I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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have you busted someone barefoot or in flip flops?

Please tell the story

Yes, I have busted a few times with just bare feet. Twice was on my husband and the other was on a friend.

My hardest and favorite time was about 6 years ago while spending the week at a friends beach house. It was early in the morning and were were play fighting and slapping at each other. I kicked him fairly hard in the balls and it dropped him to the kitchen floor.

I finds it fun and enjoyable to bust my husband, my friends and the rare random stranger. Probably the Random Stranger is different because of the fact that I was randomly able to bust someone i didn't know.

Good question and yes, I've experienced those thoughts before. Those thoughts actually date back to when i was probably 12 years old. It doesn't happen all the time like that in mid conversation, but my mind does wander while I'm talking to guys and thoughts like ... " I could really hurt him" or just "how vulnerable he is" crosses my mind.

I've also heard some members mention the thought of "I wonder how hard a bust he can take" or "He'd be pretty cool to see get dropped".  :)

it's hard not to have it cross your mind in one form or another once you hit a guy there or if you have a fetish for it. These thoughts just pop up.

hey do u need a ballbust slave for a day????

I have enough nuts, balls and eggs for a girl to handle.

My most common bust is using the quick backhand on the balls, but recently I've developed into liking the knee somewhat more now then i have in the past.

I like to have shoes on if I'm kicking, but i have hit guys with my bare feet. Seeing that i backhand and knee most when busting balls, the shoe i have on really doesn't matter.

My first bust is on my profile - http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/profile/LilSuzy

It took place during my senior year at high school and during Track and Field practice after school. Myself and the team Shot Putter were horsing around as the coaches talked to the team. I'm not sure, he either tried biting or licking my ear and that's when i kneed him in the balls hard (probably my hardest bust i ever dished out). He yelled out in pain and dropped to the ground. The entire team and the coaches looked over. The team started laughing at him and eventually the coaches even started picking on him too. He sat on the bleacher and couldn't participate in practice that afternoon. 

Why have you decided you like kneeing more now then before? Any particular reason

I don't know, I've just noticed the I've favored the knee recently. At least more then i did say one or two years ago for sure. Back hands and slaps are still my top way to hit.

Thrilled you decided to start up an Interview!  Wanted to write earlier but needed to think of something to ask that I hadn't already in regular conversation.

1) What has made you more confident... and in what way do you mean more confident?  As in more confident in accepting that you're into it and/or more confident in doing it?

2) You'd mentioned busting both friends and your hubby.  Does it matter at all what the guy is wearing?  I don't necessarily mean like underwear/naked or that kinda thing, but somehow all else being equal, I can see it being pretty amusing busting a guy who's all decked out in a nice suit as opposed to casual shorts and t-shirt.  Then again, perhaps not.



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