I've been thinking about thrusting myself into the center of attention with one of these discussions.  So, here we go.  Ask me anything!

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1. What's your favorite way to bust? (Technique, What shoes, how hard, how long, etc)

2. What's your ideal ball busting fantasy?

3. What's the farthest/most extreme ball busting that you've ever done?


Tell us about the inspiration for your stories.  Any of your stuff come from your real busting experiences?  By the way...your stories are great, and you are a talented writer.  Guys if you havent checked out Tanya's stories.....do so!  

When you talk about ballbusting with someone, what do you like to talk about? Any favorite topics or questions you like to ask?

I like to make threats (usually just goofing around) so I can see the look of fear on a guy's face.  It makes me feel so powerful to see that I can cause such fear in even the strongest of men.

For similar reasons, I like to hear guys tell me their stories of experiences being sacked.  They make these crazy expressions of fear/pain/etc. when they even just think of the experience.  And hearing stories like that makes me feel lucky not to be a guy, lol.

Hello Miss Tonya Crusch,, I love being man,, all so love a Lady punches and kneeing me there,, ben in to that now for about 40 years now,, love the pain,, ( do you like give bb pain ?? )

hola soy de Barcelona....

hola senor! hola!

hola, me llamo iker de Barcelona tengo 24 años, te mando mi correo por si quieres seguir hablando arnaualvarez@Hotmail.es también es mi skype, no sabia lo que era el ballbusting asta que las chicas de mi grupo empezaron a jugar al tiron jeje...ya te contare

Which do you prefer, the fantasy of imagining a potential bust or the actual act of busting a guy?

Also, would you ever (or have you already) played roshambo against a guy?

Did you have a friend or two that you would always threaten, or even sack tap?

I also love the verbal aspect, and would like to hear some of your favorite stories if you feel like sharing.

Have you gotten guys to cover their nuts with your threats?

i have some friends, actually one of my friend's bf and his "bros" play sack tap against each other and i sometimes play as well.

as for guys covering their balls, i think that's the typical response to a threat (at least to a credible one)

Hi Tonya. Hope you are well. I'm new + would like to discuss w/you sometime. Are you still taking questions?



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