I was in a very interesting conversation with one of the members and the question came up of "real" busts that have occurred with real actresses/famous women. I know of Lisa Bonet and Avril Lavigne for sure and i remember reading an article that involved 1970s actress Elaine Joice in the 80s. I know Naomi Campbell has been a bitch in the past, but I'm not 100% sure she's actually busted anyone.

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Anita Ekberg kneed a paprazzi
Amy Winehouse kneed a theatre manager in the balls too
Lionel Richies wife apparently beat the fuck out of him and kicked him in the balls... from what i remember he was hospitalized for the overall beating.
Dennis Rodman busted a guy at a basketball game ... I know he's not a famous actress at all but he did wear a wedding dress in public one day and that has to count for something ;)
Shannon Elizabeth - When Shannon was preparing herself for a role as a police officer, she took up Krav Maga. From what her instructors indicated, she was good with the low blows. She had great control with it and seemed to enjoy the training very well and didn't hesitate with a hit to the balls.
I'm sorry, i have to make a correction, the name is Elaine Joyce not Joice.

thank you Lori, i did make a mistake


"Pink kneed John Mayer in the Groin" 




on the very appropriately titled "Popcrunch site :):)

I've heard about Pink being a buster, but I've also heard that Britney Spears nailed a guy in the balls about 3 or 4 years ago. If I find proof, I'll post it.
I think Kelly Hu said she did once, by accident.
How could she not ;)

Johnny BB Goode said:
Not to side track the original question but I wonder how many actresses get a "tingle" when they have to bust a guy for a movie?
I feel like I remember seeing Jennifer Garner do it to Ben Affleck in the making of Daredevil.  She does a spinning back kick, catches him slightly with it and when she realizes it she says "Oooh!  Right in the nuts!"



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