Note: This story is part of a series. I welcome ideas from readers as to what should happen next. Read the story and you’ll understand. Note that all characters are 18+. The students are generally 18 year old first year college students.

Frosh week had been amazing. Kelly, Sarah and Beth busted more balls than they had in their entire lives to that point. Frontal kicks, upper cuts, stomps - they cracked nuts in every way imaginable. Crying, shrieking and wailing had become such common sounds that they tuned them out. Well,  not entirely, but they had become a pleasant part of the routine of the school. They could hardly walk anywhere in the school during a day without seeing a guy rolling in agony on the ground, or grabbing his balls and making hilarious sounds as he tried not to fall over, or laying there curled up in the fetal position and not moving but whimpering and crying deeply like a whipped dog.  

Dean Patricia’s black heels clicked on the hallway floor as she walked around campus. The week had gone better than she could have imagined. She was delighted to see how quickly the young women had transformed in their roles. It only supported her research, which was that females in general did not need much coaxing to play the role of the dominant sex. Everywhere she looked she saw pure sadism. Poor young men in agony, and the girls laughing at them. It was as it should be. 

The girls walked into the assembly hall for the final event of the week. There were a lot of whispers about it. It was going  to be the most intense event of the week, the girls told one another. Not to be missed. Kelly, Sarah and Beth managed to score seats right at the front. 

They made eye contact with Dean Patricia as she mounted the stage, the clacking of her high heels stopping as she took position. Her smooth and strong legs shone under the bright lights. She wore a short skirt and a blouse. Professional looking as always, but undeniably a beautiful woman. 

“So ladies, how has your week been?” 

She was met with a thunderous roar of whoops and hollers. She smiled. Heels stomped down in unison on the floor, as the girls stamped their approval. The menacing stomps of their footwear made the boys flinch, imaging their balls could easily be trapped between those feet and the hard floor. 

“And you boys? How have you found it?” 

The room erupted in laughter. Hundreds of girls pointing and laughing as the boys looked terrified at the ground, scared that the slightest movement might single them out for ballbusting torment. 

“Ladies, you have learned a lot this week. You have learned that you are in every way superior to boys.” the room erupted in cheering. “You’ve learned that it is your unquestioned right to dominate them...” more cheering “... and cause them continuing and instense pain - all for your pleasure.” The applause was deafening.

For a moment Patricia thought the girls were going to storm the boys. She could picture the room descending into chaos of pain and screams. It was tempting... 

“Ladies, ladies, please take your seats.”

The room went quiet. 

“Now boys, I want all of you to reach under your seats and hold up the piece of paper you find there.” All boys did so in unison. A sea of yellow papers emerged. Except for one boy, who held up a red piece of paper. The boy, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a fit build, looked around nervously. His blue eyes darted around as he wondered why he had a different colour of paper...

“You,” Dean Patricia pointed to him. His face went white. “Come up here to the stage.”

The boy quickly made his way to the stage, his eyes widening with terror as he got closer to Dean Patricia. He made his way onto the stage. He kept his eyes obediently downward as he stopped in front of her. The only sound to be heard in the hall was the toe of Dean Patricia’s high heel clacking on the hard wood stage. 

“What’s your name boy?”

“Darren, mam,” he replied.

“Darren. A strong name for a man. And what a strong young man you appear to be.”

He remained silent, unsure what to say.

“Well Darren, I don’t know you. I know nothing about you at all. 

And yet, I’m going to castrate you.” 

There was an audible gasp in the room. Darren’s face went even whiter than it had been. 

“Ladies, Darren here has been selected completely at random. He appears to be a perfectly nice young gentleman. Nevertheless, I am going to crush Darren’s testicles. It is going to be an experience of agony beyond words. Beyond what you or I can imagine” - she smirked - and the room of girls laughed - “and I’m going to do it without mercy.”

Several teachers rolled out a wooden X plank that sat on wheels. Darren’s eyes widened as the reality of her words set in. He couldn’t believe what was happening to him.

“Please, no...” he said quietly. “Please NO!” He said louder. “Please NO!” He squeeled at the top of his lungs. “Please, please!!”

The room erupted into laughter. He couldn’t believe it! They were pointing and laughing at him! Didn’t these girls understand this wasn’t a game? These were his balls! They were going to make him a eunuch! 

One of the teachers grabbed him by the shoulder and he pulled away. Then two tried getting him and he pushed them off. He turned towards the stairs to make a break for it - and launched himself right into the toe of Dean Patricia’s oncoming heel. The hard toe of the shoe sunk deep into his growing as it completed its upward arc, lifting him off the ground and throwing him backwards. 

Dean Patricia wished she had a snapshot for that exact moment every time she kicked a man in the balls. It was so perfect. That look of absolute shock, horror and fear. 

Darren let out a high pitched squeal and launched backwards onto his back. He was screaming at the top of his lungs. 

Dean Patricia smiled. This was only the beginning. 

TO BE CONTINUED- please submit ideas for how you would like this scene to end :)

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Wow...please, please, pleaseeee continue.

I dun know if you are done with writing the ending but, I was hoping that he will only lose one? I hope that he can still retain his testicle...castration, yes but just to toy with him and instil fear? Darren needs testicle(s) to feel pain, lol.

It's been over a year now, I wonder if this will ever continue/get a conclusion.... 

Thanks for the encouragement! I just posted parts 4 and 5, which complete that particular story



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