Another time I was using a tennis ball machine for practice and I got too close to the front of it when I thought it was empty. It wasn't empty and it fired a tennis ball and it hit me square in the balls. That was bad too. I tell that story too when I can.



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